Chapter 22




I tried to listen carefully, us warriors has the ability to hear much clearer than ordinary human, but I wasn’t good at it. As I concentrate, I felt soft footsteps coming from the back. I pointed my finger on my back so Aaron can attack him, he nodded.
“1…2…3” I said three a bit louder then Aaron jumped high enough to see who it was. He quickly put the ring that he used last time, he formed his hands like a mouth and a flash came out and hit the person’s face. He landed safely on the ground; he came near me wrapping his arms around me for protection. He became tense after landing on the ground; we walked to the person who was spying on us. It seems to be a girl by the y figure; she was wearing a ninja like outfit and was wearing a mask. There was a big wound on her left forearm, who was she? I came closer to reveal the girl’s identity, I have already touched her mask, but Aaron had pulled me near to him. The girl was alarmed when she saw our faces, before I could get closer to her. She had already run in the woods, I was frightened when she had already run off. Aaron sensed my reaction and gave me a tight comforting hug.
“it’s ok, I’m here!” Aaron whispered into my ear.
“ah bu…” I said. I walked back to the meadow, Aaron saw a necklace with a red topaz I insisted to leave the meadow, I didn’t want to but I was too scared that maybe someone would attack us again and maybe this time Aaron didn’t have time to injure the spy. It felt like a longer walk back to school, I was already having heel pain and I was very sweaty already. After couple more minutes, we saw the view of the school. It was already 4 when we got back to school; the school had finished half an hour ago. The only students were left are the students who attended the ‘afternoon class’, we saw Ella’s group and Chun’s group waiting for us. We both thought we were in big trouble, when suddenly out of nowhere Genie hugged me tightly.
“do you know we were worried sick about you? Where have you been in this 3 hours?” Genie had big eyes, looking if I was hurt.
“huh?” I was totally lost, why would they think we would get hurt unless…
“well, Calvin can see uncertain futures. He saw that you guys were attack.” Rainie came in to explain.
“oh.” I didn’t know Calvin could see futures.
“good you’re alright, Gui. I was worried, I mean we were worried.” Ella tried to smile. Did I hear wrong? Ella was worried about me?
“where’s Hebe?” Aaron asked out of the blues.
“she ran off when you got mad at her at lunch.” Calvin said like it wasn’t a big thing.
“oh.” Aaron said, why was he asking about Hebe?
“are we going training today?” since I ditched my first training last time.
“yup, but first both of our groups have to meet up with Ms Allen. She needs to discuss about something. We were going into the secret elevator; Genie saw a figure coming towards us. Hebe came in with a lot of bruises and her left forearm was injured. Ella raced back to help Hebe, her face turned into a worried expression.
“what happened?” Ella’s voice was about to crack when she saw Hebe’s state.
“I was walking back to class when someone wearing black pushed me, I rolled down the stairs and was unconscious for 3 hours.” Hebe’s voice cracked. I felt pity, she looked awful.
“you should rest for awhile.” I suggested.
“Genie bring her to the nurse office in the secret room ok?” I smiled at Genie, I know she would be glad that I got along with miss Demon.
“ok.” Genie gave me a smile that says ‘I’m glad you got along with her.’
The rest of the gang head to Ms Allen’s office, Aaron was talking to me. I noticed Ella and Chun was getting closer by the minute, I must ask Aaron about this.
“Ah Bu, do you notice Ella and Chun are sweet now?” we both stared at the soon to be cute couple. They both were giggling about something, Ella playfully hit Chun’s left arm.
“well, they did get closer now you mentioned it.” Aaron smiled.
“they look good together right?” they do look good together.
“yeah.” Aaron took my hand and kept on making me laugh.
We arrived in front of a door, we entered after knocking on the door a couple of times. My mom sat down waiting for us with serious eyes.
“what’s wrong Ms Allen?” Calvin started the conversation.
“someone kidnapped 5 of our warriors last might, we don’t know who it is yet. The culprit didn’t leave any hint or clue.” Ms Allen shook her head slightly.
“WHAT?!?” we all said in unison except for Calvin.

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