Chapter 11



Crazy gui

when the C.J.C.A was nowhere to be seen, the three girls broke in to laughters ecluding Guigui.
"Did you see their faces!!!"Rainie rubbed her stomach.
"i know!!!"Ella laughed her off which she did rarely.
"GUY!!!I WAS SERIOUS!i thought yous guys would be grateful of what i did."Guigui thought they were taking it as joke.
"OWWW!Guigui you didn't have to, it's just a small thing and besides Ms Allen would get mad if we use our powers around normal people."Genie patted Guigui's back to comfort her.
"So... you mean mom will get mad at me because of the mild earthquake?"Guigui's face turned into a scared Guigui.
"no.not you, us. she told us to explain the rules to you but...we forgot.we are prepared to be punished."Ella stood like a superhero style.
"Good, you three will follow me after school same goes for you Guigui."a familiar voice came from behind Ella, the girls tunred to the source and saw ma Allen grinning.
"Ms Allen!"the girls gasped.
"Guigui, who told you do that?"Ms Allen raised her left eyebrow.
"i...i...i was just so mad, i didn't know what happened it just happened!"Guigui couls have squeled.
"fine, i won't punish you four but today you'll practice in the danger train room."Ms allen walked away.
"WHAT?!?"Ella, Genie and Rainie shouted like crazy women.
"with Guigui?"Genie pointed at Guigui while staring at Ms Allen.
"of course!bye girls."Ms Allen disappeared.
"is she nuts!?!"Rainie hitting the wall, which cracked abit.
"why, what's wrong with danger something room?"Guigui smiled, she didn't know what's a head of her.
"D.T.R aka danger train room, it is for well trained fighter like us, for what i know you are far from that level."Ella shook her head.
"well, let's see."Guigui smiled and walked to class.
soon school finished, students flee off their classrooms.the girls went to an secret elvator that leads to D.T.R., the room was dark.
"well, i guess the room is empty!we should go."Guigui laughed nervously.
"come on Gui!"Genie pulled Guigui out of the elevator.
the light smitched on automatically when the girls entered the room.they saw ms Allen looking at them from the above room.she was staring at them from the wide bullet proof glass. she spoke using a mic.
"Girls,you know what to do right?"Ms allen's voice came out from the speakers attached on the ceiling.
"YES"the three girls said in unison except Guigui.
"Guigui watch how they do it, just stand over the red line and nothing will happen to you."Ms allen ordered her.
Guigui didn't ask any question for no further confusion, she was already confused why she was there.
"let the match begin."Ms Allen said.
the three girls got unto their position. Ella took out a small crystal diamond, it was colour blue.Rainie's hands and eyes glowed into a colour violet. While Genie took out a whip that was glowing too.Suddenly from out of nowhere, various machines came out attacking the girls.Ella kicked the machine and the crystal touched the machine and it turned into ice.Genie used her whip and hit the floor, slowly cracking a machine fell right in the trap.Rainie fired glowing violet towards one robot and explode.the action in front of Guigui made her in total amazed.After several minutes, the fight had ended sucessfully.the three girls fixed their clothes and hide their weapons, Ms allen had came down to congratulate them .
"well, you girls had improved."Ms Allen shook their hands.
"Guigui, it's your turn to fight, show them what you got."msAllen seem to have alot of confident on her daughter.
"huh?me?!?i..."Guigui looked down.
"Gui, remember when you were young, your dad and i taught you tricks and besides you have the talent since you were a baby."Ms Allen tried to encourage her daughter.
"but...i don't have hand fan."Guigui sobbed silently.
"who said you don't"Ms Allen reached out a red hand fan with a dragon on the middle, it was her weapon when she was young.
"Fanfan?!?"Guigui used to call her weapon Fanfan.
"i kept it so when i see you again i'll five it back to you."msAllen smiled.
"then, i'm ready to fight."Guigui steeped on the middle of the room.
"let the match begin."Ms Allen siad.
the machines attacked Guigui together, Ella and the girls taught this might be the end.However, they were wrong,Guigui used her fan and sliced the robots in one attack. she was fighting but still had graful moves, she look like an angel when she fight. she was still smiling like the match was just a game to her.then, just in 5 minutes all the robots were crashed on the floor. guigui walked back to the girls,still smiling.
"that was fun.let's play again."Guigui clepped her hands.
Ms Allen told Guigui to follow her , Guigui had a sad face.Guigui walked out of the room with Ms Allen, leaving the other girls dumfounded

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