How Can I…?



It happened so fast.


Too fast.


“I hope you meet someone better. I’m sorry but it’ll get better.”


So that’s it?



>6 months later>


I had photos of us spread out on the kitchen table, debating on whether to burn them or not.


“Jihwa can you let him go please?” My best friend YoungMi begged.


“I’m doing my best Mi!” I looked at her in frustration. “Do you get how hard it is to forget and let go of 2 years of your life? 2 years of learning someone inside out? 2 years of learning someone’s likes and dislikes? Trying to understand and accept what made you so lucky to be loved like that in the first place, when you know very well that you didn't deserve it??” I was on the verge of tears.


Youngmi pulled me up into a hug and laid my head on her shoulder.


“Hwa I will be honest and say I don't know how that feels,” she rubbed my back. “But for your sake, please take a few easy steps. Keeping anything that reminds you of him, like these pictures, isn't going to do anything to help you heal.” She pulled away and wiped my tear stained face.


I nodded. “It’s just crazy to say it wasn't real. His kisses. His hugs. The ‘I love you’s.” I shook my head. “But you’re right. And I’ll start now.”


I left her embrace, took the few printed photos on the coffee table, and tossed them into the burning fireplace.


“Want some ice cream?” She grinned knowingly.


“Why do you even need to ask?” I laughed,feeling lighter already.


>another 6 months later>


“We need to look for the bride’s father ASAP! The wedding is starting in about 5 minutes!” I said over my earpiece.


I had to tell my staff so we could have more eyes looking for the said male.


“Don't worry Hwa, we’ll find him.” Youngmi responded.


“Thanks Mi.” I still looked frantically.


“Update of F.O.B.! Someone said they saw him at the east wing.” I heard in my ear.


“I’m in that area now. I’ll look and let you know if I find him.” Good thing I have flats on right now. I sighed, fast walking down the halls.


I almost gave up, but then I spotted a figure in a staircase.


“Guys I found him!” I announced into the earpiece.


I got to him to see that he’d been sobbing.


“She’s going to leave me forever. She’ll never come for holidays. She’s gonna-” he was having a pity party.


“Sir I’m going to have to stop you right there.” I made him look at me, for eye contact and so that I could make his sobbing face look a little more presentable. “I’ve met your daughter. I have never met a more family oriented girl, like the one you raised. She couldn't wait to come spend holidays with you, even if now she was married. If she loves her fiancé to the moon and back, she loves you to the sun and back. So don't worry about her leaving you for good, ok?” I smiled genuinely.


“Wow. I hate to ask you this now, but who are you?” He asked sheepishly.


“It's ok,” I smiled. “I’m the wedding planner.”


“You’re so young!” He complimented.


I nodded. “Thank you sir. But as the wedding planner, I do have an itinerary to follow. And in a few minutes I can imagine your daughter would like you to walk her down the aisle.” I smile encouragingly.


We got up and I showed him the way to the entrance.


“Nice lil’ speech boss.” Youngmi nudged my side.


“Oh gosh don't call me that! Makes me feel old.” I made a face of disgust.


The wedding went off without a hitch, reception too.

The whole room seemed to be on the dance floor and I couldn't help but smile at the good time everyone was having.


One day I’ll get one of my own. I sighed.




I looked to the voice and my eyes grew. “B-Baekhyun.”


“It’s uh… been a while.” He nodded.


“Yeah. Well if you’ll excuse me…” I tried leaving.


“What’re you doing here?” He asked.


“Working. You?” I asked back.


“The groom is my friend.” He answered. “What work are you doing?”


I sighed, not really wanting to converse with my ex.


“I’m the wedding planner.”


This time his eyes grew. “Really? You planned all of this?” He pointed around him.


“Yeah.” I nodded.


“And the ceremony?”


“Well I wouldn't be called ‘the wedding planner’ if there was no wedding to plan Baekhyun.” I shook my head. “Well if that’s all I should get back to wor-”


“I want to get back together.”


I stopped and looked at Baekhyun with confusion.




“I want to get back together, with you.”


I had always imagined, or tried to imagine,  something like this happening.

More preferably in the first few months after our breakup instead of a year, but something felt… off.

I had always seen myself instantly saying ‘of course’ and running back into his arms.


I looked at him with clarity and gave him my answer.






“No. I will not be in a relationship with you. Friends sure, but not a romantic relationship.”


“But why? We loved each other! I made a mistake! I know that now and I am truly sorry!” Baekhyun looked like a lost puppy now.


“Baek, how can I trust you? This would have maybe been fine if it was right after our breakup, but I’ve learned to live without you. Even to the point of thinking your life was fine without me!” I lashed out.


“But I wasn't Ji-”


“Well then where the heck were you?! For 6 months I waited like a fool, thinking it was a phase or something! Thank god Youngmi stepped in or I might not be here right now!”


I took a breath or two while Baekhyun stood there surprised.


“You know what Baekhyun, I don't blame you. I would have done the same thing if I thought I was falling out of love with someone. I wouldn't want to hold someone back from really being loved.” I sighed. “And that's what you need: someone to love you.”


Baekhyun had glossy eyes, realizing where this was going. “Jihwa, please…”


“Baek,” I took his hands. “I hope you meet someone better.” I quoted. A tear rolled down his cheek. “I’m sorry, but it will get better.” I nodded and left him.


It may have not been the happy ending I was looking for.

But the closure was more than enough.


“Hey!” Youngmi caught me by the beverages. “you disappeared for a second. Everything ok?”

“Yeah, everything is fine.” I smiled genuinely, feeling a huge weight be lifted off my shoulders.

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Chapter 6: Love it jihwa move on .
exo9irl #2
Chapter 1: this is like sad ending. But I didnt sad at all bcause I can see Jihwa already moved on? Anyway can u make sequel pls? TTT