Honeymoon Battle Round Two : Hurt alone

Married Into Hell!
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So sorry for the late update, I knoexactly how this story should go but I'm having a hard ime writing it down so please be patient with me

I know there's so many mysteries but everything will be clear soon i promise

sorry if there's any mistakes

this is a photo of the swimming pool i'm talking about


“Who the hell gave you the right to decide for me?” Chanyeol was still fuming around the room

“You were embarrassing yourself and disrespecting the man, you shouldn’t treat people like that” Baekhyun calmly explained as he walked around the place, it’s big, it has one bedroom, a huge living room, there’s a swimming pool too…

“He works for me, he should listen to what I say and do it” Chanyeol sat on the edge of the bed

“That’s not how things happen, he actually works for your father not for you, he had orders and he was just doing his job, and no matter what’s the situation, you shouldn’t treat your elders like that”

“Whatever… what’re you gonna do about this now?” Chanyeol asked

“Do what about what?” Baekhyun looked at him

“I’m not sleeping with you in one room”

“What’s the big deal, we were just fine last night” Baekhyun shrugged and Chanyeol chuckled

“That won’t happen again princess, there’s only one bed in here and I’m taking it”

“What does that mean? I can’t sleep if not on a bed, we should share it” Baekhyun complained totally ignoring the annoying ‘princess’ nickname

“Dream on, there are three sofas in this place, you can use whatever one you want”

“Why it should be me the one using the sofa… this is not fair, I’m your husband you should take care of me” Baekhyun tried to look the most cute he can even if he knew it wouldn’t work, but he needs to try, he really can’t sleep if not on a bed

“Because you’re the one who said you have no problem with this room… you should’ve just let me make them change it… so it’s your fault and you should be responsible for it”


“I’m not Changing my mind, I’m tired and I want to sleep, don’t make so much noise” Chanyeol smirked as he claimed the bed

“What? You’re going to sleep now?” Baekhyun walked for the bed “Hey, it’s just 6PM, I wanna go out”

“And what the hell does that have to do with me?”

“I can’t go out alone; I don’t know anything around, what if I got lost”

“Don’t go anywhere then, nothing will happen to you if you just sit here”

“Come on, I want a tour”

“The hell I care… besides what kind of person go on a tour at six in the evening? Just off and leave me alone”

“But—” Baekhyun tried to take this farther but was cut off as the other sat straight on the bed and glared at him. Hell how scary can Chanyeol get sometimes, he only looked at Baekhyun with cold eyes and the latter felt all his nerves shivering under that gaze’s effect.

“Princess, don’t think that I accepted all what you did and kept quiet about it because I couldn’t really do anything… the only thing I did without my own will is standing in front of that ugly old man and actually spelling the word ‘I DO’ and believe me I’m gonna make you pay for it sooner or later… the point here is, don’t ing think you can order me around because it’ll only get you into more troubles, you won’t like it if I hated you more by the second… I don’t care what you do, you can sit here, or just go out or whatever, just don’t come near me” Chanyeol stated

Baekhyun only stared at him for few seconds with wide eyes but then only sighed an “Okay” before he walked out to the living room and stayed there for the rest of the night.



Don’t get him wrong, Baekhyun wasn’t giving up or anything. It’s just that he was taken aback by Chanyeol’s sudden outburst. He didn’t expect that, he thought he was pushing the other to his limits and he thought it was working, at least the taller didn’t do much since their wedding but it seems he was wrong.

Even though he doesn’t want to accept it, Chanyeol is right, being hated by the other even more won’t get him anywhere, and things would only get harder and harder. His problem is that he doesn’t know what to do next, and he was stupid to do all this without having any further thoughts about what he should do after the wedding.

Now what?




He sat on the white leather sofa across the TV for almost the whole night as many things run across his mind. he couldn’t the least sleep.

Baekhyun sighed for the nth time as his surroundings started lightening up, he was tired, so tired and he needs sleep but he really can’t. It’s all because of his mother, being born to a very loaded family and also being the vulnerable only child made her get overly protective of him. She always made sure that he gets a good sleep even when he went on school trips, she always had to follow him wherever he goes thinking that he didn’t know. He shouldn’t be saying this about his mother but that was almost stupid, because only an idiot wouldn’t notice, that the dorms’ bed sheet is the same quality and brand he sees everyday in his own house. Now look at what she did to him, he won’t be able to sleep for long since Chanyeol plainly threw him out of the bedroom.

