

" Aish, They are picking on that kid again? when will they ever get a life?" I heard Jeonghan behind me but I didn't really care what he was saying, I was just really concerned for jihoon. Unconsciously i stood up walking in the middle of the cafeteria where everyone was laughing except for Jihoon who might be in the verge of tears. He is a strong delicate flower, i could tell he was trying his hardest not to release his tears in front of everybody and he was practically almost shaking. I move besides him and place my hand to rest on his trembling shoulder trying to shower him with the best comfort i can give. He flinches at my touch and looks up from hiding his face before he frowns at my sight, I don't blame him. He got embarrassed in front of everybody including me and he probably thought i came in to join in the laugh. The guy whom i assume threw Jihoon's tray at him was giving me a questioning look as to why I was helping his target instead of laughing and mocking him like the others were doing. 

" Who are you?" He said looking down at me as the laughter ceased and everyone turned their attention to me. 

" It's not your concern." i responded carefully removing the tray from Jihoon and grabbing his arm urging him to stand up. Jihoon was confused and lost but he allowed me to lead him on, Hopefully this will distract him from shedding tears because if he does shed tears......I'm going to shed some blood.  Nobody deserves to be treated like this just to give other people "Entertainment' in their boring lives! 

" W-what are you doing with the Midget?" The guy asked still taken aback of myself being because i had no fear for him. This time i got angry at the " Midget" Comment towards my delicate flower and i looked at him as calmly as i could, fearless overpowering my eyes. " I already told you. Nothing about me is your concern, So if you please. Can you  sit back down with your little friends and go get a life?" I said turning back my attention to Jihoon who was staring wide eyed at me with his mouth hanging agape like if he couldn't believe what he just heard. At that moment i would have smirked at him, cupping his cheeks, showing him that such a person like me exist but the time and place was too grave to do that.

" What did you-" the guy began but i interrupted him. 

" Oh and Jihoon is not a midget. Be sure to address him by his name next time, got it?" i winked at him before leaving the cafeteria with Jihoon. Behind me i heard a few whispers. I could make out 'he is cool~'  'Is he new?'  ' that dude is a badass.' 

Jihoon let me lead him inside one of the bathrooms without saying a word. When we got inside the and the door was closed i bended down on the floor and searched for something in my school bag which was hanging on my shoulder this whole time. Jihoon only stayed silent and awaited for what i was going to do next, He probably hasn't processed what just happened back there. " Here we go." i grunt pulling out a yellow sweater. I pointed the sweater in his way and he only blinked at me looking clueless. He is so cute!

" Are you going to put it on or not?" i asked and he slowly picked the sweater into his pale own hands. He looked at the sweater for a while, thinking of something before shoving it at my face. 

" thanks but no thanks. i didn't ask for your help back there." He finally said and back to his old independent and isolated self. What he said was kinda rude but expected, i knew that he was going to be difficult and stubborn but i still believe that he needed to be taken care of. 

" I know. But i'm not like everyone else, i'm a kind person." i said coming towards him and this time he scoffed at me. " Believe what you want to believe...but i won't be at ease until i know that you don't have that dirty shirt full of pasta and tomato sauce, and that you at least have a plate of food in your hands so that you don't starve." i offered my sweater again hoping that he won't stay stubborn. 

" what are you my mom?" He scoffed.  To my dismay he rolled his eyes and looked at his reflexion in the mirror to avoid my gaze. 

" Think about it Jihoon, You don't want to go to class or spend the rest of the day with that shirt smelling of tomato right? Take my little but welcoming offer and let me help you, Please." I wasn't sure but i think he softened at the last part. He sighed grabbing the end of his shirt,  pulling it up exposing his white like a snowflake flat belly and i just stared at his complexion. When he finished taking off his shirt i noticed thanks to my staring the boy felt uncomfortable so i just quickly gave him my sweater and looked away, waiting until he finished.  

" Thanks." i hear him behind me and i turn around to see the most cute and adorable little boy i've ever seen! His bleached blonde hair was messy after taking off his shirt and putting my sweater on, he had this slight shades of pink  of embarrassment on his chubby-like cheek, And if my sweater didn't make him look cute enough because my sweater was really big on him with the words 'i love you' written in a donut theme, he also had to be clutching the ends of my sweater looking down nervously like the cute little boy that he is. Too bad that his eyes don't share that innocence. 

" let's go get you some food, hmn?" I hummed offering my hand. he hesitated for a long time before placing his hand on mine as i lock finger together with him. "W-what are you doing? Why are you holding me like that?" i heard him stutter behind me but i decided not to answer before i stutter myself thanks to his cuteness. With him still in my hand struggling to get out I make the line to  get another tray for him. Thankfully the line wasn't too long and Jihoon was able to get his pasta with tomato sauce again. Jihoon was walking and following behind me when i stopped into a halt and i turned around to face him. We both didn't say anything until i spoke. 

" I'm sure you would like to eat by yourself right?" i asked and he nodded his head slightly. But inside me i felt bad and i felt like if i were abandoning him so i asked him again just to make sure he wouldn't miss my company. 

' or would you like me to sit with you?" i ask. Gulping down on the saliva i didn't know i suddenly had. The boy nodded his head 'no'. i sigh feeling a bit hurt but not too much because i expected this and i didn't get my hopes us. " That's fine. Enjoy your food dongsaeng." i bowed and he returned it. After giving him a quick smile i walked off into nowhere in particular. 

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Angel_Gibbs #1
Chapter 21: Hello again^^
They are so sweet<3
Looking forward to the next chapter. Maybe I will imagine some cute moments for the time gap (=^^=)
kamoi_mac #2
Chapter 4: So you used the word "midget" to describe Woozi, I must admit that's my term of endearment to Woozi. I dont say it openly, only when I spazz about him privately. Woozi is taller than me and I am older than him, so I dont say it to be rude. So offence taken with the term.
KkamJongMin1314 #3
Chapter 20: do I vote ???!!! TT_____TT.....I really want this story to continuuuuuuue~~~!!
Chapter 20: chapter 20: I wanna vote for this but how do i do so???? I really like this story~~~
LemonCandy1093 #5
Chapter 20: Vote? How do I vote!?! Because I must vote because I really don't want this story to stoppp not when its so good!!!
Chapter 20: Noo you can't stop this here just yet! *^* i really wanna know what happens next >.<
bidlv4evr #7
Chapter 20: This is a sweet story. I don't want it to be stopped.
LemonCandy1093 #8
Chapter 19: I will never lose interest author-nim! (especially if there is jicheol on top XD) and yay fluffy fluffy jicheol XD thank you author-nim for this fluff-tastic update, and of course I love too much, why would I want to kill a person that writes fluffy fluffy jicheol??? XD (I think I'm being way to cheesy right now XD)
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: its so cute:) I WANT MORE
hotpinksparkles7 #10
Chapter 18: Cute. I was getting scared that jeonghans heart will break.