we wear pink on wednesdays

cosmic dump

title: we wear pink on wednesdays

summary: hyunjung hates jocks. especially the jocks that have rock hard abs, killer smiles, and adorable faces. yeah, she hates those kinds of jocks the most. 

pairing(s): exy/seola

rating: pg-13

word count: 5763 words



“i hate jocks,” hyunjung lamented. nobody at the table looked up from what they were doing. soobin’s nose stayed in her book, luda kept her eyes focused on the video she was watching on her phone, and dawon continued to frantically scribble answers from last night’s homework that she pawned off some guy.

“and jocks hate you,” dawon replied. one of her hands made its way to hyunjung’s (already scowling) face and she flicked her forehead. “not really though. they don’t even know you exist.”

“they don’t know anyone exists outside of their little bubble,” hyunjung hissed. “i could go up to one of them, punch them in the face, and they wouldn’t think anything of it. i guarantee you my fist would go straight through them because, to them, anyone not in their inner circle is a ghost.”

“are you alright, mom,” luda joked. she paused her video, held her head in her hands, looked hyunjung straight in the eyes and said: “do you need to get laid.”

blasphemy! her friends were completely and utterly useless. how was hyunjung supposed to rant about the mindless, brawny meat-heads of society without the backup and understanding of the people around her? no rant was complete without vicious head nodding and the chorus of “oh i know” “preach” “you tell ‘em, girl”. really, she needed to invest in some new friends so she could properly trash talk people in the correct conditions. oh, and getting laid? hyunjung fliinched. she was in her right mind whether she “got laid” or not thank you very much.

naturally, because she was a classy and well-spoken, articulate human-being; hyunjung clicked her tongue, looked luda right in the eye, and said: “ my arse.” yeah, that’d show her.

dawon snorted and luda chuckled. soobin was too polite to laugh in her friend’s face but there was a hint of a smile.  

“would i need a straw to your,” luda raised her hands to put up air quotes, “arse?” the hustle and bustle of the cafeteria wasn’t enough to hide the amusement behind her words.

“i – who cares?” that signified hyunjung’s backing down. she hated how the other girl appeared quiet and angelic to the outside world. she was truly a demon in disguise, but only her closest friends knew the wit and sarcasm that festered inside of her. “why aren’t you guys backing me up? why do i even keep you around?”

“you keep us around because we’ve been friends since kindergarten and we have the dirtiest dirt on you,” dawon laughed. “i bet the entire school would get a kick out of knowing you have pink hello kitty underwear that you’ve worn every wednesday for five years because a fortune cookie told you that pink and wednesday were your ultimate luck combination.”

“you, shut up,” hyunjung ordered. she hastily covered dawon’s mouth with her hands and pressed hard. she looked around and only visibly relaxed after three quick surveys of the area.

“if it’s so embarrassing, why do it?”

“because, luda, i’m a very unlucky person and i’ll take any luck that i can get.”

dawon hyunjung’s hand and snickered when the other girl shouted with disgust. “that’s the type of treatment ten plus years of friendship will get ya. give it another five years and i can use my tongue on you in other ways too.”

“oh my god, dawon, shut up. shut up. shut up.”

while the other three bickered and bantered, soobin looked on with a fond smile on her face. lunch was always an event with them. “hyunjung,” she called softly. the girl in questioned hummed to let her know she was listening, but her eyes were still set on dawon; the fierce glare she sported wasn’t as fierce as it could’ve been because luda insisted on squeezing and playing with hyunjung’s face, making the other girl’s mouth move as if she were a fish.

“jocks aren’t so bad,” soobin finished. it was a careful statement. she was testing the waters.


the waters were shark infested apparently. the venom in hyunjung’s voice was enough to make soobin roll her eyes.

“jocks are harmless,” dawon agreed. “we all know why you hate them so much.”

“oh yeah. why is that.”

“because you have a big, mushy crush on chu sojung, the school’s poster child for jocks, and she won’t give you the time of day.”

hyunjung’s face turned bright red and her eyes grew wide. luda removed her hands from , allowing hyunjung to make her own fish faces. was agape and it looked as if it would never close. “i don’t,” she mumbled. her words came out muffled as she buried her head in her hands. “why would you say that?”

