Butterfly & Diamond Life dot com


Where 3 teams, 15 guys work as journalist/blogger at a famous website and when boys meet boys, is equal to CHAOS

Title: Butterfly & Diamond Iife dot com
Characters: Yoongi, SoonYoung, Jungkook, Seokmin, Jihoon, Youngjae and other members from BAP, BTS and SVT
Genre: Comedy, Fashion!au, Journalist!au, Blogger!au
Warning: 1)inner fandom joke that maybe some fandom don't understand.

2) No proofread. So there might be wrong spelling or gramatical error.

Note: have fun while reading this.


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That's actually really good ! :D I like the cross over, it should be a fic full of little episodes like this based on the competition between each team ! But I guess it's a lot of work haha
Thank you ! I enjoyed it very much :3