TGG ❦ 6.

The Gamer Girl [HIATUS]

Chapter 6: don't tell me otherwise

"Hey," Kyungsoo’s brown wide eyes and black hair reminded her of his modesty. It was just like him to do that and not make any changes to his physical appearance. "Bi An, what are you doing here? Are you interested in VRs too?"

"Who? You have the wrong person," The girl in front of him slowly backed up, but lamely stopped in her track when her back hit a tree. Kyungsoo showed the slightest hint of a smirk.

"Oh? I don't know, but I believe that you do." He moves forward, lips tugging into a smile, "Know yourself better than anyone else."

"I'm Bi."

She tried.

"Right, you are Bi." He smiled.

Again, she tried her best to mislead him but she just wasn't cut out for acting, was she?

"Well, you were just about to get equipment right? Come on, let’s go," Kyungsoo tugged on her hand to pull her back into the store.

"W-Wait!" She calmed herself down before talking more, “Could you please keep it a secret that I am Bi An? I didn't think I would meet someone from school out of all things..." She mumbled and panicked because she couldn’t come up with any more excuses.

"Arasso! Don’t worry! But if they figure it out themselves, it's not my fault okay? Because one glance and anyone would figure it out." He smiled mysteriously, "Anyways, you talk so much more here. I'm glad. Quite similar to Sehun, except that his case is shyness around girls. He's fine on the internet though."  Kyungsoo explained as he stepped into the store. He sent a friend request and a yes/no option surfaced in front of her.

D.O has sent a friend request. Do you wish to accept?

Bi An faced him and couldn't resist a chuckle. "D.O?"

"What?" He replied back, embarrassed, “Don’t mock me, the guys are already doing so much damage to me internally as it is.” They both laughed. 

"Anyways, I'm going up to the female floor..." She was about to dash up the stairs but was stopped by someone. She groaned inwardly.

I was going to run up and erase my existence...and I would have tried my best to avoid wherever they went. Why are you doing this to me?

Bi An turned back to see the redhead, Byun Baekhyun staring back at her with his orange eyes.

"Hey, have I seen you before?" His eyes twinkled.

"Obviously not, this game only started today," The sass that she had been hiding in her head popped out.

Oops. She sweat dropped and tried to run up the stairs but his grip was tight for a beginner. They were suppose to have the same stats for goodness sake!

"Baekhyun, stop picking girls up!" Kris rolled his eyes.

"But she came in together with D.O, doesn't that mean something?" Chanyeol joked.

"She's my friend, uh, from elementary school!" Kyungsoo claimed in haste. It looked like everyone believed him because they didn't question further and instead started introducing themselves.

"Hi, I'm Kris and it's nice to meet you." He was sporting blonde hair and red eyes.

"Baekhyun here!" He winked and held her hand for a tad moment too long before Kyungsoo shook it off for her. 

"Hi, I'm Sehun," He rubbed his neck shyly and looking from the front, she could see his pale silver eyes.

"Chanyeol in the house!" He peace signed and pulled out his fist, Bi An reluctantly holding her hand out and bumping it in the process. She chuckled at his honey-yellow eyes and noticed that his hair was dark brown instead of black.

"Kai here." He gave an alluring grin that even captivated her heart. He was sporting white hair and red eyes. 

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Suho.” He seemed to be the nicest out of the group although he had black hair and red eyes that resembled him to a devil and not an angel.

"Chen is my name!" He chuckled and it reminded Bi of an evil plan that was going to hatch anytime soon. She observed the brunette and his green eyes. Well, he totally spelled trouble. Better stay away from him.

"I'm Bi," She nodded in an effort to be nice.

"You want to join the party? Six is the max but you can join Kris and Suho, don't depend on them too much though." Chen sniggered.

"That's it Jongdae, I'm kicking you out." Baekhyun rolled his eyes.


"It's fine," Bi An intervened, “I-um don't need a party. And I'm going to go find some armor so you all can get along your way now." 

"We can wait for Kyungsoo’s friend-"

"No! It's alright. Um, as you all know, girls take a long time shopping?" Bi An broke into nervous laughter and cleared once Kyungsoo was looking at her with a raised eyebrow. 

"Uh, so you can get along your way, bye," She raced up the flight of stairs. 

She chose a 1000gold white hood that flared out at the bottom and a 500gold white skirt with a pink line going around the end. Both the items gave her better defense compared to the other lightweight items. She equipped them and pulled the hood over her pink hair. At least she now had a cover to hide from others if needed.

She had heard the ruckus downstairs disappearing a minute or so ago and she headed downstairs with ease, thinking about her empty wallet until she actually saw a bunch of similarly dressed yet handsome teenagers crowding the entrance of the store. 

"Girls take a long time shopping? It’s barely 5 minutes you know?" Jongin smirked.

Him and his smartass comments. She sighed.

"Oh hey, what are you doing here? I forgot something down here and I'm just going to go up again-!"

As soon as she took a first step, she got pulled back and soon she was swiveling out the front door. A notification sounded.

"Shall we?" 


MarioNe's note:
i'm sorry for the long wait! here it is! hehe. btw, exo's monster is freaking dope! i can't. IT'S TOO LIT MY COM IS GONNA SET ON FIRE. me rn: screw this story and write a monster AU story but i can't because well, responsibilities >.>

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lel. a unicorn made a poster for me, thank you ^.^


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Chapter 8: This is really beautiful. I love it at first read. Just the first chapter kept me reading on until the last updated chapter. It really solidifies the fact that EXO and virtual reality games should be written more.
Chapter 8: This is gold!! It's the first time that I've read something like this, video games and exo are definetly the best combo in existance. I also really like how Kyungsoo is such a cutie and not so serious. I really hope one day you can continue with this story!!
SAy_ma_name #3
Chapter 8: This fic is amazing....I hope u will update soon cuz I'm getting anxious... Please don't abandon this story...
Chapter 8: loving this so much, ur such a great author ^^
Chapter 8: LOL OMG I'd ing my pants if a game like this actually existed and hotties like EXO were my friends ? xD
Chapter 7: I love the concept of this story! Excited for future updates :)
Chapter 7: This is such an interesting story xDDD Like I don't know it's so unique I like it
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update! I'm really interested in this story because it's so unique and fresh. Can't wait to read more!
Chapter 6: This gives a nice feeling! I would love to see more interactions between her and the boys ^^
I feel you on the comeback, girl. It killed me over and over again.
PunkRock123 #10
Chapter 5: Can't wait for your next update ^^