Chapter 19

Winter Stars


Flashbacks and a Show

Well, yeah. heres chapter... 19?
Technically its ch 16, but oh well.^^
i was thinking about that 10 comments thing
but then i said hell no
because the fact that i have to WAIT
would piss me off :P
Ps. Im writting a new guilun
fanfic soon! ill post url when i write the
1st ch. i have like 3 story lines in mind already.

Gui Gui's POV
-Next day-

WZ: Gui, can i talk to you for a sec?
GG: Uhm.. sure?

It was a few minuets after the school bell rang
dismissing us from the long school day.
Wang Zi was acting strange lately
But... what was he going to tell me?
I followed him to this hidden area near the entrance of the gym.

No one could see us from there

WZ: Well... i--
GG: Wang Zi? You Ok?
WZ: Would you..

I stood there, i knew what he was going to say...

WZ: Would you go back out with me?
GG: w-what?
WZ: Gui, last time we were together, i really did like you.
GG: -waiting-
WZ: i broke up with you right?
GG: -nods-
WZ: Well, i was stupid. i didn't realize how amazing you really were
until i was in America. Wu Ying Jie, i still love you.

GG: What did you just say?
WZ: I know you like Aaron
GG: I-- i--

Why was everyone making admit this?
It was getting weird.
How come people know my own heart?
suddenly pictures of Aaron flooded my thoughts

WZ: Never mind. i take that back
GG: What?
WZ: -laughs-
GG: What are you--
WZ: you love Aaron.
GG: I--
WZ: Look, just answer these questions real fast.
GG: Uhm, weird change of subject but ok?

WZ: How many times did you guys kiss?

Crap.. thats a lot of times. i held my hands out
counting with my fingers... lets see..

[flashback 1]
-Gui Gui's POV-
I opened my eyes and saw some guy below me, his lips pressed against mine.

GG: -pushes self up- Ahhhhh!!!!
Guy: -sits up ad wipes lips off- Ugh!
i looked at the guy, soft, marbled eyes... and his lips were soft...sweet... Wait... What the?! Why am i fantasizing!?

i lifted up one finger

[flashback 2]
-Aaron's POV-
I pulled Gui Gui in closer and she didn't resist
Good. shes playing along.
R: Fine. If shes your girlfriend.. Kiss her.
GG: Psst.. Ya lun... You just kissed me a few minuets ago..
Ha! oh man this is so funny. Rainie was steaming!
R: Just kiss her!
A: Fine. you asked for it.

I lifted Gui Gui's head and started to kiss her.
it wasn't like the one in the hallway..
But more... passionately.
I pulled back, her lips were sweet, and soft.

another finger.

[flashback 3]
-Aaron's POV-
GG: JUST Gui Gui!?

She jumped on me and something happened that hasn't happened in a year,

She ran in front of me and kissed my cheek
Speechless, i stopped walking

three fingers were up, theres more isn't there?

[flashback 4]
-Gui Gui's POV-
A: I'm sorry.
GG: For what?
A: for what i'm going to do next.
[telepathy ends]

he spun me around and kissed me

-flashback continued-
Aaron suddenly started to make-out with me
From what started out to be a kiss
He held me closer and i couldn't resist
My arms curled around his neck.

F-four kisses?

[flashback 5]
-Aaron's POV-
suddenly my phone rang and i looekd down
But instead of veiwing the caller
Our lips met and we closed out eyes.


[flashback 6]
-Gui Gui's POV-
I jumped off the last stair and onto his back.
My arms around his neck
GG: Rawrrr~~
I kissed his cheek and looked up at Rainie
GG: Oh, Hi^^

h-holy crap.

[flashback 7]
-Gui Gui's POV-
GG: -shouting after him- Aaron Yan Ya Lun!

he turned around and i kissed him, missing his cheeks
And kissed, instead, his lips.

Seven...?! Oh my god is it really?

I looked back up at wang zi.

GG: We times.
WZ: -laughs- Damn!
GG: -blushes-
WZ: Well im not going to stop chasing after you.
GG: What do you--

He walked towards me slowly and kissed my lips lightly

WZ: I said i love you.
GG: -speechless-
WZ: And you and aaron love each other.
GG: i...uhh..
WZ: You guys are unsure of eachothers feeling. but
everyone else can see it.

WZ: I wont give up on you.
Just then he walked away...
after he was out of sight my phone rang

GG: Hello?
A: Gui! we going to rehearse like you said? talent shows in two days!
GG: I-- Sure!

I ran home, and right when i got out the shower my doorbell rang.

GG: ill get it!

I beat my uncle to the door.

A: Ready?
GG: Yep!

Day of the talent show.

Me and Aaron were nervous.
We were about to reveal
our inner secrets to the whole school
Were we ready?
Hell no.
Were we scarred?
Damn right!

Suddenly Ms. Cherry announced who was next.

MC: Now, please welcome...

A: Ready?
G: -shakes head- no.
He smiled at me and grabbed my hand

MC: The pair you all never knew had such talent...

I gripped his hand harder
A: Loosen up a little. it hurts!

I loosened my grip and took a deep breath

MC: Wu Ying Jie! And Aaron Yan Ya Lun!

The stage crew rushed us to center stage.

A: This is it...
GG: Yeah...
A: Don't worry
he griped my hand for a second to ensure he was still there
A: I'm here.
[end of telepathy]

He sat at the piano and i sat next to him

Looking at the crowds faces...

They didn't believe it either.

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