“are you telling me it’s not true,” dawon pushed. her eyebrows were raised and a smirk was set on her face. “don’t kid yourself. how long have we been friends? i know you inside and out, kim hyunjung.”

“and,” luda added, “there’s nothing wrong with having a crush on chu sojung of all people. you’re definitely not the only one.”

“did you…all know,” hyunjung asked, obviously mortified. her head was still in her hands.

“you’re naturally a vicious person,” dawon explained (“i’m not,” hyunjung croaked lamely in protect), “but when you get a crush on someone it’s like all the sass and fight is trained onto that one person.”

“remember when you punched that little boy in third grade? you were totally in love with him,” luda said.

“and that one time you called little lee minhyuk in our first grade class a piece of sticky, icky poo-poo when he asked you to be his partner for a project,” soobin added.

hyunjung lifted her head up slightly; her eyes were all that could be seen. “how did you know it was her and not some other jock?”

“easy,” dawon offered. “when sojung won us the championship soccer game earlier in the year, everyone was passing around that huge card to sign to congratulate her. when it came to our homeroom class and hyungwon tried to give it to you, you said, and i quote ‘not even the coldest day in hell would see me sign that thing’ – and then i knew. there’s no way you’d be so rude when it came to a girl you’ve never actually gotten to know.”

luda nodded. she was obviously overjoyed that they could spend the rest of their lunch period making hyunjung feel uncomfortable about wearing her heart on her sleeve. “i knew it when sojung turned around from her seat in front of us in chemistry to ask you for a pencil and you went frigid, avoided her eyes, and told her that you don’t waste your time on people who don’t come prepared to class.” her laugh came out as more of a squawk and it burned hyunjung’s ears. “that, by the way, was such a mom move. i wouldn’t have expected anything less from the mother of all moms.”

hyunjung looked to soobin and raised her eyebrows.

“i saw you writing ‘mrs. chu hyunjung’ with a lot of little hearts surrounding it in your notebook when you opened it in algebra,” she shrugged.

well, obviously hyunjung was going to have to burn that notebook when it came time to go home. she’d have to get rid of the evidence before luda or dawon got their hands on it and took pictures of it, enlarging their pile of dirt they had on her. she’d never break free from them as long as she kept giving them more blackmail material.

“no freaking way,” dawon howled. hyunjung hated her friends so much.

“guys, i’m in so deep,” hyunjung crowed. she put her head on the table and refused to look up.

“it all gets better, mom,” luda said. “just don’t fall too hard for her. you might end up killing her if this escalates.”

hyunjung really, really needed some new friends.



the four had decided they’d spend a little time outside before separating and heading home. (read: dawon begged the other three to stay after with her and give her answers to tomorrow’s anatomy homework)

luda was strewn out across the grass with dawon laying her head in her lap. soobin was working diligently, pointing to and directing dawon to all the right information while luda slipped in a quip here and there. hyunjung, who didn’t have anatomy and was therefore useless and unneeded in the situation, had her back to a tree and decided to doze off. that was – she was dozing off until she heard the chatter level go from quiet-enough-where-sleep-can-be-permitted to if-everyone-doesn’t-shutup-there-will-be-hell-to-pay. annoyed and running on six hours of sleep, hyujung cracked her eyes open only to see the soccer team begin setting up their equipment a dozen or so yards away.

all was right in the world (except for all the damn chatter) until setting up equipment was all said and done and practice began.

snap, crackle, pop – hyunjung was going to die.

the small crowd that began to grow was nothing but satisfied. the shirts and the skins were decided through rock-paper-scissors and good lord why couldn’t chu sojung have been on the shirts team? as discreet as a blaring car alarm, hyunjung in a breath and took in the sight in front of her.

a six pack! the girl had a six pack. hyunjung had already known. you weren’t a wuju high school student if you didn’t know chu sojung had a solid six pack; there just wasn’t a way you could attend the school without knowing. if hyunjung hadn’t been so focused on the scene lain out before her she would’ve caught the fatal smirks luda and dawon exchanged.

