Your Smile Distracts Me

Beautiful Eyes and Loveable Smile



“Gē....Gē....Wake up....”


Jun groans when someone shakes his body. A small warm hand pats his cheeks after that, persistent to wake him up. Huffing, he sleepily opens his eyes. Again, the very same sight greeted him, a boy with chubby cheeks and gangly arms, with the name of Xu Minghao. Except now, Minghao is giving him a big wide grin.

“Gē! You’re awake. Come on, show me around. You promised!” Minghao says with excitement clear in his eyes. Jun rolls his eyes, silently questioning how and why does this boy manages to be that excited all the time. (Maybe he’s the bitter one, but hey, Minghao is excited almost everytime Jun lands his eyes on him. Isn’t that a bit weird?)

“Yes, Minghao. Now could you please tone down your excitement? I’m getting headaches because of it.” He grunts out. A surprised expression crosses Minghao’s face for a second, but it disappears as soon as Jun sees it. “I’m sorry, it’s just.....Mom said i’m too quiet and i need to be ‘open’ a little bit....And, and you’re the first person i’m trying to be open with. Are you- Are you annoyed by that? I can stop if you want....” Jun blinks when Minghao lowers his head a bit, his lower lip juts out in a pout. A chuckle escapes his lips before he knows it, and he ruffles the younger boy’s brown locks lightly. “Hey, it’s okay. You know what? I need to practice too. So, let’s practice together yeah?”

And then Minghao smiles, upper lip stretches wide into a straight line, the edges curving up and his lower lip curves down, forming a beautiful bow-shaped smile. Jun can even see his tounge poking out a little from behind his front row of teeth. Well, not that Jun observed his smile closely but it’s just, you know, you understand the idea. Minghao’s giggles brings him back from his thoughts and he his head to the stoney path. “Come on, you said you wanted me to show you around.”

A cheerful yeay comes from the boy and Jun shakes his head.


Maybe he’s not really that bad.






But still really energetic.


Jun thinks when Minghao tugs him around on the street, stopping at the places he’s interested in. “Minghao slow down! Or you’ll bump-“


Minghao looks back at him with a questioning stare, not paying attention to where he goes and before Jun can warn him he collided with a  pole.

For a few seconds Minghao looks dazed, eyes blinking and unfocused but then his eyes are big and glassy, almost in tears and Jun immediately shush him gently.

“No, no don’t cry Hao. Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay. See? It will hurt at first but eventually it will be gone.” He says softly as he touches Minghao’s nose as gentle as he can. A pout forms on Minghao’s lips, and the younger boy whimpers quietly. “How about we buy ice creams? Do you like ice cream, Hao?” Jun pats his back slowly.

“You know i’m not a six years old anymore, gē.” Minghao chuckles, straightening his back so he looks as tall as he can be. Snorting, Jun shoves his shoulder playfully. “Hey, you are the one who’s in the verge of crying!  You should’ve seen your face, your eyes were teary and you were pouting like a child who didn’t get his favorite to-“

“Okay okay i get it! It hurt, you know. Why don’t you try smashing your own face onto that stupid pole.” He grumbles as gets his revenge, a powerful elbow punch to Jun’s ribs. “Ha ha. Come on, lets get some ice cream. No, it’s not because of your earlier ‘i added one embarrassing childhood memory’ incident. I’m craving for some Chocolate with brownies as a topping.” A grin breaks out on Jun’s face when Minghao gave him an unamused face. “Gē, seriously? Chocolate with brownies? Isn’t that like, chocolate plus chocolate? Do you have sweeth tooth?” The latter looks so serious because of his future ice cream flavor and Jun can’t help but laughing a little, and he reaches out to pinch the younger’s cheeks. “Don’t act like you’re the older one here, you big baby. Now, hurry! This ice cream parlor is very famous. We have to be fast if we want to buy from this place.”

Before he knows it, Minghao takes his hand to his own, locking their fingers together and a flash of we fit very nicely runs through his mind but he pushes it to the very back of his mind, scolding himself with he’s twelve Jun. Control yourself and he flashes a small smile when Minghao asks him if he’s alright with a tilt of his head. “Okay then, gē. Let’s go!” Again, an energetic Minghao makes appearance and this time, Jun doesn’t hesitate to smile back at the boy.


“Gē, gē, they have choco-banana flavor. Oh gosh. It’s my favorite flavor! Can we get double scoops of that?” Jun shoots an eyebrow at the very excited (and jumpy) twelve years old boy behind him. A laughter bubbles out of his throat when he sees just how happy Minghao is to ‘meet’ his favorite ice cream flavor. “Sure, Hao. Sure. But you’re paying for it by yourself, a’right?” He winks when Minghao frowns at him. “Of course i’m buying my own ice cream hyung. I’m a big boy! Now, let’s buy the ice creams!”


