Stay Close

Would You Be Mine ?

You stared at your calendar.

It is today.

Your 16th birthday.

You vividly remembered the day you met Sunggyu.

Both of you were only 5.

It was your 5th birthday; and your parents had invited your friends, their colleagues and their kids.


11 Years ago

"Go on and play with him, ~~~~. He's your age !" You mother said, as she gently pushed you to Sunggyu.

You smiled shyly.

"I'm ~~~~~." You said shyly.

"I'm Sunggyu." He said, smiling.

"The clown is here !" The other kids squealed, running to the balloon making clown.

You were about to go forword, when you felt a tug on your sleeve.

"I don't like clowns ..." Sunggyu admitted.

You smiled and grabbed his hand.

Instead of going to the clown, you dragged him to the courtyard - a big lit-up yard with many rose bushes and a pond,

where you were greeted by your dog, Darong.

Unlike the other kids, you two spent the night playing with Darong.

Smiling at him, you said, "Oppa I like you!"

He grinned back and said "I like you too !"


Of course, you were 5 and nothing you said really mattered.

But now, you're 16, and you can't find the courage to really confess to Sunggyu.

You glanced at the clock, it was time to meet your friends for your night out with your friends.

[You weren't 5, so you didn't exactly want a big birtyday bash with clowns.]

You sighed as you changed into a nice sweater and jeans.

At least he was your best friend - it's better than nothing.


After dinner

You laughed along with your friends, as you felt your hand brush against his a few times.

You really wanted to grab Sunggyu's hand and hold it tight, but at the same time, you were scared he didn't feel the same way, making things between you and him awkward.

You sighed and listened to the jokes Dongwoo was saying. Sometimes you wonder how many jokes he knew ; he could say about 20 different ones everyday, and ended them off - of course - with his unstoppable laughter.

His jokes were funny. But that day you just didn't feel like laughing.


You just dragged your feet along, thinking about Sunggyu.

Sunhwa, noticing how you were spacing out, winked at Sungjong.

"Me and the guys have some homework to catch up, bye !"

Sungjong chirped as he beckoned the other guys to go too, leaving Sunggyu and you there.

"Shoot. It's so late already. My mum will kill me !" Sunhwa exclaimed, waving goodbye while running after infinite.

You were puzzled, but too deep in thought to pay any attention anyway.

All you could think of was that you were finally alone with Sunggyu.


You felt your whole body go cold and numb.

Sunggyu noticed you shiver for a second, and took off his jacket.

He put it over you and smiled.

Shyly, you thanked him and smiled back.

"A penny for your thoughts ? Although I'm sure your thoughts are worth much more, seeing that you haven't said anything for awhile." Sunggyu teased slightly.

"Oppa it's all your fault !" You said to him, laughing, pretending to storm off.

Laughing, Sunggyu ran up to you.

"11 years ... I waited too long to do this." Sunggyu thought.

Expecting him to mess up your hair like he usually would, you felt his arm slowly wrap around your waist.

"You're right. It's my fault." He whispered.

Your face turned red, and you froze immediately.

"What, you don't want to hug me back ?" Sunggyu laughed.

Reacting to him, you turned around to hug him, only to see him quickly lean in and peck your lips.

"I like you." He grinned playfully and hugged you.

You felt so warm in his embrace, an embrace you've wanted for the longest time.

You wrapped your arms around his waist tightly, tears in your eyes.

"Stay close, don't leave." You said softly.


"Would you be mine ?" Sunggyu whispered.

You nodded, and felt him heave a sigh of relief.

You squeezed his hand in yours, and you both looked up.

Little snowflakes fell from the sky.

You smiled at each other, and Sunggyu kissed your cheek.


"I've been waiting for this forever"

You both thought.



I wrote a little more at the start cause it seemed too short u__u

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NADAvheart #1
Chapter 1: Awwwww sweet
Chapter 1: awww~ so cute :D
Sammy15 #3
Yay~ A sweet oneshot about me and Sunggyu~~~ xD
It's really hard to find such nice short ones like this~ :)
AAWWWW tho its so short but i really reaaallllyyyy like it >< thanks for writing this story ^^
Awwww!! this was so sweet!!
Thank you for writing this story!^^
wonwoojpeg #7
awww, so sweet. :') how i wish it was dongwoo. lol
Awww, so cute. Chincha !