chapter 2

Half Blood Beauty

She drives a little further and comes across a dirt road that she takes. It leads her up a hill to a beautiful little mansion type house. She pulls up to the back of it and enters into a garage. She parked her bike and heads inside a little room put off onto the side. There she starts to strip of the tight leather clothing. Her once tied up crimson hair is now black as nightand her black eyes have now turned to a soft hazel. She leaves the room with only boy shorts and a tank top. As she heads inside her home she abruptly stops upon hearing a soft “meow”, in the distance. She swiftly turns around and is welcomed by a set of yellow feline eyes. A smirk breaks open on Tias’ face; the feline comes closer to her and starts to purr around her legs. “Where have you been tonight?” asked Tia as she picked the feline up and walked into her home.

As Tia walked in she was ambushed by her maid Sette. “Oh My Mistress how are you? Are you hurt? Are you hungry? What can I do for you?” Tia showed one of her rare smiles and said “I’m fine Sette you shouldn’t worry about me so much, please take  Tyed and feed him” With that said she passed the feline on and  petted her maids head. As she made way to her room she was cut off by an unfamiliar face staring at her from the staircase. She quickly went into battle mode as she dropped down to a crouching position. “Who are you and why the hell are you in my house?” hissed Tia. 

“Whoa there kitty calm down I’m here to send you a message that’s all.” Replied the man as he held his hands up. “Well then why the hell are you up there where my room is”. With that Tia pounced up the stairs and through the man down to the ground. “Hmmm you’re a feisty one aren’t you” he smirked and replied.

“You must really have a death wish you piece of shi-“TIAAAA” screamed Sette. Tia’s head shot up she turned around and there was Sette being held hostage by a man clad in black.

“Who the hell are you guys and what do you want!” yelled Tia as she turned her attention back to the man underneath her. “Well I’m here to deliver a message” shrugged the man underneath her. “But I have no idea who he is our what he wants”. With that said Tia stared into his feline eyes. She then jumped off of him and turned her full attention to the man holding the now unconscious Sette. “Let go of her” growled Tia. The man grunted and said “Once you hand yourself over to us my,”

 “Hmm so you’re just another death dealing Demontrying to get me are you. Well I’ve got some news for you” Tia said as she disappeared “I’m not as week as I look” she said as she came up from the back of him and stuck her hand through his chest and caught his heart with her hands. It was still beating as she held the black heart in her hands. The demon then dropped Sette and screamed as he was engulfed by flames and burst into ash.

Tia walked over to Sette and checked to make sure she was ok. Once she knew the other was fine she carried her of to her room and laid her in bed.

As she made her way back out of Sette’s room she was greeted with the sight of the man sitting in her lounge room with Tyed sitting next to him. “So what’s this message you have for me?” inquired Tia. Looking away from Tyed the man smirked.

“Why don’t I introduce myself first.”




Can you guess who the man is?

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DreamyFantasies #1
Chapter 9: Update more soon i wanna read more !!!
blockbangel #2
I want more! Update
Tee-Kay89 #3
blockbangel #4
Keep the characters, more more more!!!! I want more! Update!
Tee-Kay89 #5
Omg I love iyt!!!!!!! Lol I somehow figured you would introduce some of you biases in this chapter:) hehe keep it up!!!
blockbangel #6
Plz update, it is really interesting. I love movies with the angel/demon/vampire theme going on!
Tee-Kay89 #7
Tee-Kay89 #8
Ayyyyy I like the story soooo far!! Um how about that rapper from Myname?? The one that you liked when we first saw their music video....