To the Island

Stranded & Helpless Together


Pain. Intense, head splitting pain. 



A nearly inaudible groan slips past Namjoon’s lips as the incessant pounding in his head pulls him from the dark depths of unconsciousness. He finds


it nearly impossible to open his right eye and frankly, with the pain pulsating from it, he isn’t sure he wants to. Deciding against opening his eyes for


the time being, he concentrates on his other senses to try to comprehend the situation he is currently in. The left side of his face is pressed against


something warm and moving, Namjoon can feel muscles contracting against his face with every movement. He feels a strange sensation of something


cold and wet moving against the lower half of his slumped body and after several moments of confusion, he comes to the realization that it is water


flowing around him. 



‘But why are we in the water?’ Namjoon wonders. Strong arms are wrapped around his legs with their hands holding the backs of his knees as


whoever is carrying him sways with the movement of the water. As Namjoon becomes more aware of his surroundings, the pain intensifies and he


begins to tremble against the person carrying him. His agonized groan causes whoever is carrying him to pause in their movements. 



“Hyung..?” The characteristically deep voice of Taehyung cuts through the haze of pain that has settled in Namjoon’s mind, the sound of his


dongsaeng’s voice giving him some comfort. He feels Taehyung turn his head to look over his shoulder at him. Unfortunately, the movement causes


the younger’s ear to press against Namjoon’s injured face and he yelps, throwing his good eye open and reeling backward as a fresh spike of pain


pierces through his skull. The force of his action throws Taehyung off balance and they teeter for a moment before a pair of hands appear in


Namjoon’s vision, steadying them both before they can tip over backwards into the rolling waves of the ocean. The sudden starting and stopping of


motion causes Namjoon’s world to swim nauseatingly and he squeezes his eye shut, leaning his throbbing head against Taehyung’s back, resisting the


urge to vomit. 



“Woah there,” Namjoon recognizes the voice of Hoseok as a hand begins rubbing his back gently, “Glad to see you’re awake, Namjoon-ah.”



“I-I’m sorry, hyung. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Taehyung whimpers the apology, tightening his hold on Namjoon’s legs as they continue their


journey forward through the waves. Swallowing down his nausea, Namjoon moves his dully aching arms to curl loosely around his dongsaeng’s neck,


hoping the younger would get his silent message that all is forgiven. 



“Joonie, do you remember what happened?” 



Daring to crack his eye open, Namjoon finds Hoseok gazing at him with worry as he wades through the steadily shallowing water. Slowly, so that the


world doesn’t decide to start spinning again, he lifts his head to look ahead over Taehyung’s shoulder. Up ahead is an island, its shore is only a few


yards away. He has a moment of confusion, his pounding head making it incredibly hard to think, before the events prior to him blacking out come


flashing back to him in broken pieces. He remembers the blaring alarm waking him from his nap, the maknae line’s terrified faces, and the steadily


approaching sea.



“The plane…our..plane…crashed.” It is torture to speak. His throat hurts, his mouth feels dry, and his words come out mumbled and slurred but


thankfully Hoseok is still able to understand. He nods, the concerned look on his face lessening in intensity but not disappearing completely. 



“That’s good. At least you can remember what happened.” Namjoon hears Hoseok say as he closes his eye again, leaning his heavy head on


Taehyung’s shoulder. A part of him notices how far away Hoseok sounds as his consciousness slowly slips away.



The next time Namjoon comes to, the pain is no better than the first time he woke up, although he is able to think more clearly this time. When he


opens his left eye, his right eye still feeling like a balloon ready to pop, he notices he’s been placed atop a blanket on the shore he remembers seeing


when Taehyung was carrying him. Blearily blinking as he studies his surroundings, he notices Jungkook lying on another blanket beside him, as still


as death. His head is turned just enough toward Namjoon that he can see a long, thin cut stretching diagonally across his face starting from just


under his right eye, splitting through his lips, and ending on his chin. The cut itself doesn’t look very bad but it is surrounded by a deep purple bruise


that makes Namjoon wince just looking at it. He vaguely wonders if his own face looks just as terrible, it sure as hell feels like it.


