

" Ya! Hyung!" I called for a boy that once was my age who was sitting on top of a Rock as he watched the sea. 

He hummed but never turned around to face me. 

" Hyung what are you doing?" I said smiling with him as I sat besides him in this huge rock. When he didn't respond I started to think he was mad at me for not seeing him yesterday. "
Hyung are you mad at me? Because I couldn't go to your 7th birthday? " I asked him scared for his response. " Hyung.....Please don't be mad at Jihoon he didn't mean it. " I said tears already forming my eyes. But still the boy did not respond. I started to shake his shoulders until I got tired and cried, I haven't even seen his face yet. " Hyung! look at me now!" I commanded, boogers coming from my nose as I cried, that was expected of a six year old. I was slightly happy to see that he finally showed some kind of reaction but when he turned to face me I screamed at his face! That's right he didn't have no eye balls at all! He laughed and smirked as I ran away from him! Running for my life but I got nowhere. 

'Jihoon' he called for my name but I kept running even though eventually he was gonna catch me. 

" Jihoon." I heard a different voice this time. I turn around to peek but no one but hyung was there. ' who could that be?' I thought still running. " Jihoon." I heard him again. 

" Seungcheol hyung is that you?" My little tiny self called to the sky hoping for a response but he only called my name again and again......He can't hear me. 


I wake up once again in my room.  The curtains were changed to look a bit more darker so that I'd sleep peacefully in the day without the sun having to disturb me. Tired knowing that I'm gonna have to get up, I rise from my bed and search the cabinets for some clothes. I pull out a plain baby blue shirt and some greenish shorts. I go and take a shower, eat something for breakfast and go catch a cab to go to the hospital.  Inside the hospital like usual I have to sign my name in to confirm that I came here, I went to the cafeteria and bought coffee with milk and sugar, and an egg sandwich before going to the elevator on the 1st floor. To be honest I don't really like elevators because they make me feel nervous and sweaty. Like if I'm locked in a small box but I still take it anyway since I'm not gonna go all the way to the 5th floor on the stairs. 

Once I arrived I went straight to room 345pc. There I saw a boy sleeping peacefully on a bed. Guilt arises inside my body and I was afraid to enter any further feeling unwelcome. Just like yesterday. The boy inside this room with hair dark as night, long eyelashes, and dried lips saved my life the other day. If It weren't for him...I'd be- 

" Jihoon you are here again." I heard a voice.  His voice is rough, kinda low, and weak but still audible for me to hear. 

" uh y-yes." I answer. 

" How are you feeling today?" He asked looking concerned probably referring to the little scratch I have  on my forehead. 'Are you kidding me? He has an injured ankle and he's worried about the scratch that I have? Is this dude like mental or something? Why would he jump in front of a car for me in the first place? If it were someone normal-they wouldn't even spare me a glance and let me die over there.' 

" Shoudn't you be focusing on your own injuries?" I said rather coldly even though I don't mean it like that. I see him frown a little looking down at his lap probably feeling insulted making me feel weak and mean. " I-I brought you something." I quickly said handing him the bag of the sandwich and then the coffee. His face brightened up as he showed his usual smug smile. 

" So you do care for me after all~" He sang searching in the bag. " Thank you~" He thanked me really cutely for a hyung. 

" W-who me? I don't care for you! I-it's that I should have at least brought you something to eat." I defended myself from his statement cursing my reddening cheeks. 

" Uh huh~" he hummed still with that smirk in his face. He is now eating the egg sandwich that I bought for him happily, singing along to a tune as I sit here in the hospital chair keeping him company. That's what I should at least do. I want to do more for him since it's my fault but.....what? 

" So do you always act this cold towards everyone?" He said suddenly but I refused to answer that kind of question. " Looks can fool ya, you know." 

" What do you mean by that?" 

" you ere really cute yet you are kinda isolated." He admitted taking a sip of his drink and I blush. " Hey~ don't be offended it is actually a compliment." He said. 

" I hate compliments." I responded coldly again making him frown a little. Then he started laughing. 

" you are too cute! I'm sorry I can't take you seriously." He laughed at me and I blushed yet again at the compliments. 'Can't take me seriously? Well he should.' I thought in my head. 

The door opened and I thought it was the nurse coming here to treat Seungcheol hyung but instead a tall guy ( Well to me) with long healthy brown hair came inside with a large bag in his hand. He saw me sitting here and rolled his eyes before smiling at Seungcheol hyung. I got used to it of course, being insulted and mistreated by everyone both physically and emotionally. I saw as they both smiled at each other and cooed like a couple so I got this chance to get out of the room unnoticed since Seuncheol hyung got himself another company.  It's how it's always been. No one knows that I'm gone. And it's for the best anyway, I felt uncomfortable there with all the compliments this fool was giving me, Plud I'm not much as a social buddy, he would probably enjoy that other guy's company more than mine. 

" Uh excuse me?" I heard a voice behind me. ' Could it be that he did notice I was gone?' I thought but when I turned around it was one of the doctors and I frown. ' Why am I acting like this though? Of course Seungcheol hyung wouldn't notice I've left.' 

" yes?" I answered the man somewhat politely. 

" you dropped your money" he pointed the floor where the 20$ dollars I had laid. 

" Thank you." I answered and he left on his way as I picked it up. 


L: Really short chapter today so sowwy~ plz don't me mad. >\\\\< 

Just so you know guys I feel like I made a mistake~ I feel like I've rushed some things. 

To add on guys I'm finally changing my username!!! I had to had 500 karma points to do it and I finally have it!!!!!!

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Angel_Gibbs #1
Chapter 21: Hello again^^
They are so sweet<3
Looking forward to the next chapter. Maybe I will imagine some cute moments for the time gap (=^^=)
kamoi_mac #2
Chapter 4: So you used the word "midget" to describe Woozi, I must admit that's my term of endearment to Woozi. I dont say it openly, only when I spazz about him privately. Woozi is taller than me and I am older than him, so I dont say it to be rude. So offence taken with the term.
KkamJongMin1314 #3
Chapter 20: do I vote ???!!! TT_____TT.....I really want this story to continuuuuuuue~~~!!
Chapter 20: chapter 20: I wanna vote for this but how do i do so???? I really like this story~~~
LemonCandy1093 #5
Chapter 20: Vote? How do I vote!?! Because I must vote because I really don't want this story to stoppp not when its so good!!!
Chapter 20: Noo you can't stop this here just yet! *^* i really wanna know what happens next >.<
bidlv4evr #7
Chapter 20: This is a sweet story. I don't want it to be stopped.
LemonCandy1093 #8
Chapter 19: I will never lose interest author-nim! (especially if there is jicheol on top XD) and yay fluffy fluffy jicheol XD thank you author-nim for this fluff-tastic update, and of course I love too much, why would I want to kill a person that writes fluffy fluffy jicheol??? XD (I think I'm being way to cheesy right now XD)
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: its so cute:) I WANT MORE
hotpinksparkles7 #10
Chapter 18: Cute. I was getting scared that jeonghans heart will break.