First Time We Met

Beautiful Eyes and Loveable Smile

Jun loves the beach. He loves the ticklish feeling of the wind caressing his cheeks, mussing up his hair lightly. He loves the gentle warm sunlight on his body, cocooning him like a thin comfortable blanket. He loves the sound of the waves, calming and lulling him to sleep. One day he meets a cute boy with rich brown hair and big round eyes, and he falls in love with the boy.

The beach is just as beautiful as usual, there’s only five or six other people on this side of the beach today. The sun is hotter, but nothing that Jun can’t handle. He stops walking when he reaches his usual spot on the beach, below the big unknown tree on the southest corner of the beach. He sits down, sighing when he feels the familiar texture of the sands here.

A light breeze of wind comes past him and he closes his eyes. Feeling content, he rests his back on the tree, not caring about the possibility of being bitten with any insects on the said tree. The soft breeze caresses his body, cooling it down and making him sleepy. A few minutes after and he found himself slipping in and out of consciousness. His body relaxes completely, and he surrenders to his needs for some nap......








Something strikes his face and he yelps.



“Oh my God I’m so sorry....Are you alright? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to! Is your nose okay? Does it hurt?” He opens his eyes and he’s greeted by a boy, probably younger than him judging by his still chubby cheeks and gangly arms. A soccer ball rolls from his lap and Jun shoots an eyebrow at the thing.

 “I’m fine. Why are you even playing soccer at the beach?” Jun asks the boy. The boy squirms slighty. “I-uh, I was supposed to play with my friends at the soccer field but I bailed out.” He answers softly, looking embarrassed because of his own answer. Jun nods his head and he picks up the ball from his side, shoving it to the brown haired stranger in front of him. “Here. Go somewhere else to play it. You disturbed my nap.”


There is no movement from the boy and Jun furrows his eyebrows. “What are you doing just standing there like a creep? I said go away.” He snaps and the boy jumps a little. “I’m sorry.... But you’re alone here and I’m alone too, so I thought maybe you wanted some company because I know I do, and- and-“ The boy stumbles on his words, in the end shutting up his mouth because Jun is already glaring at him. “ I said go away. Didn’t you hear me?” The boy looks at him with wide eyes, somehow reminding Jun of that stray puppy he found last year but he stood his ground. A dejected look crosses the boy’s face and Jun gestures him to leave with his hand. “Okay...But if you change your mind I’ll be right there playing my soccer ball.” Even when Jun is glaring at him the boy’s expression remains bright, hope visible in his eyes and Jun groans in distaste. Him and his weak heart for puppies and cute things.


With every step the boy takes, somehow his shoulder seems to deflate even further, and the image of the boy’s dejected back screams to Jun in a spiritual level. A sigh escapes his mouth and he rubs his face with his hand before he calls the boy.


“Hey, you can play here if you want.”


He already regretted his decision when the boy looks back at him with bright, excited happy eyes. The boy runs back to him fast, a wide grin present on his face.  “Hello! My name is Xu Minghao. I’m 12! I’m here for my vacation. Originally I’m from Haicheng, a city in Liaoning province! What about you?” Minghao says with enthusiasm,sitting on Jun’s side and Jun rolls his eyes, swallowing the sarcastic I didn’t ask, did i?, Do i look like i care? , responding with his own name.  “Well, how old are you Jun? I think you’re my gegē. Are you? And are you from here? Like, is this your hometown? Because this place is beautiful! I love the beach, and it’s easy to spot skyscraper buildings here! In my hometown we also have those buildings but not as many as you have here.” A beam follows Minghao’s words and Jun lets a small smile slip on his lips. “I’m your gegē. I’m sixteen, and yes, i’m from around here.”

The grin is back on Minghao’s face. “Well, Jun-gē, can you accompany me until i go back to my hometown? I mean, sure, playing with my cousins is nice but....I want to play here! On this beautiful beach. And you said you’re from around here so you can show me around!” Boy, Minghao sure talks a lot. The puppy eyes are back in full blast and Jun scrunches up his nose. “No- Okay, okay! Just stop giving me that look!” He scowls when Minghao pumps his fist high in the air. “Thankyou! Whoops, i have to go back. Mom said i have to be home on lunch time! Um, can we meet again, after i eat my lunch?” The younger asks with the same hopeful eyes. Jun pinches the bridge of his nose, somehow already feeling the upcoming headache because of this boy. “Yeah whatever. Meet me here at 2 p.m. Sharp. If you’re not here then i’ll leave immediately. Understand?”

Minghao nods his head excitedly. Then he gets up from Jun’s side, the same bright eyes and wide smile on his face. “Bye Jun-gē. I’ll be here, don’t worry! Promise me you’ll come?” The boy offers him his pinky and Jun hesitantly wraps his own on the boy’s smaller finger. “You promised ge! See you later!”


Jun sighs and he leans back on the tree, trying to get back to his disturbed nap.










A/N : Comment, subscribe, and vote(if you want to) bcs they're my motivation to write rlly. It feels good to read comments;;) Anyways, in this fic i described cute adorable child Minghao, so let's just pretend that thug pre-debut Hao doesn't exist in this fic:D







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owlheart256 #1
Chapter 3: Lol I love how you just slipped Vic, Tao, and Hangeng just completely under the radar. Looking forward to the next chapters!
thomasikereta #2
Waiting for your update :D
thomasikereta #4
Chapter 2: Minghao is adorable and omg. His eyes really are beautiful, such a nice shade of brown.
floweroone #6
Chapter 1: Yay!! Minghao is soooo cute!! I already love this fic.