Hate You!

Married Into Hell!
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this may be verry boring sorry about that, I hope you enjoy it anyway!!

Next Chapiter will be the wedding, and I'm trying to make it a good one, I'll do my best

There's a very little of Kaisoo in this, very little, but I'm gonne write much of them in the future, of course not as much as Chanbaek

anyway, I'll leave to it and I hope it doesn't that much


“Do you think things went well with them?” Mr. Park asked his wife sitting next to him in their living room


“I don’t know, Baekhyun didn’t say anything when I called him, he just said he’s okay with everything and that we should start our preparations, he also said the sooner the better”


“When you talk about it like that I feel that something is wrong, I don’t trust Chanyeol” the man scoffed looking up at the clock hanged on the wall


“I don’t feel good about it too, it feels like Chanyeol didn’t show up and Baekhyun doesn’t want to make a problem out of it and so he didn’t say anything”


“We have nothing to lose, when your son appears we’ll just ask him!”


“I don’t think we’ll need to wait much” Mrs. Park signed to her son coming in their direction


“What happened? Why are you home this early?” His father asked and Chanyeol scoffed


“Dad, please! I come late and you nag me all night and I come early and you nag me too?”


“Okay, come sit, I want to talk to you”


“About what?”


“As I remember you went to meet your future husband today, I want to know how it went”


“Oh, he’s not my future husband and… wait he didn’t tell you anything yet?” Chanyeol asked walking to sit opposite to his parents


“What do you mean didn’t he tell us anything? What did you do to him?” his mother asked


“What would I do to him? I just thought you’re close with him, so I assumed he would’ve called you by now”


“He did call me, but he didn’t tell me anything about today?”


“Okay; I don’t want to talk about it too; can I go to my room?”


“No, we still have things to talk about, but first, I’m not totally sure if you even went to the date or not but if you did I want to hear your opinion about Baekhyun”


“I don’t want to talk about it and I’m still insisting on not getting married”


“Well, bad for you my son, because everything is on, and the wedding is exactly 3 weeks away from now”


“What? Are you serious? I didn’t even accept it yet! I don’t want to get married, and I really won’t” Chanyeol insisted, feeling frustrated


“Okay, I’ll have to call Mr. Jung at the office and tell him to suspend all your credit cards by tomorrow morning”


“What? Dad…”


“I won’t hear anything else Chanyeol, you can do whatever you want as long as you’re not using my money or, you can just do as I say!”


“Seriously, why are you doing this to me? Okay, you win, I’d do anything else you want from me but marriage, I’m not even into guys that much, mom help me please!!”


“Sorry son, but I have no other offer for you and by the way I don’t think asking your mother for help will do, she’s the one who came up with the idea”


“Do you hate me that much? Why are you ruining my life? I thought you’re my parents”


“We’re not the ones ruining your life Chanyeol, you’re the one doing that, I just want you a better future; we’re doing this for your own good” his mother looked at him firmly


“How the hell would getting married to this guy help with my future?”


“You’ll understand at some point”


Chanyeol hated how much his parents controlled his life, he knew pretty well that trying to convince them, won’t get him anywhere.


What he needs to do now is agreeing to what they won’t, he needs more time to figure out what he’s gonna do and doing that without his precious cards would be impossible.


“Okay then, do as you please!” he stood up leaving for his room and as soon as he closed the door behind he groaned in frustration “That bastard he must’ve did this” he got his phone and called him







“Baekhyun won’t you please calm down? It’s been hours, are you gonna cry for the whole night?” Chen complained, Baekhyun kept on crying for more than four hours and they did everything to stop him but nothing worked


“Do I need to get you another pack of tissues honey?” Jongin asked from behind the slightly open door


“I think we’re gonna need more than one pack if this continues any longer” Kyungsoo whispered to his husband as he stopped him from getting into the room


“Kyungsoo, I need to change to go out, and I need to get inside to Change”


“Not now Jongin, just wait for some time, we need to deal with this first”


“You know, I love you, and I really like Baekhyun and feel sorry for him but still I can’t understand why are you all doing this in my bedroom? It’s not like we have one room in the house, we actually have way much more than what we need”


“Because I want to, and I’d rather you close that door now Jongin or I’ll be the one getting angry”


“Okay, Okay, I’ll just go in these, it's not like the market is that far anyway” Jongin had to turn back down to the first floor of his and Kyungsoo’s mansion leaving the other smirking


“Now back to you, you really need to stop Baekhyun or I’ll have to send you back to your house” Kyungsoo tried one more time


“I don’t care; I’ll keep on crying for the whole month”


“You can’t do that you’ll look ugly at your wedding, people will laugh at you” Chen stated “and you really need to stop now because you

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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
Chapter 17: Great story - I'd love to know what Baek ends up planning!!
Luc4sLuke #2
Chapter 17: Just found this story and I read all the chapters and I love it. Baekhyun is so adorable ...
meacuiza #3
Chapter 16: Interesting! And i like it ; )

Hope to hear from you soon XD
jimin_linda #4
Chapter 16: omg sooooooo waiting for next Chapter good work this is awesome
Chapter 16: Wth chanyeol u r so stubborn . Just surrender
Kochan #6
Chapter 16: Omg omg u r update, aww chanyeol start to accept baek... I hope its a good start ^^
Chapter 15: honestly I don't get it why Baekhyun didn't want to forgive his mother while he always forgave Chanyeol everytime that bastard hurt him?

geez, the only stupid person in this story is Baekhyun and no one else
he was the one who let Chanyeol to hurt him by agreeing to marry that bastard
zengkelly #8
Chapter 16: Just found this story n i'm loving it
Chapter 16: baekhyun deserves someone better
Kochan #10
Chapter 15: When will u update?? I miss u...