The Crash

Stranded & Helpless Together



Due to BTS’s rising popularity, it was getting harder and harder for their managers to keep them safe on a normal commercial flight what with all


their dedicated fans and anti-fans following them around wherever they went. Too many had been slipping through the cracks in security lately,


including a sasaeng fan who managed to get a first class seat and not-so-discreetly tried forcing herself onto Jimin. Thus Bang PD had decided to


invest money in a private jet for the boys. He hoped it would solve the safety issue and put the minds of the members and managers to rest. It wasn’t


until the phone call that informed him their plane had gone missing that he realized he was dead wrong. 


Six of the seven BTS members chatter excitedly to themselves as they board their first-ever private jet plane with Namjoon following quietly behind


them. He smiles fondly as Hoseok rushes forward and begins to squeal with excitement as he enters the plane first, the maknae line following quickly


with their own shouts of elation as they begin checking out the plane’s posh interior. He and the two eldest enter at a more sedated pace, their


expressions fond as they watch the excited youngsters flit about the plane. Although no less excited than the others, they choose to keep their voices a


few decibels lower. Namjoon mock cringes as he turns back to their manager who had stopped short of the door.



“Are you sure you want to leave us with them unsupervised?” He asks, loud enough for the other members to hear. Next to him, Jin hides a snicker


with his hand.



“You’ll be fine on your own for a while, Namjoonie.” Their manager replies with a laugh as Hoseok makes offended noises and Jimin sticks his tongue


out at them. Jungkook and Taehyung are too busy sitting in every seat and touching every snack at the snack bar to care.



The managers had decided to allow the boys free time without them on the plane to de-stress. Their schedules had been brutal for the past week and


they needed time alone without having to worry about their fans or their managers nagging them. Although honestly, it was also a chance for the


managers to relax if only for a short period of time. 



When the boys have settled, the plane takes off. Namjoon follows Yoongi and Jin’s examples and pulls down the shade over his window before


settling back in his seat for a nap, allowing the comforting sounds of the younger members’ playful bickering to lull him to sleep as they play card


games at the long table occupying part of the right side of the plane. 



It seems like only a moment before he is startled awake by a loud alarm, rudely jolting him out of dreamland. His sleep fogged brain is barely able to


register the terrified faces of s, which are illuminated by a flashing red light in the otherwise dark cabin. As his head clears, Namjoon


realizes the lights and blaring alarm are signifying that something has gone terribly wrong. His stomach drops as he feels the plane begin to tip


downward and a spike of fear causes his heart to start racing. He hears Jin’s frightened voice as he shakes Yoongi awake, the rapper beginning to


grumble drowsily about loud noises and turbulence. 



“W-what’s going on?” Jimin’s terrified whimper reaches Namjoon’s ears despite the loud blaring of the alarm and he turns to find the youngest three


huddled together at the table, identical petrified looks on their faces, playing cards clutched tightly in their hands. 



“I don’t hear the engines going anymore!” Hoseok’s panicked voice comes from toward the back of the cabin next to the lavatory where he has


plastered himself against the wall. He looks like he’s going to faint as turbulence makes the plane shudder.



“Namjoon hyung, do something!” Taehyung cries, spurring Namjoon into action. He jumps out of his seat, stumbling his way to the closed off cockpit


of the plane as it dips further downward. He feels bile rise up in his throat as he too begins to panic, clutching the backs of the airplane seats so hard


his knuckles turn white. He passes Jin and Yoongi, the latter if which is now aware of the dire situation and is trying to calm Jin down, even though


his panic is beginning to show through his normally passive expression. Namjoon makes it to the cockpit door at the same time the plane begins to


nosedive. He shoves the door open, giving a shocked cry when he finds the pilot and co-pilot slumped against their controls. He rushes forward,


nearly slamming into the control panel in his haste. Pulling both of the pilots off the controls helps the plane slow down and level out slightly but it


still continues to descend at an alarming speed. 



“Hey, wake up! You have to fly the plane!” He screams knowing full well that his attempts to rouse them would be futile. Whatever had happened to


them, they weren’t going to be waking up any time soon. Namjoon hears a horrified gasp come from behind him and turns to find Jungkook standing


frozen at the cockpit door.



“We’re gonna die.” 



The whispered statement sends a chill down Namjoon’s spine and shakes him to the core as he stares out the cockpit window at the quickly


approaching water. The plane has dropped through the layers of clouds obscuring their view of what was below and now it seems like they are only


moments away from plunging into the ocean. 



“Get everyone to the back of the plane, Jungkook.” Namjoon tries to control the shaking of his voice, unable to tear his gaze away from the window as


he gives the maknae instructions.



“Take the co-pilot and get everyone to the back of the plane.” Namjoon repeats after several seconds when Jungkook doesn’t move. The urgency in


his voice seem to snap the teen out of whatever terror induced trance he was in and he wraps his arms around the co-pilot’s waist, hurriedly dragging


him out of his seat and through to the cabin with some difficulty. Namjoon turns to the remaining pilot as he hears the maknae’s panicked voice


yelling —get back!— and he yanks the man off his seat, his breath catching in his throat when a glance up tells him they’re running out of time. He


and Jungkook manage to get halfway to the back of the plane where the rest of the members are strapped to the furthest seats when the plane makes


impact with the ocean. The last thing Namjoon sees before he blacks out is Jungkook being flung backward as an airplane seat hurtles into him.


When the impact comes, Jimin is thrown forward, the seatbelt stretched across his waist is the only thing that keeps him from flying to the front of 


the plane. He feels someone’s hand wrap around his upper arm for a moment, their nails biting into his skin, before they’re ripped away by a second


vicious jerking of the plane. His involuntary screams are drowned out by a loud, sickening crunch as the entire front of the plane is crushed from the


force of the collision. The sound of trickling water follows as the plane comes to a sudden stop and Jimin begins to tremble as the adrenaline begins


to wear off, leaving him to feel dreading the fate his friends may have faced. Fearing the worst, a shaky sob escapes him.