sojung tended to wear tight fitting, small shirts anyway. half the time her shirts didn’t even cover the entirety of her stomach (“it’s called a crop-top, mom,” luda would say), leaving her abs out and about, free for all to see. it was tantalizing trying not to downright stare at the light dips in flesh. technically it was against the school’s dress code but nobody cared. nobody told chu sojung she couldn’t do anything if they could help it.

assertive and every bit like what the captain of a champion-level soccer team should be, sojung commanded everyone on the skins team to where they were to stand. the power she emitted could be felt throughout the field. hyunjung couldn’t hear what was being said but every person followed her lead without a word. she was something out of a war movie; the innate colonel in her was too charismatic to dismiss. plus she was shirtless so, really, hyunjung was stuck between a rock and a hard place. she wouldn’t be able to look away even if she were aware of how hard her gaze was.

“need some water,” dawon quipped. hyunjung swore in her head. she’d live a long, painful life if she had to be around dawon any longer than she needed to. she’d have to cut her out.

“no. what are you insinuating.”

“she’s insinuating you’re thirsty and that everyone can feel that heated gaze directed at chu sojung’s abs from five miles out,” luda said. hyunjung would have to cut her off too. maybe slowly assassinate her the next time they had a sleepover. she’d smother her with a pillow and leave no evidence.

“leave her alone,” soobin said. hyunjung would keep soobin. she was the only one who had her back. “but you really shouldn’t stare so openly if you don’t want to get caught.” or hyunjung would have to kill her too. she had no choice.

practices used to ignite a wave of wolf whistles but that stopped happening after cheng xiao, one of the team’s aces, ‘accidentally’ kicked a ball into a guy’s face. blood spurted out of his nose like an out-of-control hose. fear reigned over whatever audience turned up now; nobody dared let anything inappropriate slip out of their mouths.

“are you guys done with homework then,” hyunjung grumbled. she was beginning to understand why dawon so forcefully dragged them all out in front of the field. she should’ve realized something was up as soon as dawon said that word ‘homework’. it was practically against dawon’s code of conduct not to do her homework the day it’s due. “you planned this,” she said while lightly hitting dawon on the shoulder. “just because it’s out in the open that i might have a small crush on chu sojung does not mean that you can now play mind games with me.”  

“we figured that since you don’t have a chance with her, we might as well get you into the habit of fantasizing from afar. but y’know, now that i’m thinking about it, you probably already have that on lockdown by now, don’t you.”

“just know that the more you open your mouth, the closer you pull your death date.”

“right. because you brought me into this world and you can take me out,” luda said.

“i’m not your mom.”

“you’re telling me,” luda replied as she got up. she brushed grass off her back and helped dawon up with her. “ok, we just wanted to watch you squirm a bit. let’s go.”

hyunjung got up with the help of soobin. “and just so you know,” she said, “i had no part in planning this.” maybe hyunjung wouldn’t kill soobin. she’d have to decide at a later date.

the sunlight was strong, and hyunjung wanted nothing more than to be in the comfort of her cool, comfortable house. “you still driving me home, dawon?”

“yeah. sure. if i make you walk in this heat you’d probably die.”

“then we’d be orphans,” luda butted in.

a breeze whisked by and hyunjung felt a little at peace. the wind brushed through her hair and brought her chills. maybe she should spend more time in this spot. the trees provided enough shade that even the hottest day wouldn’t be all too terrible. she’d just make sure to come out when it was void of shirtless, sweaty girls running around in their sports bras.

one moment hyunjung had peace of mind. her head was clear and lacked apprehensions. the next moment happened in slow motion. a yell sounded.  soccer ball raced towards their little group. it all ended with soobin screaming in shock and clunking out on the ground.