It’s weird though; that his mother didn’t complain much about him getting married so suddenly and just the fact that she didn’t question him about anything much in particular is questionable, maybe he did a good job convincing her at first try, but it’s still weird.

He sighed again as he sat and leaned on the sofa, his right side and head pressed to the leather. He tried to close his eyes and relax; maybe he would be able to sleep even for few minutes.





When Chanyeol woke up it was past 12 PM, he took his time taking a shower and changing before leaving the bedroom. He looked around when he couldn’t see the short annoying guy and he soon found him sitting beside the swimming pool with his legs moving in the water.

He stared at him for few seconds before he turned for the door.

Moments before the taller could reach the door Baekhyun noticed him. He stood up and walked behind him

“Chanyeol, you’re up, I didn’t notice you” he said but was ignored as the other walked out of the room

“Where are you going?” Baekhyun asked as he looked for the closest shoes and followed behind his husband

“I don’t think you need to know” Chanyeol walked faster leaving the other way behind as he stood up and watched him leave

Baekhyun stared until the other totally disappeared before he sighed and walked back to the room, and directly into the bed not bothering to even fix it.

He buried himself under the covers and breathed into Chanyeol’s smell.

Maybe, this is the closest he would ever get to the love of his life.





“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” someone asked and it made Baekhyun retreat into the wall

“Don’t be scared, I’m not gonna hurt you… is that the reason you’re crying? Did someone bother you?” the guy asked again but Baekhyun didn’t answer

It kept silent for few minutes and Baekhyun thought the guy left, but when he looked up, he was still there, the handsomest human being he has ever seen

“Are you gonna tell me now?” the guy talked “Did someone bother you?” and all Baekhyun could do was nodding


“I don’t know them” Baekhyun whispered

“What did they say to you?” if it was someone else Baekhyun would’ve got angry because why is this guy talking to him in the first place? People shouldn’t get involve with unknown people’s business

But he couldn’t get angry, and also couldn’t answer… the only words he could say is “I need to go home” before he run away

He looked back for a second but the guy was gone




Baekhyun woke up to the sound of the door opening and in moments he was off the bed and running for the living room

“Where did you go?” he asked looking for his phone to check the time and it was 11 PM

“Have nothing to do with you” Chanyeol answered walking past him

“It’s too late, you know you shouldn’t leave me alone for that long don’t you? It’s our honeymoon”

“You’re the only one who’s thinking that, I still believe I’m a free man”

“That was before you get married to me, you should at least tell me where you go”

Chanyeol chuckled without giving an answer; he just walked for the shower slamming the door behind him

Baekhyun didn’t know what to do; this is going way too far. He doesn’t know what way he should use to make the other at least talk to him properly. He waited for him until he got out only to frown when he realized what Chanyeol has changed into.

“Are you leaving again?” Baekhyun asked looking

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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
Chapter 17: Great story - I'd love to know what Baek ends up planning!!
Luc4sLuke #2
Chapter 17: Just found this story and I read all the chapters and I love it. Baekhyun is so adorable ...
meacuiza #3
Chapter 16: Interesting! And i like it ; )

Hope to hear from you soon XD
jimin_linda #4
Chapter 16: omg sooooooo waiting for next Chapter good work this is awesome
Chapter 16: Wth chanyeol u r so stubborn . Just surrender
Kochan #6
Chapter 16: Omg omg u r update, aww chanyeol start to accept baek... I hope its a good start ^^
Chapter 15: honestly I don't get it why Baekhyun didn't want to forgive his mother while he always forgave Chanyeol everytime that bastard hurt him?

geez, the only stupid person in this story is Baekhyun and no one else
he was the one who let Chanyeol to hurt him by agreeing to marry that bastard
zengkelly #8
Chapter 16: Just found this story n i'm loving it
Chapter 16: baekhyun deserves someone better
Kochan #10
Chapter 15: When will u update?? I miss u...