“J-jiminie?” A voice comes from beside him and Jimin recognizes Yoongi as the one who spoke.



“Y-yoongi hyung?” Jimin asks, feeling around beside him until he finds a hand. He grasps it tightly and the hand squeezes back, assuring him that he


isn’t alone.



“Guys?” Taehyung whispers from somewhere close by followed by Jin and Hoseok’s shaky replies.



“I can’t b-believe we’re alive.” Hoseok utters with astonishment and Jimin can imagine his eyes wide with shock. It is incredibly dark inside the


cabin, only a small amount of light is coming from what used to be the front of the plane. Jimin reaches inside his pocket for his phone, turning on


the flashlight setting. 



“Is everyone okay?” Taehyung asks as he too turns on his phone’s light. The interior of the cabin lights up with their phones and they are able to see


the damage that has been caused. The back of the plane had sustained the least damage from the crash and the front of the plane is tilted downward


enough that the water coming in has only pooled in that area. Most of the plane’s seats and tables had been dislodged during the impact and are


strewn haphazardly around the cabin. About half way to the front of the plane Jimin’s light lands on the crumpled forms of Namjoon and the pilot


laying at the edge of the sluggishly growing pool of water. 



“Hyung!” Jimin gasps, hand fumbling to unbuckle himself stumbling over his own feet in his haste to get to their leader. He feels the other members


follow close behind as he kneels down next to the limp men on the damp floor. Scanning Namjoon’s body with his light, he hears a chorus of gasps


behind him as it lands on their leader’s face.



A large, multicolored bruise covers nearly half of the right side of Namjoon's face, the top of it on his forehead is open and bleeding heavily. Jimin’s


hand is shaking as he lifts it to gently dab at the blood with his sleeve. It scares him, the fact that his leader is as still as a corpse even as he brushes


his fingers over the horrible bruise, resisting the urge to press down in hopes of getting a reaction out of him. Yoongi kneels beside Jimin as Jimin


leans his head down to listen for breath, not wanting to even entertain the thought that their leader might be dead. Yoongi turns away to the pilot


sprawled next to Namjoon and checks his pulse. It’s barely there, but he can feel the man’s heart beating under his finger tips. 



“He’s breathing!” Jimin’s relieved voice cuts through the tense silence and everyone breathes a sigh of relief at the news. Reassured that their leader


is safe for the time being, Taehyung moves further toward the front of the plane, searching for the Jungkook and the second pilot. He soon finds the


latter a short distance away in several inch deep water, pinned between two folds in the airplane’s wall. Taehyung inches closer, afraid of what he


might find, and discovers the man had been impaled on a piece of metal that came out from the wall, blood flowing from the fatal wound and making


the water around his body red. Letting out a strangled yell, Taehyung stumbles backward, nearly dropping his phone in the water. 



“W-what’s wrong?” Hoseok inquires from where he has taken a seat, his face pale and wane, looking faint. Jin walks over cautiously as Taehyung


points to the pilot with a whimper.



“Oh my god.” Jin gasps, his hands flying to cover his mouth as he moves away from the gruesome scene, pulling Taehyung to his chest to shield him


from the sight. Taehyung clings to his hyung, shutting his eyes tight against the morbid images burned into his mind.



“We have to get out of here.” Jin says, tightening his hold on the younger man. 



“Where’s Kookie?” Hoseok asks from his seat, alarmed when he notices the absence of their youngest member.



"Stay here, I'll look for him." Uneasy, Yoongi stands to his feet, taking the phone from Taehyung’s loose grip as he ventures toward the thoroughly


demolished nose of the plane. Sweeping his light back and forth, he wades through the cold, waist deep water looking for the missing maknae. The


beam of light passes over crumpled walls that make it look as if the plane was an accordion. Yoongi shudders to think of what may have happened to


them had they been closer to this end of the plane. When he reaches what used to be the cockpit door —now crumpled and skewered by several metal


beams— , there is still no sign of Jungkook. He shines the light down into the murky water, afraid that the teen might be completely submerged. 



“Hyung, over here! I found him.” Jimin’s trembling voice calls to him urgently from a corner of the plane he hadn’t searched. Yoongi rushes over to


him, splashing noisily through the water in his haste. His heart drops to his stomach when the only part of the maknae he can see is his arm, which is


floating lifelessly on the surface of the water, the rest of him submerged under water and a pile of broken airplane seats and ceiling rubble.



“Oh god, please be okay.” Jimin sobs as he and Yoongi work to push the heavy rubble off of Jungkook. Gulping down his nausea, Hoseok wades into


the water to assist them and with his help, they manage to clear the rubble. The remaining members watch helplessly as Jimin lifts Jungkook’s limp


form out of the water, holding him bridal style as he carries the maknae to the dry part of the plane, placing him gently next to Namjoon. Urging


Jimin to move out of the way, Jin puts his fingers on the teen’s neck and an ear close to his nose, checking for breathing and a heart beat. Finding


only the gentle push of Jungkook’s pulse against his fingers, Jin’s heart nearly stops.



“He's not breathing.”

My face when I woke up from my plane crash dream --> !!ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ!! My face while writing this chapter --> ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ
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starwinterbutterfly #1
Chapter 2: update plz
Chapter 2: You would be my favorite person ever if you continued writing this.
Chapter 2: Your idea is good author-nim. I hope you can keep updating this story.
Please update T__T the storyline is really good :(
Chapter 2: update please !! :) x
Chapter 2: Update soon pls :(