“shoot, soobin are you alright!” hyunjung threw herself to the ground and elevated soobin’s head. the other girl was out cold. her hands lain limp at her sides and her eyelids stayed motionless. blood ran down her nose and dribbled off from her chin to her shirt. “luda, go get the nurse! dawon help pull soobin up so she’s leaning on the base of the tree!” the two ran into action the moment those words were said. luda sprinted towards the school while dawon draped soobin’s left arm around her neck to help pull her up.

a group of footsteps ran in their direction. hyunjung tried to drown everything out until another figure kneeled down by her and helped pull soobin up so she was in an upright position.

 hyunjung turned and nearly knocked heads with another girl. her expression was wide-eyed and upset. “i’m so sorry,” she said. “i don’t know how i kicked it so far off course! is there anything i can help you with?”

it took a few seconds for hyunjung’s brain to take in all the information. then it all clicked. chu sojung was beside her, looking at her, staring at her with guilt-ridden eyes and an open mouth. chu sojung knocked her friend out with her soccer ball.

words tumbled out of before she could properly relay them back in her head. “you – you – you !”

oh. oh no. why did hyunjung suffer from such a serious case of word vomit? why did the gods enjoy watching her suffer? she could see dawon’s mouth fall open from the corner of her eye. a small group of soccer players had followed sojung to their position and had similar expressions painted across their faces.

“get out of my face you poor excuse of a soccer player!”

hyunjung was so going to hell.



many people would dub chu sojung a lucky person. her family was well off, she was pretty, she had a nice body, she didn’t have to try in school to get good grades, and she was born with all the pillars she’d ever need to be a soccer player. so many things in sojung’s life went right for her. there were many times when she couldn’t help but be thankful for all the luck she was graced with.

except now.

now she was mentally flipping off whatever damn diety that was watching her life crash and burn.

“you’re being a little dramatic don’t you think,” cheng xiao said.

no. what did cheng xiao know? she didn’t just practically kill a poor, innocent girl with a soccer ball. she didn’t just make a fool out of herself in front of a burly mass of people.

she didn’t just get told off by her crush.

she didn’t just practically kill one of her crush’s best friends in front of a burly mass of people and then get told off by said crush in front of previously mentioned burly mass of people. sojung was going to die. she was going to die. she was going to die and go to hell because she’s a lovesick fool who doesn’t know how to get over a useless crush and – oh god hyunjung probably hated her more than she did before.

“when i die, xuan yi, you’ll be captain,” sojung groaned. she picked her feet up and sat in fetal position on the bench outside the nurse’s office. “remember, never let dayoung and juyeon on the field at the same time during official games if you know what’s good for you. also never let jiyeon drink any gatorade before a game; we all know how it affects her.” she began to bite her thumb and scrunch her face. “oh. and cheng xiao please feed my cat every morning and every night until my parents get home next week. even if i die, that doesn’t mean mr. fluffy can’t live a nice, long, and happy life.”

“if i’m captain, does that mean i have the right to change our jerseys.”



“okay,” cheng xiao cut in, “just chill sojung. it’s no big deal. you heard the nurse. that girl, soobin, she’ll be okay. you’re not a murderer. and you’re not going to die, so don’t start writing your will just yet.”

sojung slumped down on the bench and let out a long, miserable groan. “did you hear what she said to me? did you see how she looked at me? god, why can’t i just get things right with hyunjung? i can’t do anything right when she’s around.” she stopped biting her thumb and began to chew on her lower lip. she then turned to cheng xiao and pointed a finger at her accusingly. “if you hadn’t told me she was in the crowd watching, i wouldn’t have choked so hard and gotten nervous. if you could’ve just kept your big mouth, i wouldn’t have gone through a mental breakdown and i wouldn’t have kicked that terrible shot.”

“when i die, i’m haunting your ,” sojung continued. “i’ll ruin you.”

a weak laugh left cheng xiao’s lips. “i didn’t know she made you that nervous okay. i didn’t know you were such a lovesick puppy that your soul leaves your body with just the mention of her name.”

sojung didn’t know how cheng xiao didn’t know. her friends had long since been pushing her to pursue the other girl since freshman year. they were in junior year now. she’s been smitten with the other girl for years, but for some reason hyunjung hated her guts. sojung didn’t know what she did that caused hyunjung to dislike her so much.

