

After the death of Youngji, Hongbin couldn’t live with all the memories he had of her. As a robotics engineer for the government, he decides to try out an experiment in which he transfers his consciousness from his own body to the robot. As he is doing that, he chooses to erase his memories of Youngi in the process. It works… for a while. He then starts getting flashes of him and her together, bringing back his sadness of losing her. He then decides to make an exact copy of her and implant Youngi’s memories into the double in hopes of “bringing her back to life”. Will it work?


Okay, okay! Yes, I know I'm late coming to the party in terms of fan fictions for this MV!! However, I was taking a science fiction class this term; instead of writing two essays we had the option of writing one short creative writing piece in place of one essay. As a creative writer I was like "Oh hellz yeah! I'm totally going to take advantage of this!!" I was going to write a short story about an alien that thought that taking over the planet was actually a favor for us humans. However that story wasn't as interesting as I thought that it was going to be. Than I rewatched VIXX's Error MV and thought "Hey, this is kind of scifi.... There are robots and artificial life!" So this story was born! It's only about 4,000 words and believe me when I say I could have easily made it much much longer. Alas I was on a time crunch and had to simplify it. Maybe one day I'll pull this story out of the drawer and write it as detailed as I would like. For now I'm just gonna post it here and hope you all enjoy it ^^


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nabellaamin #1
Chapter 1: I really like it... Great job author-nim...