
cosmic dump

title: senses

summary: mei qi runs through cheng xiao’s veins every waking moment.

pairing(s): cheng xiao/mei qi

rating: pg

word count: 473 words

for pinkshoujos who requested some meixiao





mei qi was rosy - if not rosy then a dusty pink. her cheeks blushed easily. her lips were always reddish. she often stuck her tongue out when she giggled. it was a bold pink. a lovely pink.

her eyes danced and glistened and and sparkled and twinkled. everything about her was beautiful and ethereal. cheng xiao often got lost in mei qi’s eyes. she often got lost in mei qi’s everything. from her rosy cheeks to her rosy lips to her dancing, glistening, sparkling, tinkling eyes. she was a sight to behold in every way.





quiet were their nights together. cheng xiao found solace in them. ever so subtle, mei qi remained tender with all that she did. she was shy with her love, but she was passionate all the same. she was the type to whisper sweet nothings into cheng xiao’s neck when she thought she was asleep. her voice just a whisper, mei qi said everything she choked down when the sun was up.

she never knew cheng xiao was awake, listening to all the words that hung limp between the lines. words and feelings and thoughts cheng xiao knew were there – though not explicitly presented, they were there. they were all the while more endearing coming out of mei qi’s mouth, in mei qi’s voice. her fluid, loving voice. her voice sounded of violins and pianos. of dripping water.





her lips boasted of peaches or oranges. dates or apples. nothing could be more saccharine than her taste. always present, always changing, but always a gift - a pleasure to indulge in; cheng xiao never tasted anything sweeter.





the girls often shared products: shampoo, conditioner, soap, face wash, and perfume. mei qi often boasted of those smells – valiant in their aroma. what brought cheng xiao to her knees, what made her dizzy were the fragrances that could be found only on mei qi. she smelled of the first spring breeze; she smelled of rain and daffodils; she smelled of fresh bed sheets. she smelled of home and all the scents that came with it.





mei qi shivered when they kissed. it never failed. cheng xiao relished in it. loved the way mei qi trembled ever so lightly, always her shirt. her body shook, her lips shook, her eyelids shook. the gentle way the other girl bit her lip, barely hard enough to feel (but cheng xiao noticed. she always noticed when it came to mei qi) – it drove cheng xiao over the edge. she’d press into her harder, push her deeper into the bed, only making her shiver even more.

it was in those those moments that left cheng xiao breathless. when they broke apart and she had the other girl underneath her, in her arms. they were quiet moments and ever so beloved. 



a/n definitely one of the more shorter ones but it took a lot of out me orz it's hard to capture the sweetness of these two


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kasterian #1
Chapter 3: Savage Luda is the best lmao
ivorylineslead #2
Chapter 3: This is so cute and funny, oh my god ;_; I love your writing! Thank you so much for this amazing work ♡
LillyMay1100 #3
Yeoreum for the win!!
Chapter 3: Seola and exy is the cutest. I re read it so many times
cosmicgays #5
Chapter 3: This is so cute im crying
Chapter 2: Damn first chapter was deep. And I never thought about Mei qi and Yeoreum as a thing. Lol now u got me thinking about them together XD
Panda_00 #7
Chapter 6: Pls write more Exy & SeolA stories omigosh ur stories are perfect
cruddybutts #8
hellooooo ♡ luda/dawon wherein luda's tired of dawon babying her and wants to take the lead for once
Chapter 6: aww they're perfect. tysm for updating <3
prompt : luda is small and all dawon want to do is protect her