Chapter 13



hook up

“or may be because you’re so called friends told you to break up with me?” Calvin’s voice was furious but his face looked calm. Genie looked at him in disbelief, no one ever insulted her best friends.
“don’t ever talk like that about them!” Genie was about to cry. She turned around and went out of the elevator. She went straight in the magic room, Calvin followed behind not making any conversation anymore.
“Calvin.i didn’t break up with you because they told me too. I wanted to break up because…I was getting tired of hiding.” Genie let out a drop of warm tear on her face.
“I’m sorry.” Calvin stopped for a second then continued.
“it’s not your fault, I didn’t tell what I wanted.” Genie stopped what she was doing and sat down on the floor leaning on the wall.
“actually, that night you broke up with me. I wanted to tell you that I want to tell them we’re together but you went first.” Calvin just smiled and sat next to Genie.
“if you’re tired, do what you always do, lean on my shoulder and snore. hehehe” Calvin smiled like he was offered a new better job.
“HAHAHA. That’s not funny. But I do miss leaning on your shoulder. The smell of your cologne always lingers to your body.” Genie smirked.
“oh, so that’s how you find my smell like.” Calvin looked at her that says’ admit it’
“what?” Genie smiled like a princess.
“ok, please don’t do your killer smile!” Calvin pretended to be scared.
“whatever, hey we should go. It’s pretty late.” Genie stood up was coming closer to the exit. She twisted the doorknob but it won’t budge, she did few more tries but still didn’t work.
“hey, Calvin help me open the door, I think it’s stuck.” Genie said while still trying. Calvin came to the rescue, but still didn’t work.
“Damn, it won’t open. There’s no way we can break it, it made not to break. I guess we’ll be here for tonight!” Calvin sat back to the position where they sat, so as Genie.
It’s been an hour since they were stuck inside, Genie was shivering from the chilly night, Calvin wrapped his jacket around her and her head on his lap. Genie fell asleep, Calvin watch her fall asleep . at Ella’s side, they both were ignoring each other. Ella hated Chun so much, she hated for what had happen and what will happen.
“hey, can you pass me the bottle?” Chun looked at her.
“why don’t you get it by yourself tough guy!” Ella then walked away.
“ok.” Chun didn’t pay any attention on the attitude anymore.
“I’m leaving.” Ella turned to the door.
“ok.” Chun was quite upset.
“aren’t you gonna stop me?” Ella didn’t like the quiet Chun.
“no. why should I?” Chun continued his work.
“why are you being so nice or rather quiet?” Ella took a look on Chun’s face.
“I……just go.” Chun didn’t want anymore interaction.
“Hey, for today we can be friends but only today.” Ella was kind of concern.
“Um…ok.” Chun was emotionless.
“let’s go somewhere to have fun…oh oh a new carnival is open just few blocks away. Wanna go?” Ella smiled, she seems to change her attitude for awhile there.
“ok.” For the first time Chun looked at Ella straight in the eyes.
“let’s go.” Ella pulled Chun to the door but the door was lock.
“what happened?” Chun tilted his head.
“the door is lock! There’s no way the door can be open!” Ella almost cried.
“it’s ok. We can just stay here and talk like how we used to be.” Chun giving a comforting smile.
“ok.” Was the only word Ella could think of after seeing that killer smile of Chun.
They sat on a table near a big sized window, through the window was a sight of a beautiful warm summer sunset. Ella started at the scene, it was a very heart warming sight, seeing the sun kiss the ocean and how the wind dance around the trees, seeing it made Ella know she was in a happy place.
“remember when both of our groups first met?” Chun sat down while Ella was still staring at the scenery
“we met at the training camp Ms Allen prepared 9 years ago, we were only about 10 years old back then. It was funny how we met.” Chun looked up pretending there was a cloud on top of his head…..

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