
We Need A Bigger Bed

Jungkook loved his boyfriends very much but sometimes, he really just wanted to wrap his fingers around their necks and strangle them. Not enough to kill, but enough to get his point of, PICK UP YOUR ING , across.

It was a pointless battle, he knew that. And he knew coming into this relationship, moving into Yoongi's apartment, there would be things they disagreed on. Especially him and Jimin. The two of them clashed heads on too many things to count but none of them were important enough to effect the way they felt about each other.

But this. This was really scraping on Jungkook's nerves. He knew when he moved in with the two of them that he was the more organized one. The one who liked to keep his things neat and tidy where as Yoongi hated anything that had anything to do with cleaning and Jimin was a bit absentminded. Jimin never meant to leave dishes in the sink, or his dirty clothes tossed everywhere, he just forgot sometimes. But Yoongi, honestly, didn't give a and he was supposed to be the oldest. And while the two of them were perfectly fine living in filth, Jungkook was not.

It became Jungkook's self appointed job to clean up after his annoying lovers. It would drive him nuts if the dishes piled up too high or the living space was cluttered with crap. Jimin would help when he could, when he noticed Jungkook stomping about the apartment, grumbling under his breath about lazy boyfriends. Yoongi, honestly, was rarely ever home as it was. And when he was home, he was too busy trying to cuddle up to one of them than actually do anything about the state of their apartment.

And okay, as much as it grinded on Jungkook's nerves he couldn't exactly stay mad at the two of them when Jimin tried so hard to help and Yoongi cuddled up to him like a sleepy cat. But there was only so much the boy could take! He was the youngest after all and his hyung's were just at taking care of their living space.

"Seriously?!" Jungkook groaned, closing his eyes as soon as he saw the pile of dishes in the sink from the night before. It was Yoongi's turn and he should have expected by then that it woudln't get done but he had a hard day with classes and he didn't want to come home to a mess for once. Was that too much to ask?

"What?" Jimin sounded concerned, poking his head into the kitchen where Jungkook was slumped against the wall, rubbing his temples with two fingers.

"Oh." He sighed softly when he noticed the dishes too. "I'll do them."

"No. No. You have practice in twenty minutes." Jungkook sighed, pushing off the wall to approach the pile of dishes. Out of all the things Jungkook hating having to do, dishes was at the top of his list. No one liked doing dishes, but at least they could share in their pain. Yoongi was getting no cuddles when he got home. None at all.

"I don't think hyung came home at all today or last night." Jimin pointed out, leaning against the door frame to watch Jungkook cringe and start filling the sink with water. "He left after dinner and I don't think he's been back."

"He better come home so I can kick his ."

Jimin giggled softly, coming up behind Jungkook to slip his arms around his waist. The youth did his best to ignore him even if he wasn't actually mad at him. His anger was currently directed at Yoongi. "Isn't it, 'he better come home or I'll kick his ?"

"No, his is getting kicked either way." Jungkook glared at the sponge in his hand, running it under the streaming water before pouring dish soap over it. Jimin's hands were warm pressed against his stomach and honestly, if he didn't have dishes that were grating on his mind, he probably would have taken advantage of the twenty minutes Jimin had before he had to leave.

"Kookie." Jimin's voice took on that hint of a whine and Jungkook wanted to roll his eyes but soft plump pillow lips pressed to the back of his neck, just below his hair line and made him shiver slightly. "I'll talk to hyung about it. He'll feel really bad that he forgot."

Jungkook snorted, the flame in his stomach dying down even though he didn't want it to. "He never forgets. He just chooses not to."

"Okay maybe sometimes." Jimin agreed, wrapping his arms around the youth's waist a little tighter. "But he was in a hurry last night. Something about a deadline, remember? I think we're lucky he came home at all to have dinner with us."

Jungkook knew Jimin was right but sometimes, he just wanted to stay mad, okay? And he was just about to tell Jimin that when the sound of the apartment door opening reached them. Jimin planted a soft kiss to Jungkook's cheek, told him it would be all right, and then skippered off to greet Yoongi.

