True Feelings

True Feelings
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It was the time of the year that Kyungsoo loved so much. 

*Its nearly fall*

Fall was his and Jongin's favorite season of the year year. They both love to watch as the flowers of the cherry blossom beautifully fall down and pile up into clusters.

He smiled in content as he smelled the fresh air and looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him.

He was sitting on the park's bench waiting for Jongin.


He bit back his smile at the thought of the younger guy he fell in love with. 

It has been three years since he had these feeling to Jongin, and he knows that Kai feels the same towards him.

Kai never expressed it out loud though but the way he acts towards him was totally different to the way he acts to their other guy and girl friends.

He always let Kyungsoo feel that he's loved and special. He treats Kyungsoo with utmost care and gentleness. The older boy can't help but to fall in love even more at the younger one's acts.

Kyungsoo got hold of the box tucked in his pockets and opened it.

He looked at the beautiful silver ring engraved with his and Jongin's combined name. 


He was proposing to Jongin today. He wanted to make it official between the two of them. He want to put a label in their relationship. He wants Jongin to be his and he wants himself to be owned by Jongin.

Now Kyungsoo was waiting for Jongin to arrive. The younger boy called earlier this day and told Kyungsoo to meet at the park where the both of them hangout often.

"Wear something nice okay Soo hyung? Tonight's gonna be special. I have something to tell to you. See you later then! Take care." 

He chuckled at the boy's silliness. He had a hint that the reason why Jongin wanted to meet up with him was also the same reason why he has this box in his hand right now.

A wide smile was plastered against Kyungsoo's face. There's no other reason why Jongin wants him to wear something nice . Jongin also told him that this nights gonna be special so it only lead to one thing. Proposal.

A few minutes passed by until he heard someone called out his name. 

It was Kai's. 

He stood up and  faced Kai's direction. 

"Hyung!" Jongin ran up to him and enveloped him in a bone crushing hug causing the older boy's heart flutter at an incredible speed who seemed unnoticed by Jongin. 

"Jongin are you trying to kill me cuz you bet its working" Kyungsoo abruptly said for the younger boy to let go. 

Kyungsoo's face turned tomato red at the sudden skinship but Jongin mistook it that he probably suffocated Kyungsoo from the hug.

"Aww sorry hyung. I'm just too happy to see youuuu" Jongin cooed as he softly nudged Kyungsoo's shoulders.

"Aye what's that hyung?" Jongin pried at what he saw like a black box on Kyungsoo's hand.

"You'll find out later" Kyungsoo softly said looking at Jongin with love filled in his eyes.

"Hmm okay then. But hyung there is a reason why I asked you to be here." Jongin's playful side was now replaced with a serious one.

Jongin grabbed hold of Kyungsoo's hands and looked at him straight in the eyes.

Kyungsoo swear that he could see love, devotion and sincerity in it. 
Kyungsoo blushed at the intense gaze Jongin was giving him.

"Kyungsoo hyung, I'm proposing..."
Kai tenderly smiled while a loving look was plastered on his face.

Kyungsoo was beyond happy, he couldn't believe that this was happening, the love of his life was proposing to him. It felt surreal but his world started crashing down when Jongin spoke.

"I'm proposing hyung. I'm proposing my love to Krystal. I love her so much and I want to have your blessing"

His words felt like actual knife stabbing right through his heart. It hurt. It hurt like hell.

Tears started forming on Kyungsoo's eyes. His lips quivered as he tried his best to suppress  a smile to his bestfriend.

"H-hyung are you okay?" Jongin grew concerned when tears started b down Kyungsoo's eyes.

Kyungsoo felt like someone was tearing his heart apart. It really hurt like hell. He thought Jongin was proposing to him. But in fact he wasn't. He thought he loved him.
Then everything clicked in, all the affection he thought that Jongin gave him wasn't a love from a lover but only a love from a brother.

"I-i'm okay Jongin-ah. I'm happy for you." Kyungsoo gulped his saliva and mustered the most sincere smile he could give to his love one.

"Thank you hyung. You are really the best" Jongin hugged Kyungsoo tightly before letting go.

"Krystal, love, come here." Jongin's voice was so tender and soft as he called for the girl named Krystal.

A girl with strikingly beautiful face walked up to them and Kyungsoo felt sicker even more. No wonder Kai fell for the girl.

"Oppa this is embarrassing" Krystal softly muttered, her head hung low not facing the two guys faces.

Kai went by her side and placed his hands on her waist. Kai chuckled at her cuteness and gently tugged her forwards to Kyungsoo's direction.

"Its okay. He'll love you no matter what. Kyungsoo hyung is nice" Kai said lovingly before looking at Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo closed his eyes not wanting to watch the scene in front of him. He just can't watch the two anymore. It only triples the pain that he was feeling. 

"Hyung this is Kr-"

"Save it" Kyungsoo tried hard not to stammer as a tear slipped down his eye.

Jongin was taken a back by his hyung's words but remained silent.

Kyungsoo send Krystal a look before his eyes shifted to Jongin.

"I got to go. I wish you happiness Jongin..." He l

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Chapter 1: uwaaa~ cute!