When they’re standing side by side at the cashier that Jun realizes he’s at least a whole head taller than Minghao. Chuckling, he randomly flicks the others ear, earning him a half-hearted glare and a stomp on his left foot. He immediately retaliates, bumping his at least half bigger body to Minghao’s thin one. This results to Minghao snorting loudly and Jun tries his hard to not join the younger boy. They both gets weird stares from people around them but neither give a about what they think. After receiving their respected ice cream they heads out from the ice cream parlor, trying to search for a spot for them to sit and enjoy their ice creams.

“Gē, let’s sit there!” Minghao suddenly points to a small park, tidy and cozy looking. They sits down on the nearest bench, still their ice creams. Somehow, the silence between them doesn’t really feel that awkward, for two boys who just met less than twelve hours ago. Finishing his ice cream, he throws the empty cup into the nearest trashcan.

“I’m very happy to followed mom to go on a vacation here. It’s a good environmental change for me! Mom says that too but i didn’t really understand what she said last week.” Minghao’s quiet voice fills in his ears. “How long are you going to stay here?” Jun asks out of curiosity.

Silence greets him and Jun turns his head to see Minghao. Did he say something wrong? But what’s wrong with asking how long is Minghao’s vacation here? It’s a good sign though, for Jun. In the beginning he kind of despised the younger boy because he’s clumsy and loud, but now, somehow this boy managed to sneaked into his heart, just in front of the deepest door inside.

“.......i have to go back tomorrow. This is my last day here, gē. I’m hoping i can stay longer though.” Minghao lifts his head to return Jun’s stare. And Jun can see the same hopeful vibe in there, dimmer than the last time but still there.

“Oh.”  Is all he can say, internally cringing when Minghao’s expression drops a little. “Uhm, if i visit this city again, can i meet you again? On the same beach? I will tell you my number so we can still communicate. And maybe give me your ids for twitter, instagram, and oh, facebook!” Jun laughs when he heard this. “Yeah sure Hao. Why don’t you tell me yours, so i can contact you later? I don’t bring my handphone and i don’t remember my number.” Minghao scrunches up his nose cutely but he nods anyway. “And my ids for all of that....I don’t have it Hao. Sorry. So, where’s your number?” He smirks when Minghao gasps, almost offendedly, if judging by his expression.

“Wait wait, so you’re telling me you don’t have twitter, instagram, or even facebook?!” Minghao almost screeches when he points at Jun. “Don’t point, it’s rude. And yes, i don’t have one. So, do you still want to give me your number or nah?” He chuckles when Minghao scoffs. After writing Minghao’s number on a piece of paper (a gum wrapper? Don’t judge him! He’s lucky enough to find any kind of paper here.) he smiles at the younger boy. “Well, it’s already late. Let me walk you to your house. Dangerous, the area around here if you don’t know it well.”

With another bright smile and cheerful nods, Minghao receives his hand and he stands up, not releasing his grip on Jun’s bigger hand until they reached Minghao’s (grandma’s) house. “See you later, Hao. Whenever that later is.” Jun ruffles the boy’s silky brown locks. Minghao nods slowly, somehow looking hesitant and unsure.

“Yeah. Bye, Jun-gē. Let’s meet again in the future.”



Minghao waves at him for the last time, a gentle smile appears on his lips, and he goes into the house. Jun stares at the door for a second, but he shakes his head and he turns around.







“Gē! Jun-gē!”




He stops on his way and he turns to see Minghao, but he gets an armful of the younger boy instead. “Thankyou thankyou so much for today. It was fun. Promise me you’ll text me?” Minghao shoves a pinky to his face, eyes firm and determined. “Sure, Hao. I’ll text you. Don’t worry.” He wraps his pinky on the slightly smaller one.

“Okay! Once again, thankyouu! And don’t forget, you already promised. Bye bye, Gē!” Minghao says, the same bright smile and hopeful eyes, and then he leans in, just slightly pecking Jun’s cheek. He immediately retreats though, redness visibly dusting his cheeks and he runs back to his house.





Huh. Xu Minghao. Interesting boy.


Jun touches his cheek gently, smiling affectionately as he remembers the way Minghao's cheeks reddens because of the peck and he goes to the nearest bus stop. (His house is completely in the other way of Minghao’s, mind you.)


He’ll definitely text the boy.



(Minghao is cute, okay? Plus his eyes are beautiful...)







A/N : Hey! Fast update, hahaxD Second chapter here. Sorry, it's still slightly short, but personally i think this is better than the first one ><  Anyways, comment, subscribe if you want! And thankyou for reading. I Love You guys! See you in the next update!:)

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owlheart256 #1
Chapter 3: Lol I love how you just slipped Vic, Tao, and Hangeng just completely under the radar. Looking forward to the next chapters!
thomasikereta #2
Waiting for your update :D
thomasikereta #4
Chapter 2: Minghao is adorable and omg. His eyes really are beautiful, such a nice shade of brown.
floweroone #6
Chapter 1: Yay!! Minghao is soooo cute!! I already love this fic.