Playing with my...!

Married Into Hell!
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I'm so sorry for the verry late update, you know back to school and all

if there's mistakes please forgive me 

oh by the way: Drama ahaid

Please no one hates Chanyeol :p


“What the hell did you do?” Jongin asked as Baekhyun came back to sit with them

“Nothing much” Baekhyun simply replayed “Can I have another drink”

“Hell no, you already had enough, I don’t want to deal with you drunk” Chen stated

“Why?” he wined

“As if you don’t know, what you did is enough for the night, you literally go crazy when drunk” Kyungsoo explained

“You got the poor guy soaked” Minseok said

“He deserved it, I hate people like him and you know I hate people touching me when I’m not comfortable with them”

“At least I won’t be worried the next time someone makes a move on you” Chen winked at Baekhyun actually really proud of what his friend has done

“Now I won’t be worried about Jongin killing anyone anytime soon” Kyungsoo added

“Well, you should be worried because he has been glaring at people looking at you since we came here, if glaring could kill many would’ve been dead by now” Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo with a smirk “Can I have just one more drink, please!” he said hoping the compliment would make the other say ‘yes’

“No” Kyungsoo ordered

“Not a chance” Minseok added

“I don’t think I can help you with that Hyung” Jongin looked away from him

“Don’t even dream about it” Chen made sure Baekhyun got the point





Chanyeol’s days after that was hell. Whenever he went Baekhyun was there, spoiling his fun, few more days and the latter would even follow him into the bathroom. He hadn’t spent a day in piece. Not to mention that Minjong ignored him for almost a week after the ‘incident’ before he finally decided to talk to Chanyeol again. It didn’t help that Dongho laughed at them every time they met too.

It was really annoying that he even considered to never sleep with anyone again just to stop Baekhyun from making his life more miserable.

“What are you thinking about?” Dongho brought him out of the staring session between him and Baekhyun who once again followed them to the bar.

“How to find a place where he can’t follow me” Chanyeol answered

“Won’t you just give up?”

“Give up whatever, he needs to get back at him for humiliating him” Minjong stated

“You mean for humiliating you, and you deserved it anyway, I guess what he did to you got you both even” Dongho glared at him

“I won’t let him off with it”

“So, what do you want me to do?” Chanyeol asked Minjong totally ignoring the weird way the blonde shot at him

“Nothing much, how about you invite us to have a drink at your house” Minjong suggested

“What are you thinking about” Chanyeol figured it was a chance to just get the devil away from him and so he wasn’t gonna refuse it, little  did he know of what the other was preparing

“Are you with him on this?” Dongho looked at Chanyeol in disbelief but got ignored again as Minjong talked “You’ll see Channie, just do as I say”

“Okay, let’s see the end of this” Chanyeol smirked and it got Dongho more annoyed. He was not angry at Chanyeol, it’s just that he gets worried when Minjong plans anything, it always ends with troubles.





Since they came back and moved to live in their own house, Chanyeol made sure to always avoid Baekhyun when both of them are there. And it was very convenient for him that the place had more than just one bedroom.

It wasn’t that good for Baekhyun though, because things weren’t progressing as fast as he wanted them to be.

For the past week he didn’t find much time to deal with it because of work, but now that the opening is over and with things going really good without him needing to supervise on every step, it was time to take care of things.

But when he expected that he’ll get more time to play along with Chanyeol, he found himself being ignored. Whenever Chanyeol got back home he would never leave his own bedroom leaving Baekhyun to hang around alone.

The house was very silent most of times and that’s exactly what made Baekhyun very curious to know what’s going on when he heard some noise outside his room one afternoon. He opened the door and peeked outside only to find his husband talking with some maid about drinks or something.

Finally, he’s meeting Chanyeol inside their house and not just dealing with him and other disgusting people at night clubs.

“What do we have here? Are we having a party or something?” he asked with a huge smile walking towards the other two

“Minjong and Dongho are coming for the night” Chanyeol simply answered still checking the list the maid wanted him to see

Baekhyun tilted his head to the side trying to process the words before saying anything

“Oh, you mean you’re not going for a club and spending the time in here instead?” He asked after few seconds and Chanyeol only nodded, the maid bowed to both of them before leaving them standing there awkwardly for few seconds before Baekhyun talked “Great, that’ll be a lot easier for me, can I join?”

