
사랑하고 미워 - love and hate

Over the next few days, they worked on filming for their music video. On the second day they did the dance filming, changing clothes and dancing, then changing clothes and dancing again. Jimin had on a white button down and jeans, his shirt ed just enough to show his collarbone. The stylists brushed his hair so that it hung down in his eyes just a bit, but the sides were trimmed short near his ears. He looked just a bit disheveled, which increased the more he danced. Inbetween film takes the boys rested; Jungkook could sleep anywhere, so the maknae line often curled up against the wall and drifted off together.


As the day grew longer and the sun began to set, they finally got a break. Jimin was exhausted and annoyed- his hyungs were all growing impatient and snippy, ruining his usually cheerful attitude. Slipping away from the set, he found a patch of grass outside to sit on.


“You look awful mean sitting like that, Jiminie!” Called a perky little voice just behind him. Jimin sighed, not even bothering to look around. He would recognize that arrogant tone just about anywhere. Jungkook’s façade was one that Jimin could see right through; just like any teen, Kookie could brag all he wanted and still turned into a puddle of mush whenever a pretty girl walked by. You and your girls, Jimin thought to himself, growing more bitter by the second. And you think I’m the mean one.


“What’s the matter hyung?” Jungkook asked, tossing a casual arm around the dancer’s broad shoulders. Jimin tried his best not to tense up, but his muscles grew tight anyway.

“Nothing, Jungkookie, nothing. I’m just tired that’s all.”


Jeon Jungkook did not take his answer as an acceptable one, instead bumping his head softly against Jimin’s. “Ah, you’re lying again. You always do that. Come on, tell songsaengnim what’s wrong.”

Jimin finally chuckled, not even daring to glance over at his friend, who is close enough to share breath with. “You aren’t even old enough to be a teacher. You’re barely legal.” He looked over then, wanting to see his pouty expression. Sure enough, Jungkook’s dark eyes widen and then narrow, his pink lips twisting into a frown.


“Oh, I’m teasing,” Jimin said playfully, nudging his elbow against the other boy’s ribs. “Come on, we need to eat and then keep working.” He pulled the younger one to his feet, thinking that he is always the one sinking at yet he somehow pushes the maknae higher and higher- like an anchor helping a bird to fly.

I just hope I don’t drag you down.

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