
At exactly 6:45am, you excitedly walked up the overpass, smiling from ear to ear as you tucked some of your long hair behind your ear. You always looked forward to this time of the day, even though you hated waking up early you didn’t even care about that fact. You slowed down a little when you reached the top because you didn’t want to miss the chance to see that certain someone. You stopped on your tracks when you reached the middle of the overpass. “Why isn’t he here yet? He’s usually on time..” You mumbled and glanced down at your watch. “Or maybe he went earlier this time around? But he’s always on time... I should probably head off already.” You sighed and were about to continue on when you saw a good-looking dark brown haired guy making his way up the overpass. You quickly brushed your hair with your hand, dusted off some non-existent dust particles on your skirt, and fixed your blouse. You took a deep breath and started walking. He was the same as ever, his dark brown hair was neatly combed, his school uniform was perfect as usual, and the way he walks and smiles while reading the book on his hand.
At exactly 6:48am, he walked up the stairs of the overpass, reading a book as he went up. He always looked forward to waking up early since the mornings were never too bright nor were it too dark, it was just how he liked it. The mornings were also the only chance for him to see a certain someone, someone who is beyond his reach, someone who is near but yet felt like so far away from him. Today, he was later than usual, he usually wakes up earlier than the alarm but today, the alarm had to wake him up. As he reached the last step of the stairs, he caught a glimpse of her. He almost let out a laugh seeing how the girl was dusting off her skirt oh so quickly. She was the same as ever, her ash brown hair was neatly tied in a ponytail, her school uniform was perfect as usual, and the way that she would casually smile with her light footsteps. He focused back on his book when he noticed her eyes were suddenly fixed on him.
It was a routine that the two of you did every day, both wanting to get to know each other more but either one of you never seemed to have the courage to talk nor look at each other in acknowledgement. But today unlike the normal, it was different. The moment that he was late changed the daily routine, it made you feel that today would be different from the usual. He, too, felt that today, it would be special, like something was bound to happen when he woke up later than usual.
Time seemed to slowed down for the both of you as you and him reached the middle of the overpass, the place where you two always meet, the place of intersection. The two of you looked each other in the eye but again, no one seems to have the courage to manage a small hi.
“She’s right there in front of you, just say hi already.” He thought to himself. To him, mustering up a simple hello was even harder than his entrance exam for Seoul University.
You stared at him, waiting for him to open his hesitant lips to say something even just a single word. But as his eyes went right back to his book, you knew that today wasn’t the day either. You finally continued to walking in your normal pace.
He sighed as he saw you walked past him, knowing that today wasn’t the right time again. If only he had muster up a word then it would have been different. He stopped on his tracks and turned around when he spotted something fell off her bag as she was making her way towards the staircase from where he had came up from not so long ago.
Without him knowing, he closed his book and his feet moved towards her direction. He reached down and picked up the small panda keychain from the ground.
“Hey, I think you dropped this.” He said. He was shocked himself, it was his first sentence to her, it was the very first time that he spoke to her.
You stopped on your tracks when you heard his voice, it was your very first time hearing his voice and it made your heart flutter, no doubt it was just as beautiful as him. You turned around, avoiding his eyes as you looked down to the keychain in his hand. You slowly reached out your hand to the keychain, you slightly grazed his hand causing you to pull out the keychain from him quickly.
“Thank you.” You mumbled, it came out as a whisper but he still heard it. He smiled down at you and looked at your name tag in your uniform. He almost wanted to pinch your cheeks for looking so adorably cute but he managed to stop himself from doing so.

“See you tomorrow ~~ sshi.” With that, you looked up at him, meeting his eyes, seeing his smile, for the first time, seeing all his beautiful features up close. The wind blew as you smiled at him and mumbled his name, Cha Eunwoo.

a/n: wow, such a short yet crappy ending, my bad ;-;
sorry for the delay folks but here ya go. hopefully its not that bad.

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Chapter 1: Ah this was very cute 🥰 the ending wasn't crappy at all! Thanks for writing.
This fanfic surely suits Eunwoo's character!
I love this authornim! Great job
Chapter 1: This is really cute! I'm smiling while reading this :3
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 1: This is really cute ^^
Chapter 1: ahhh this waa pretty cute!! i really need more eunwoo fanfics..