the first time she actually talked to her ended terribly. jooheon forced her to say something to her since she sat directly in front of the other girl in chemistry. she tried to play it cool. she woke up hyping herself up, preparing herself to say at least a couple of words to the girl. she wore her nicest blouse and her cutest skirt that day – a look that was very uncommon for her, but she wanted to make a good impression.

all she asked her for was a pencil. when she turned around and looked into those deep, dark eyes she lost all sense of reason. all she could rack her brain for was the excuse of needing a pencil. and what does hyunjung do? scoff at her and tell her she didn’t waste her time on people who didn’t come prepared to class. having played the cool girl part for most of her life, sojung was able to keep a poker face and turn around without another word. on the inside she was crying. she really did shed a tear or two (or a couple dozen) in the bathroom after class let out. (on a completely unrelated note: she slipped hot sauce in jooheon’s lunch that same day)

since that trainwreck of a moment, sojung refused to even so much as look in hyunjung’s direction, terrified that she’d somehow piss the girl off again without knowing why or how. sojung wasn’t a quitter but when the situation looked to be hopeless she’d at least quite while she was ahead.

(in this case she was fifteen feet underground. not really what you’d call ahead. but she refused to sink even lower)

the hallway was air conditioned. sojung felt chills run through her. xuan yi and cheng xiao refused to leave her side when she said she was going to wait outside the nurse’s office until soobin woke up. as much as they got on her nerves, she was happy she had a little support to lean on.

the door clicked and someone came out. wait, two someones. no, it was three someones.

luda, dawon, and hyunjung walked out the nurses office. they all looked surprised to see the three soccer players waiting on the other side of the door. all too suddenly, luda grabbed dawon’s hand and turned to hyunjung. “we gotta jet. dawon promised me she’d drive me to work, and i don’t want to be late. again.”

“dawon said she’d drive me home though,” hyunjung said slowly. her eyes squinted and formed into a pout. if sojung wasn’t so far down into her grave, she’d take the chance to appreciate just how charming her face was.

“sorry, mom, better luck next time. i called dibs first,” luda said. she didn’t look sorry in the least. she began to pull a slightly confused dawon away. she might’ve spared a glance or two at sojung, but sojung wouldn’t have known; she was too busy trying (and failing) to keep her eyes off of hyunjung.

“uh, yeah. sorry hyunjung. i’ll drive you home next time. i promise,” dawon hollered down the hall just as luda forced her to turn the corner.


xuan yi stood up and grabbed her bag, “how is she.” she said this to hyunjung. her soft smile had its ways; very few people were immune to its calming nature.

“uh, she’ll be fine. the nurse kicked us out because she needs rest. her parents are coming to pick her up,” she answered.

“that’s great,” cheng xiao said. both her and xuan yi stood shoulder-to-shoulder with their bags slung over their shoulders. “welp,” cheng xiao said, turning to sojung, “practice should be over by now captain. we’re gonna make our exit. see ya tomorrow.”

sojung was smart enough to realize where this was going. she changed her mind. her friends were no support at all. she might as well not even have any friends if this was how they were going to play her in her times of need.

“bye bye,” xuan yi waved.

the two were gone with the bink of an eye. damn.

really, sojung could’ve copied them. she could express how happy she was that soobin would be okay and then leave. she could bail and never look back. however, she was too polite of a person and all too willing to get on hyunjung’s good side to do that.

her phone beeped and she glanced down at it.

it read: offer to drive her home to make up for almost slaughtering her friend.

no doubt, sojung was exiling cheng xiao from her friend list.

“um.” it slipped out of . she had nothing. she didn’t know what she was going to say, but the ‘um’ got the attention of hyunjung (who hadn’t so much as glanced at her since she walked out) and the two were suddenly locked in eye contact.

i’m so screwed, sojung thought mournfully. there as no possible way she could salvage this situation.

so yeah, i totally knocked your friend out and hey, i know you already think i’m an idiot, but do you think you could forgive me? also, i’ve had the biggest crush on you since freshman year because you’re so pretty and intelligent and you’re really funny and it warms my heart to see you go around the class helping people even though you don’t have to. oh. and i’ll drive you home too. – ha, sojung didn’t think that’d come across so great.