“I’d rather you stay away” Chanyeol glared at him

“I really don’t understand you, for a moment there you make me feel we’re going well but then you just say things to spoil it”

“We can never be ‘going well’, and I mean it, stay away” Chanyeol stated before walking away towards his room.



Something wasn’t right with what was happening, Baekhyun knew yet he didn’t put much attention into it. they were meeting in their house, under his control, it won’t be worse than dealing with them at night clubs and bars.

Baekhyun was strong in so many aspects, he wasn’t one to play around with, he is confidant and knows how to react in most situations, but behind all that he’s just too innocent and kind hearted to be able to act when something serious occurs.

And that’s exactly what was waiting for him.

Two hours later when the bell rang he quickly left the room and watched from the second floor as one maid opened the door for the two guys, Chanyeol was probably somewhere in the living room and on the way there the Two guys noticed Baekhyun’s presence.

Dongho smiled and Baekhyun waived at him excitedly before he met eyes with Minjong. It was weird though, because he was sure the latter hated him by now, then why was he smirking at him like that.

Whatever, Baekhyun ignored the uneasiness that it made him feel and just got back into his room. he wasn’t planning on doing anything, because the only thing he needed to made sure of is to keep Chanyeol away from his usual one night stands, and that was not gonna happen in their house.

It wasn’t until sometime later, when the door bell rang again and he heard some noise that he got out to check. He was too late to see who it was though because they already disappeared into the living room but unless his ears was playing some ugly tricks on him he was sure there was girls in there.

Well, that for sure was something he needs to make sure of… he tiptoed down the stairs and then closer to the living room. He startled the maid on her way out but luckily she didn’t make much noise. She did stare at him in confusion though, since he was bare footed and acting like a thief in his own house.

He brought his finger to his lips signing to her to not say anything. He waited for her until she left, not understanding why did she almost squeal at him (he wasn’t aware of how cute he looked with only half of his finger appearing from under the long sleeves of his light pink sweater when he did the shushing gesture).

He peeked into the room only to find two unknown girls sitting on each side of his husband.

He didn’t expect that to happen in his own house.

Minjong was sitting across from them watching with a smirk while Dongho seemed to be a little out of words standing in the middle of the room just staring.

“You guys aren’t really serious with this are you? He’ll go crazy on you” the blonde said after few seconds

“We’re actually doing this for him to go crazy” Minjong said handing Chanyeol a glass of wine “it’ll be hilarious to see his annoyed face”

“Oh please, I’m scared both of you are the ones who’ll end up hurt, and Chanyeol you should stop drinking, I know you have good tolerance but that’s just too much, I need you to be conscious when your husband burns the house over your head” Dongho sat on the arm chair with a sigh, the least he wants right now is to have Baekhyun on his bad side, this wasn’t his fault because he tried his best to convince them not to do it but they’re so stubborn. The only reason he had to be here is to make sure no one is dead by the end of the night.

“I’m only gonna ask you to behave” Chanyeol turned his head to the door to find Baekhyun standing there looking at him with his arms crossed over his chest

“Look who’s here, hi there princess, need something?” Chanyeol smirked

Dongho tensed, this was bad, and what made it even worse was the way Minjong looked at Baekhyun, something filthy was running on his mind.

“Oh, actually I do, this is not getting funny anymore so you better keep yourself composed, don’t do anything, not in here” Baekhyun tried to be as calm as possible

“What do you mean…? Ah, the girls, well where else can I have fun then? Can’t do it out and can’t do it in then where?”

Baekhyun chuckled looking down at his fingers then up at Chanyeol again, now with a very serious expression that made Chanyeol’s smirk disappear in short moments

“Before I was just playing around with you, now you got me serious. I’m gonna make you regret ever meeting me if you do anything in here, the house is off limits Chanyeol, don’t make me say that again” then he was off

Chanyeol stared at the empty hallway. that got him intimidated for a second. He wasn’t gonna do anything, all he wanted was to get back at him, to annoy him, but didn’t expect to see that in the shorter’s eyes, it was something like hurt more than it being annoyance.

He knew the house is off limits and for a second there he felt regret for doing what Minjong asked him to do. But this is his revenge; he’s definitely not backing off here. Baekhyun should know that Chanyeol is not giving up that easy.

