Winter Stars


Author: GuiLun41

** I OWN NOTHING of this fanfic, all credit goes to the rightful owner/writer/author

** I re-post it here due to site closed down

** No plagiarism intended

** Purely sharing to all readers and fans


Original owner/ writer/ author (by GuiLun41)


PS: Fanfic was originally published on Winglin and completed on March 20, 2009.



*Inspired by:
- 'vietphokoreanbbqbeef' <--search on youtube.
- read her FanFics
- Watch her trailers(:

Heres the characters &What not.
P.S. some things are exaggerated
like the age. so if theres something wrong with their age differences
i know._.
But hey, its all for the purpose of the FanFic

Gui Gui: 20
- Lower class
- Lost parents in tragic accident and has been raised by her uncle.
- Positive attitude.
- Winter Person

Aaron Yan Ya Lun: 23
- Upper class
- Lives Alone
- Positive Attitude. Cold towards most people.
- Winter person^^
- Lucky number: 41

Jiro Wang: 26
- Upper class
- both Parents alive
- Tells lame jokes.(Comic Relief)
- Summer Person
- Lucky number: 95

Calvin Chen: 28
- Upper class
- Both Parents alive
- Ignores mostly everyone(Not often talked about)
- Spring person
- lucky number: 77

Wu Chun:
- Upper class
- both parents alive
- Burrys himself in studies (Not often talked about)
- Autumn person
- Lucky number: 59

Wang Zi: 20
- Middle class
- Lives with dad mother ran away
- negative attitude (he'll soften up later^^)
- No need for a season
- Nor a number

Rainie Yang: 23
- Middle class
- Both parents alive
- Positive attitude
- No need for a season
- Nor a number


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