“i’m sorry.”

wait. what?



“i’m sorry,” hyunjung heard herself say. oh, well that was different. “i’m sorry that i told you off that one time in chemistry and i’m sorry i called you a and i’m really really sorry i called you a poor excuse of a soccer player.”

“um,” sojung said. she looked confused and with good reason too. up until now, hyunjung hadn’t said a single nice thing to the other girl. everything that came out of had been nasty in some shape. her eyes softened and hyunjung swore she melted right then and there.

the other girl had put her jersey back on. it probably would’ve been indecent if she lingered outside the nurse’s office with nothing but a sports bra on.

hyunjung was really doing this. she was really going to come clean. (not by her own choice of course. it was all the word vomit’s fault. she had no say in the matter)

“i never meant any of that. i don’t hate you or anything.”

“it’s okay…?” great. she was probably looking like more of a fool than she already did. sojung probably thought she was crazy.

“i mean, you probably thought i hated you right? i was so mean to you for no reason. or – well, actually you probably don’t even care because i’m a nobody. i guess it didn’t matter anyway. but i uh,” hyunjung swallowed, “you’re really good at soccer and you’re not a and you can borrow pencils from me whenever you want.”

everything was going from bad to worse. somebody needed to shut her up, but it was just her in sojung. alone. she was alone with chu sojung and she had nobody but herself to lean on. nobody could save her from this except herself.

“just um. i’ll shut up now. sorry, bye.”

she put her head down and furiously speed walked passed the other girl. she kept her eyes on the ground. not even hercules would be able to force her head up. she was going to go home, tell her parents they either needed transfer her to another school or homeschool her, and maybe she’d change her name for good measure. you could never be too careful. she was in the middle of planning her identify change and almost down the hallway when a strong grip grabbed her forearm.

oh my god, she pissed sojung off and she was going to punch her for calling her a and – oh god, why couldn’t that ball have just hit hyunjung instead? it would’ve been a lot less painful than this. “i’m seriously really sorry. i’m a blabbering idiot,” she choked. and there went the tears. dammit, she was such a weak . no doubts anymore. she was definitely changing her name now.

“oh hey, please don’t cry.” sojung moved her hand from her arm and stood in front of her. her fingers found their way underneath hyunjung’s chin and she gently propped her face up. she carefully wiped the tears away.

the concern in her voice stirred something inside of hyunjung and it made her cry even more. the hot tears welled up and fell fast, slding down her face in painful numbers. “you’re such a nice person and i said all those terrible things to you,” she hiccupped. she couldn’t see her own face but she knew she had snot coming out of her nose and her face was scrunched up. she had always been an ugly crier.

“i’m not mad ok. you don’t have to cry,” sojung whispered. her hands cradled hyunjung’s face almost affectionately. seriously, why was this girl so nice? “uh, hey look at this. ready, look at me,” she said. hyunjung reluctantly pulled her eyes towards sojung’s face. the girl stepped back and and began to do a jig. it was a silly jig. hyunjung had never seen such a sloppy excuse of a dance, but it brought a smile to her face if only because it was ridiculously unexpected.

“oh, is that a smile i see,” sojung laughed. she continued to dance and make funny faces. hyunjung didn’t know how to react besides allowing a bubbly laugh out. “there it is. that’s the pretty smile i know and love.”


as soon as she finished talking, sojung went pink and slapped a hand on . hyunjung was just as pink if not more.

she must’ve been in the twilight zone. there was no way this was happening.

“wait, forget i said that,” sojung flailed. she stood still and self-consciously writhed her hands in front of her.

“you didn’t mean it?” hyunjung felt as if she were on a roller coaster.

sojung immediately put her hands up and shook them hard; hyunjung was afraid they’d rip off from her body if she continued. she wore a bug-eyed expression. “that’s not it. i meant it.” she stopped waving her hands and went back to writhing them. “i just didn’t mean to make it awkward.”

“you think i have a pretty smile?”

“the prettiest.”



this was it. for once sojung was doing something right. she had hyunjung laughing. she had hyunjung enjoying her company. and then she just blew it. she had to let her big mouth open and ruin the moment. everything went up in flames.