 He has to do this, for his own pride right? And here he is hesitating again, what’s the hell is happening with him, he has no idea.

He is getting confused again because of the only person he doesn’t want to be affected by. He hates this, and that’s why he needs to get rid of him.

Concentrate Chanyeol, concentrate! He whispered to himself looking around only to focus on the bottle of Champaign placed in front of him. And that was his only way to get rid of whatever thing he’s feeling.

Again, and again, he drank and soon enough he started to enjoy what was happening.


Dongho though didn’t enjoy a thing at all, just for the sole reason that he knew something was playing in Minjong’s mind, something really bad.

He actually could see clearly how the other smirked every time Chanyeol emptied a glass of Champaign only to fill another. The way Minjong was exchanging looks with the girl beside Chanyeol was way too obvious to just be a simple eye meeting, and it got even clearer when she leaned to kiss the taller right after that.

If there was something Dongho hated it would be using people to get revenge. He wasn’t even sure what Minjong was doing could be called revenge, it was over something stupid, it wasn’t a big deal and it was his fault at first place. Baekhyun wouldn’t have acted like that if Minjong didn’t tempt him to do it.

He isn’t taking Baekhyun’s side in here, because he didn’t even know him that well. He is on Chanyeol’s side and that’s why it got him angry how Minjong was using him to get back at the other. Chanyeol is having enough troubles in his life for them to make it worse.

He stared at Chanyeol who seemed to be too much into his world especially with the girl kissing the hell out of him then glared at Minjong for long until the other looked at him the with smirk “What?”

“What the hell are you doing?” the blond hissed trying not to bring the taller’s attention into their talk

“Nothing, what are you talking about?” the other simply claimed innocence and looked at the other girl now sitting by his side

“You think I’m stupid, you should stop now... this won’t end well Min, let’s just wrap things here okay” Dongho pleaded

“Are you serious? Why would I do it if I’m gonna stop half way”

“You’re gonna hurt Chanyeol with this not Baekhyun”

“Chanyeol is actually having so much fun, right Channie?” Minjong asked and the taller smirked at him for a second before he got back to what he was doing leaving Minjong to continue “See, this would actually help him, we’re getting that stupid thing out of his life, I’m just gonna have some fun before this drama ends”

Dongho didn’t know what to say to him, but he still knew he needs to act. He looked at Chanyeol for a second before he stood up getting him by the arm bringing him to his feet and away from the girl.

Chanyeol stumbled but the moment he stood still he growled in the other’s face shrugging his hand off him “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“You need to stop, you’re drunk, why don’t you leave for your room and take some rest” the blond suggested

“No! I’m having fun… besides I need to get back at…” Chanyeol stopped with a frown as if trying to remember who he was talking about “Ah, My princess!” he beamed giggling in the process

Dongho was about to protest but Minjong cut him as he stood up too “No, he’s right Channie, you should go to your room, but how about you take Jennie with you to keep you company?” he looked at the girl as if ordering her to just drag the other away into a much more inconvenient situation

Dongho’s eyes went wide at the suggestion and he just froze there waiting for Chanyeol’s reaction. The latter tilted his head to the right trying to process the words before he frowned again “But the princess…

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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
Chapter 17: Great story - I'd love to know what Baek ends up planning!!
Luc4sLuke #2
Chapter 17: Just found this story and I read all the chapters and I love it. Baekhyun is so adorable ...
meacuiza #3
Chapter 16: Interesting! And i like it ; )

Hope to hear from you soon XD
jimin_linda #4
Chapter 16: omg sooooooo waiting for next Chapter good work this is awesome
Chapter 16: Wth chanyeol u r so stubborn . Just surrender
Kochan #6
Chapter 16: Omg omg u r update, aww chanyeol start to accept baek... I hope its a good start ^^
Chapter 15: honestly I don't get it why Baekhyun didn't want to forgive his mother while he always forgave Chanyeol everytime that bastard hurt him?

geez, the only stupid person in this story is Baekhyun and no one else
he was the one who let Chanyeol to hurt him by agreeing to marry that bastard
zengkelly #8
Chapter 16: Just found this story n i'm loving it
Chapter 16: baekhyun deserves someone better
Kochan #10
Chapter 15: When will u update?? I miss u...