
Beginners luck

The rest of the journey was filled with an awkward silence; with minor conversations between the members, the nerves were finally beginning to kick in. Nayoung kept her eyes on the road, trying her best to steer away from gazing back into his eyes. It was difficult, it had always been difficult. 

After their fateful encounter on the roof, she steered away from going back up there. And instead, chose to eat riskily in the library, always in fear that the old librarian would catch her. And it was one week after that, Nayoung found herself on the roof again. After the pestering of the librarian, she had been forced to eat elsewhere and the canteen was not an option. She took heavy steps up the stairway, emphasising her presence in an attempt to warn others that she was there. It worked. But not how she had wanted it to.

"I thought you weren't allowed to eat in the library." A white thing twirled around the familiar strangers fingers, something Nayoung recognised as a cigarette. She didn't acknowledge his comment and quietly walked past towards the bench she normally ate at. She pulled out the remains of her lunch, trying to ignore his odd stares. The least she wanted was to be caught up with someone like him, Lee Taeyong.

After their first encounter, Nayoung, being the slightly curious human decided to search him up. It wouldn't do that much harm, right? Only to find that he was one of the popular kids, and those people were the people she did not want to get involved with at all. But Nayoung couldn't help but blush slightly at his profile picture, he was kind of cute... 

She shuddered at the thought, trying to take her mind off it with her lunch.  

"You're eating kimbap again? I'm just saying, these are much tastier." Nayoung could no longer help herself, she finally glimpsed up towards the boy with a slight grin perked onto his lips. But just as quickly as it had appeared, it was lost. Taeyong regained his icy glare and steadily approached the reddening faced Kim Nayoung. The cigarette placed between his lips, and he began to chew the sweetness away. 

"Are you crazy?" She firmly placed down her kimbap and outrage was all over; not only was he smoking- but he had begun to start eating cigarettes?! Her hand went to whack the smoke out of his hands, only for Taeyong to grab hold of hers. He didn't mean to- it just happened. His heart didn't mean to but it just started racing, no matter how hard he tried to believe it. His heart had always raced the most.

"Are you crazy?" Those short words and she were no longer in the way of the passing car, her heart beat to an unrhythmic fast pace, Nayoung felt something pull at her hand and in all honesty she hoped it would be his. But as she turned the hand let go and she was only met with the worried faces of five, excluding Taeyong because he was coincidentally looking at the ground...

"Noona! You should look where you're going and plus, there's a zebra crossing over there... so why would we cross here?!" Mark pouted cutely in distress before motioning to make their way towards the crossing, she felt several pats of reassurance on her shoulder before they greeted the fans a few metres ahead. However, there was one person that was lagging behind them all. 

Taeyong was still in shock- of what? The fact that he had just held Nayoung's hand again, or the fact that his heart- He needed to get rid of the feeling, and this meant he would do what he usually did, avoid the problem at all costs. 

"You should go ahead with the rest of the group and greet your fans." Nayoung awkwardly half commanded him and half suggested to him, but the slight shove was clearly a more dominant action. I guess she has changed since high school...  Even if she didn't want this job, it didn't mean she wouldn't try to put in an effort to act like a manager. 

Just because NCT had come from a big company, they were still rookies who had just debuted a few days ago and so their changing room was... well, cramped, to say the least. Outfits were handed to all the members and the staff all got on with their jobs, Nayoung who probably had the most important job of all... well, she was busy playing candy crush on her phone. She said she'd put in effort in being a manager, but she didn't specify how much effort. 

"You should prioritise us over your boyfriend." A boy with curls placed himself beside her, peering at her phone, which instantly turns black once he places himself next to her. A small blush spreads on her cheeks; psh, boyfriend? What actually made her face redden was that fact that the boy sat next to her was extremely handsome. At the sound of the word 'boyfriend', all eyes are on Nayoung. 

"I wasn't talking to my boyfriend- I mean, I've never had on- I mean, I don't have one... At the moment..." Nayoung was internally breaking down, she didn't need to tell them that... She could've just said 'I'm actually just playing candy crush.' ahjsgYAHGSJADGQJGAjhgajs- that was how she was feeling, especially because of the odd looks the others were giving to her. 

"It's okay, you don't need to be so embarrassed. You're probably way more nervous than we are, I would be anyway. Stuck with a load of weird boys- trust me, I would be nervous." He chuckled, more to himself because Nayoung seemed to be ignoring him. "I'm Jung Jaehyun, I hope we'll become good friends!" At this, a small smile appeared onto Nayoung. She couldn't help it, he was kind of adorable... like a puppy. 

But what she didn't realise was the fact that all his attention was on her, Taeyong was being his normal self. Ignoring the problem. But it's hard to ignore your first love.




lmao... ......................................... 



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BTSRocks #1
Chapter 7: Wahhh this is so good! Update soon please!
Waffle_Berry #2
Chapter 7: Taeyong should treat her better like seriously and he also needs to feed her, I'm kind of losst in the atory as i get that u want to change the time in the story, but i think that it's too jumpy and it's kinda hard to keep up with the time jumps and cuts, maybe to notify about the time jump you need to put like a small symbol before the next paragraph that you want to change the time or day. Thank you for updating this story! Update soon ^^
Proxima #4
Waffle_Berry #5
Chapter 3: I'm wondering about why this fic always ends off in a cliffhanger cause ya know i need more than this!! I am looking forward to more character development on nayoung and how she would like all the nct dorks possibly have feelings for one of them or maybe 2 of them so a triangle will be formed but meh i think it's just me, keep up the good work and hope u update soon ^^
Chapter 3: They're such qts
Kawaiiworld #7
Chapter 3: Aw they're so cute~ I can't wait for the next update! Hwaiting~
Kawaiiworld #8
seonrynn #9