“you think i have a pretty smile,” she mumbled. the question sent sojung’s mind into overdrive. of course she thought hyunjung had a pretty smile. it was the brightest thing she’s ever had the luck of seeing. whenever she saw hyunjung smile, whether from afar or up close, there was no possible way for sojung to ignore it. it made her insides go haywire.

“the prettiest.”

the other girl’s face went pink; sojung didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.

“i kinda,” went dry. she was going to do this. she was already dead. she was burying herself at this point. “i kinda think everything about you is pretty.”

“oh.” hyunjung tucked some hair behind her ear and looked anywhere but sojung.

“yeah. well, it doesn’t matter i guess. i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. i just really…i really like you.. in the like like way.” smooth sojung. real smooth. what a way to declare your hopeless infatuation, she seethed to herself.

“the like like way?” hyunjung brought a hand to and stifled a giggle. “please do tell me, sojung. what does the ‘like like way’ entail?”

now she was just making fun of her. could sojung ever catch a break?

“just. just. i mean. y’know. that i like like you and stuff.”

“you’re going to have to spell it out for me.”

sojung huffed and crossed her arms. “it means i have a crush on you ok. happy?”

there was a soft silence, neither comfortable nor uncomfortable. it was just there.



“ok,” hyunjung parroted. a wide smile was on her face. sojung felt her stomach do a flip. “i like like you too.”

plot twist.

“you’re just trying to make me feel better,” sojung positioned. she raised an eyebrow. she wouldn’t get her hopes up. not yet. “i don’t need your pity.”

it was hard keeping her eyes off the way hyunjung’s tongue slithered out to wet her lips. the other girl took a step. then another. and another. sojung felt her heart hammer against her chest.

“you want to know what i really think,” hyunjung whispered. they were right in front of each other now. sojung had to lightly dip her head to stay eye-to-eye.

she didn’t dare speak. she didn’t dare break the moment.

“i think,” hyunjung continued, “that we’re both a couple of idiots.” she kissed her. it was light and soft. nothing more than a peck.

sojung felt dizzy. she didn’t know how to respond. she willed herself to breathe and take it one step at a time. she was going to play it cool. she had to play it cool.

“uh…uh…um…so you want me to like…um….i can drive you home if you want.”

nice. that was really cool. she played it super cool.

“i don’t know,” hyunjung teaser. “i’m not too fond of people driving me home. unless they’re my friends,” she stopped and put a finger to her lips and smirked, pink in the face, “or my girlfriend.”

“i’ll be whatever you want me to be,” sojung said breathlessly.



hyunjung woke up to two messages the next morning.



good morning!! i hope you had a good night’s sleep!!

  • 6:30 am



did mom finally get laid ;)

  • 10:00 pm


naturally she blocked luda’s number for the fifth time that week. and she also sent a good morning text to her girlfriend.

the word ‘girlfriend’ sent her into a fit of giggles. she’d rub it into her friends’ faces later. all she knew was that pink and wednesday truly were her lucky combination.



a/n so what did we learn from this? seola and exy are both emotional, lovesick losers and you should never ever under any circumstances trust your friends. also luda is a savage. 


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kasterian #1
Chapter 3: Savage Luda is the best lmao
ivorylineslead #2
Chapter 3: This is so cute and funny, oh my god ;_; I love your writing! Thank you so much for this amazing work ♡
LillyMay1100 #3
Yeoreum for the win!!
Chapter 3: Seola and exy is the cutest. I re read it so many times
cosmicgays #5
Chapter 3: This is so cute im crying
Chapter 2: Damn first chapter was deep. And I never thought about Mei qi and Yeoreum as a thing. Lol now u got me thinking about them together XD
Panda_00 #7
Chapter 6: Pls write more Exy & SeolA stories omigosh ur stories are perfect
cruddybutts #8
hellooooo ♡ luda/dawon wherein luda's tired of dawon babying her and wants to take the lead for once
Chapter 6: aww they're perfect. tysm for updating <3
prompt : luda is small and all dawon want to do is protect her