Chapter 24




i wondered what Xiao Gui meant but then i didn't want to ruin my little date with my Ah Bu for now, so i chucked away the paper into my bag and start eating my dessert again. i heard the front door opened, i saw 2 strange people dressed in black cloak. i paid no attention to them until i noticed they were walking to our direction and saw the girl's face. she was very gorgeous, her skin was kind of tanned, her lips curved beautifully on her face though it was covered with dark lipstick. she has stunning blue eyes that was covered with thick black eyeliner. she stared at me and smiled like she knew me, she is quite short but looked like just around my age. she had a hood on so i couldn't tell what her hair looked like, behind her followed a pale boy who looked 2 years younger than me. he looked just a gorgeous but just with pale skin and green eyes. he covered himself with make up too, just like the girl but less eyeliner.he held no interest on me unlike the girl. Aaron caught my attention when suddenly he became very tense, he didn't move a muscle as the 2 strangers came closer to us.
"what's wrong?" i touched Aaron's hand.
"i-it's nothing." Aaron hung his head.
"Ms Wu." i turned around and saw the girl smiling at me.
"wh-who are you?" i asked nervously.
"i'm Katie, and this is my mate Demetri." she turned her gaze to Aaron who still haven't move from his position.
"Aaron Yan, nice to see you again." Aaron said in his most bitter voice,
"Aaron Yan, don't be bitter. i'm just here to see Wu Ying Jie.: Katie was still calm.
"why are you looking for me?" i stood up, trying to be tough.
"Gui, let's go." Aaron pulled me by the wrist but the boy seems to be called Demetri stopped us.
"look, Aaron. we're not here to fight, i just need to talk to Wu Ying Jie." Katie calm Aaron but it didn't work.
"why do you need her?" Aaron tighten his hands on my wrist.
"Wu Ying Jie, you didn't tell Aaron you're 4moon?" KAtie knew my secret? how?
"Gui, what is she talking about?" AAron looked at me.
"i-i-" i was cut off by Katie.
"she's 4moon the daughter of your queen. don't you know that?" Katie was evil!!!
"is that true?" Aaron let go of my wrist.
"Aaron, i-i can't tell you , my mom said it's too dangerous to tell you guys." i was stuttering in fear.
"but why didn;t you tell me? i'm your boyfriend." Aaron was upset.
"it slipped of my mind." Katie watched our argument in amused face.
"anyways we're just here to take one thing, the ring on your finger Aaron. it's a very important object and we need it." Katie was eyeing the ring on Aaron's left hand. it happened so fast, all of a sudden my forehead was bleeding while Aaron was standing in front of me, defending me. Katie have attacked Aaron but i saved him. while the Demetri Guy hit Aaron with a weird object i've never seen before.
"LEAVE NOW!!!" Aaron shouted, darkness took over me after that.
i felt the breeze blowing on my face, it felt so fresh. i smelt the forest. i heard deep breathes. as i opened my eyes, i found myself carried by my dearest Ah Bu. but his face was hard, not happy but upset. i guess he haven't forgive me.
"ah bu?" i said in a muffle sound.
"are you ok?" Aaron continued running through the trees. he voice was cure for me, it made me feel better.
"i'm sorry." i wrapped my arms around him.
"it's ok, love. does your wound still hurts?" Aaron half smiled to show he forgives me.
"no." i touched my forehead but there was nothing.
"my wound is gone!" i realized.
" i guess that's one of my abilities." i laughed it out.
"Gui, we need to talk." Aaron became serious.

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