Jimin stumbles up the shore on uncooperative legs just past the reach of the ocean’s waves, allowing the heavy load of luggage on his back to slip off


his shoulders before collapsing face down into the sand, exhaustion getting the best of him. It had been a miracle that their plane had just so


happened to crash near the shores of an island where the waters were somewhat shallow, preventing them from meeting a watery grave inside the


downed aircraft. He isn’t sure what they would’ve done if the plane had continued to sink after they had gotten Jungkook breathing again. 






Jimin lifts his head from its resting place in the sand, glancing over to the unconscious maknae that lay several feet away next to their semi-conscious 


leader and the unconscious pilot, Jin and Hoseok tending to them with a first aid kit they had found on the plane. Jungkook had caused a great deal


of panic among them back inside the plane. He hadn’t been breathing when they rescued him from under all the debris and if it weren’t for Jin’s


quick thinking, he surely would’ve died. After coming to the realization that Jungkook wasn’t breathing, Jin had performed rescue breathing on him. 


Although he didn’t have any experience nor taken a class —he was merely copying what he had seen in a few different Western movies— the air he 


had blown into the maknae’s lungs had been enough to get them to respond and push the water the teen had breathed in out of him. Jungkook had 


awoken for a moment as he vomited up the last of the water. He had been terrified and confused, far from the confident person he usually was, 


gasping for the oxygen his body craved like a fish out of water. Jimin had rushed to his side, running a hand through the teen’s hair and whispering 


‘you’re okay’ over and over again like a chant as he gazed down at the struggling maknae through unshed tears. Jungkook fell back into 


unconsciousness soon after. 



It had been hard escaping the plane with three unconscious people to care for but they had managed, escaping through the damaged and more than


half submerged but still usable emergency door. They were even able to take most of their possessions with them, including the blankets and pillows


that had been stocked in the plane. Jimin was thankful for the two eldest hyungs, Jin and Yoongi had taken charge, calmly directing the frightened


younger members despite being just as shaken by the whole ordeal.



“Hey.” A foot nudges Jimin in the side, interrupting his musings, and he groans as he rolls onto his back to face the assailant who dares to disturb his


rest. The pale face of Yoongi greets him, illuminated by the light of the setting sun, the corners of his mouth pulled down in a worried frown.



“Let me see that arm.” 



Jimin furrows his brows in confusion before lifting his arms up to have a look at them. The long wet sleeves of his black and white striped shirt are


clinging uncomfortably to his skin. A significantly sized patch of blood has spread over his left arm and Jimin watches with a morbid sort of curiosity


as he allows Yoongi to roll up the sleeve. There on his left bicep are three deep scratches with blood flowing sluggishly from them, no doubt left there


from the hand that had grabbed him during the crash. Yoongi’s frown deepens as he takes hold of Jimin’s arm and pulls him up into a sitting


position. Jimin protests the movement with a whine but doesn’t object further, only flinching slightly as Yoongi gently wraps the wound with some


gauze from the first aid kit.



“I’m sorry I hurt you.” Yoongi apologizes quietly as he works to tie off the ends of the gauze, feeling guilty that he had caused unnecessary harm to his


dongsaeng. Jimin looks up and studies his hyung’s usually unreadable face. He can see the guilt there, mixed with lingering fear from the crash and


the new fear of ‘what will happen now?’ 



‘Now that we’re stranded on an island with three seriously injured people, no food or water, and no way to call for help.’ Jimin thinks to himself


with a sinking feeling. 



“It’s okay,” Jimin replies, straining despite his own fears to give his hyung a comforting smile, “I’m just glad we made it out alive.”

Yaaaay~ thanks to all who have upvoted, subscribed, and commented~! I'm done with school now so hopefully I'll be updating quicker...idk though, I can be pretty lazy sometimes.. I'm so hyped for BTS's comeback tho~! I can't wait for them to perform Fire live heheヾ(。・ω・)シ

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starwinterbutterfly #1
Chapter 2: update plz
Chapter 2: You would be my favorite person ever if you continued writing this.
Chapter 2: Your idea is good author-nim. I hope you can keep updating this story.
Please update T__T the storyline is really good :(
Chapter 2: update please !! :) x
Chapter 2: Update soon pls :(