Chapter 21

Winter Stars



Sorry guys! Fell asleep!
xD oh man, i made the poster
for my new story.
but... i still need to WRITE it.
Anyways. sorry to keep you
waiting so long. O_O

Aaron's POV

A: Gui Gui... I--
GG: Can i go first?
A: S..sure..

He laid back down
GG: Aaron... i--

When i kissed her earlier tonight
i have no idea what went through my mind.
But one thing i knew was some thing
that will change my life...
I'll finally admit defeat...

I fell for her.

I fell so hard for a ghost.

Her soft sweet lips...
Her smooth skin...
Her embracing arms...
Her sunlit smile.

All of those i loved.
And i cherished.
I didnt realized i loved her


*A/N: This scene is something that happened
that i didn't quite show you earlier^^

It was only a week ago...
Gui Gui snuck into my house in the middle of the night.
She knocked on the door and came in
i was still awake... half asleep.

GG: Pssst! Aaron!
A: Gui? how did-- Why are you here? So late.
GG: I... I...
A: You?
GG: I had a nightmare.
A: So... You came across the street because?
GG: Can i stay the night here?
A: Uhm... Sure?
GG: Thanks.

She crept in my room and slept on the sofa.
I sat up in my bed and watched her try and sleep.
She was tossing and turning, finding a comfortable spot.
I couldn't take it.
The noise she was making started to annoy me.

I Got out of the bed and grabbed her hand
leading her to my bed. She laid down and looked at me.
Like she was confused.
I got in the bed and laid on the left side.

She immediately fell asleep
But i was fully awake.
I opened my arm out and let out a sigh.
Suddenly Gui Gui rolled over on my arm
I was about to yank it out
but then she would wake up.
So... i let her sleep.

her arms were soon around me
and her head was on my chest
I smiled at her peaceful quiet self.
I dont know what came over me
But i stayed up all night just looking at her.
My heart began to beat faster
As Gui Gui was talking in her sleep

GG: -sleep talking- ...Ya Lun...

She said my name? In her sleep?
my heart from what was a beat.
To loud thumping pounds.
I could nearly hear my heart booming.

I starred at her for awhile
and my lips were in control of themselves
I leaned in closer and kissed her lightly.
I pulled back and couldn't believe what I've done.
I laid there looking at the ceiling counting all the times we've kissed...
mouth-mouth contact and just a peck on the cheek.

One...Two...T-three... Four?...f-f-FIVE?!.. SIX?!...S-SEVEN?!


geez... And includind this one? EIGHT! Oh man..

i shook this thought out of my head and returned my gaze
At Gui Gui.
I soon fell asleep and the next morning.. She was still there.
Still sleeping.
I laid there. still. not making a move.
Starring at the ceiling
Reviewing what happened last night.
I started falling for her...
[end of the VERY long flashback^^]

But i let her go first.
Before i could talk she wanted to go first.

GG: Aaron.. i--

I looked at her viewing the stars
while the glimmered in here eyes.

I don't know whats happening...
Am i going to have a heart break?

Suddenly she rolled next to me.
In my arms again.
Almost like what happened a week ago.
*A/N: He's Referring to that flash back up there*

GG: Ya Lun.. I..
A: I take it back.
GG: What?
A: -emphasis- I! Will go first.

She looked at me in shock and i smiled.

I looked up at the stars. the millions scattered in the sky. Letting out a deep breath.. i told her.

A: -sigh- Wu Ying Jie..
GG: Yes?
A: I...
GG: You?

I tried my best not to show weakness.

A: I love you.
GG: -speechless-
A: -looks at her and smiles-
GG: -still speechless-
A: And.. More than my best friend.
GG: I--
A: -chuckles- Ha, don't believe me?
GG: ...
A: I'll Prove it to you.
GG: How--

I rolled over on top of her.
both arms supporting me up.
One hand on each side of her.

I looked down at her who was still in shock from what i said. I decided to explain.

A: How many times have i kissed you?
GG thinking: I already know that one...
GG: Eight.. including the one from tonight.

I laughed, eight? no. it was nine.

A: Wrong.
GG: Wrong?
A: Remember when you came to my house when you had a night mare?
GG: Yea?
A: I gave you a kiss when you were sleeping.
GG: R....Really?

I nodded and continued looking down at her.

She sat up, and i sat down in front of her.
She shifted to sit on her knees and stood up.
and i just looked at her and got up as well.

She leaned in and kissed me.
not a peck on the cheek.
But on my lips.
And not just a light soft kiss.
But a long, rough, Passionate one.

It was like the one we did a few minuets ago.
But not quite.
It went on longer.
No interruptions.
her arms wrapped around my neck,
pulling me in closer.
I put my hands around her waist and closed to gap between us.

She pulled away, looked down and smiled
Our faces just a few centimeters apart
Still in each others hold.

GG: Aaron Yan Ya Lun...
A: Yeah?

she started playing with me
GG: Why didn't you let me talk first?
A: i-- uhhh..
GG: i was going to say that first.

I was over joyed and smiled at her.
A: I love you?
GG: Me too.
A: Hey!
GG: -pretends to look off into space-
A: Not going to say it back properly?
GG: -still pretends-
A: Fine. i see how you are.

I let go of her waist and walked away s l o w l y

three... Two... One.

GG: Alright. well.. i guess ill just go and...Find Wang Zi.

I turned back around thats not what i expected!

A: What?!
GG: Yeah, you hate me now so ill go cry on HIS shoulder.

She walked the other way and i grabbed her wrist and spun her around.

A: Tell me.. How many times have we kissed?
GG: You forgot already?
A: Yeah. Short term memory.
GG: -pulls down on neck- eleven.
A: Eleven i thought it was te--
She pulled me in faster and we fell to the ground
No pain, we felt nothing.
She pulled down on me and that...
was the 11th kiss.

Gah! sorry. kinda lame?
Well anyways comment.
Honestly i couldnt put in details.
Why? well my parents kept interrupting.
and incase someone peeped over my writing
and saw that it has ALOT of mouth descriptions
then im busted.

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