Jungkook remained in the kitchen, grumbling to himself about his lazy oldest boyfriend, scrubbing a little too hard at a bit of sauce on the plate he was washing. The water was still running, filling up his ears and in a way, it was slightly relaxing. But he was still mad. He remained mad even when thin arms wrapped around his waist from behind and a chin propped up on his shoulder. A smile tugged at his lips, Yoongi had to lean all the way up on his tip toes to reach Jungkook's shoulder and that thought was too cute, but he forced it away. He ignored the man, focusing on the task at hand until long elegant fingers wrapped around his wrists, stopping him from what he was doing.

"Excuse me, I'm trying to do your job." Jungkook hissed softly, no heat behind his words and he didn't even fight against Yoongi's grip.

"Let me." His voice was deep, always so deep and sounded like he just rolled out of bed even if it was almost six in the evening.

"You've been working all night, Go rest." He was mad, yes, but he also knew his lover had been working his off lately to met a deadline from some new group's debut and he understood that. Jungkook wasn't that much of an , he liked to think.

"Jungkook." His warm breath brushed over Jungkook's skin and he resisted the urge to shiver. "Look at me." Strong hands, larger than his own, grabbed at his hips and pushed him until the youth finally turned around after dropping what he was doing. His hands were dripping wet but Yoongi didn't seem to mind.

The blond looked tired, his eyelids so heavy Jungkook could only see a hint of his dark eyes and his round cheeks were flushed ever so slightly from the cold winter air outside. He looked rumbled, his hair a fluffy mess and his sweater almost hanging off one shoulder. He looked like he had not slept in more than twenty four hours, which was the case, but there was a faint smile curled to his lips and Jungkook couldn't resist him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders to pull him closer.

"Let me." Yoongi mumbled softly, his pink plump lips barely moving before he cupped Jungkook's cheek and pulled the youth down. When their lips met, it was soft and sweet and apologetic. And Jungkook just couldn't be mad anymore. It was a weakness and he knew it but it was a part of loving someone. Yoongi was sorry and Jungkook understood and he just couldn't be mad about it.

"Aw!" Jimin cooed from the door, Yoongi's lips curling up in a smile against Jungkook's and before they could pull away Jimin was on them, wrapping an arm around each of them to hug them both. "You two are so cute."

Yoongi snorted softly, shaking his head and nuzzling his way into Jungkook's neck, just under his chin. Jungkook smiled softly, one hand resting on Yoongi's back, between his shoulder blades while the other reached out to pat Jimin's side. They stood there like that for a minute, breathing one another in and basking in the reality that yes, they had each other and yes, they were working out because they loved each other and were willing to try.

"Ten minutes." Yoongi mumbled softly into Jungkook's neck, his lips brushing against the skin and making him shiver.

"Yeah, Yeah." Jimin grumbled, pulling away from the two of them reluctantly to get ready to leave. Jungkook leaned back against the counter, letting Yoongi continue to snuggle up to his front because he couldn't deny the elder anything, why did he ever think he could? Yoongi was only super snuggly when he was tired and worn out from working, so Jungkook knew his lover was exceptionally tired.

Jimin hurried back into the kitchen to kiss the both of them before he left, promising to be home in a few hours and if practice ran late, he would let them know. When the apartment door slammed shut, Jungkook let out a soft sigh and tried to shake Yoongi off him, rubbing his shoulders gently.

"I have dishes to do, Yoongi. Go lay down."

The blond grumbled for a few seconds before his long fingers clamped down over Jungkook's wrist and then the youth was being pulled out of the kitchen and into the living room. Jungkook didn't fight it, just let the blond push him onto the couch until he was laying down and then Yoongi crawled over him, burying his face in his neck and curled up comfortably.

Yoongi would probably nap like that, curled up on Jungkook's chest like a cat and honestly, he didn't mind. Sure there were dishes to be done, laundry to start and Jungkook had homework to do but for now, for a little while, at least until Jimin came home again, Jungkook could take a break and rest with his boyfriend, enjoying his warmth and the sound of soft breaths against his neck.

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Chapter 1: So cute, warming and adorable x) Now I feel like going to bed and sleep.
Chapter 1: This is so adorable. Crass words but it still sounded cute :)