A Dog named Bacon and a man

Fire In His Eyes

Baekhyun slowly crept closer, and closer to the forest edge. He cursed himself for having accepting the offer his parents had given him to house watch as they went off on a spring vacation.Why on earth would they buy a house in the center of a distance forest, Pennsylvania in which nobody is around for miles. Right now he could be down in Florida having a crazy awesome college spring break with his college buddies. But no, instead he had to stay at home all alone in the middle of nowhere, surrounded with acres; no, miles of thick forest on a sides. He stood there, just a few feet from the bushes that signified the beginning of the forest. His dog, Bacon, (yes, his parents named the dog that just to confuse them) was barking furiously inside; under the table, of course. So there Baekhyun was, outside with a flashlight in his boxers and undershirt. He squinted his eyes in order to see anything. But he saw, nor heard anything. He waved the flashlight this way and that, just for good measure. There was nothing there for him to see though, so he turned around and headed back for another episode of a crappy show he actually didn't care for when he saw lights flashing in and out of the trees, low to the ground and more like glowing orbs than shinning lights. He clicked off the light, and crouched down to the ground, grabbing his phone and punching in "9-1-1". His finger hovered the call button as the lights came rushing at him. There seemed to be more than one, and different colours as well. One was a fiery orange, even leaving a trail of light behind it. The other one though was much bigger. And white. So blindingly white that Baekhyun's eyes were practically shut. They came closer and closer, finally letting Baekhyun see just what they were.

" ...Fox a-and a Wolf?!" He whispered, rubbing his eyes to make sure that watching 7 hours of TV in a row hadn't made his eyes betray him. Alas, they did not. He looked up again and saw the two creatures, fighting each other, and the orange fox was kicking the wolf's epically. Actually, the more Baekhyun observed, it was like it was letting the fox beat him into oblivion. The wolf was defending itself, but it never threw a blow, and barely bared it's teeth. Faster and faster the approached the edge of the forest, where Baekhyun crouched. Fear racked his body as they came closer and closer to him. They were so close that he could hear their awful growls and the crunch of the old autumn leaves beneath them.

Suddenly the fox grabbed the wolf with power that a fox shouldn't have, and by biting down hard on the wolf's neck, threw it into the tree right in front of Baekhyun. He lets out a hair raising shriek. What else was he supposed to do; stay calm and collected as a glowing fox threw a glowing wolf at him? Baekhyun was acting rationally.

The fox, alerted by his shriek, look at him for a less than a second with his piercing white eyes before running of, a trail of orange light glowing in his minst.  

He patted his cheeks. He paced in circles. He patted his cheeks and paced in circles all at the same time as he saw the glow of the wolf flickering weaker and weaker. Then Baekhyun fell to the ground in disbelief, crab walking away from...he wasn't quite sure what it was anymore. What was once a glowing, glistening wolf with amazing gray, almost white fur, was now a man. All a man save for the wolf ears on his head and the blood matted tail peeking from under his body. Just lying there on the crisp leaves of fall past. It took a lot of time to stop shaking. A lot of time to calm down his breathing. A lot of time contributed to controlling his sphincter to not go slack. The man then moaned in pain. Panicked, Baekhyun straddled himself over his chest and started patting his cheeks, and looking at the damaging (And tried to ignore his extra manly parts) bites and scratches littering his body, some bleeding more than others.

“Oh yes finally!”mumbled Baekhyun as the man started to come to his senses, as he furrowed his eyebrows and fluttering his eyelids ever so little, his ears twitching. He quickly got off of him and crouched next to him. “Hey. Hey. Hey!” At last the man looked at him and tried to get up as fast as he could, but then cried out in pain. Baekhyun pushed him back down. “May I help you?I can help you, really I can.” At first the man looked hesitant, but he nodded his head. Baekhyun ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “Alright, Do you think you can get up slowly? Can you speak?” The night was dark. It was hard to see the stranger's face and smaller movements but considering the groaning that followed his questions that one of them was answers; there was no way he was getting up on his own.

Baekhyun looked out into the dark forest, internally dying inside. Why, oh why couldn't his parents not just stay home during spring break and let him be a college student? He looked back down at the man lying on the ground and sighed.He scooted closer to the man and slowly s his arm under the arch of the others back, trying to calm his shaking hands. His voice was shaking as well when he tried to speak. “Ju..st don't go all wolf on me and kill me, please?” He laughed dryly and nervously. The man spoke, surprisingly. His voice was low. His voice was scratchy and weak and barely audible.

“I..I won't… I Promise..” Baekhyun was relieved for two reasons by that. For one; he promised he won't. And Second, he wasn't dealing with a complete barbarian animal human werewolf thing that could kill him at any moment. Okay let's forget about the whole being killed by a wolf thing. To know that communication was possible was comforting. He slowly began to lift up the man. Being much larger than Baekhyun was, it was difficult but finally got him to sit up. His groans of pain where loud; vicious. Baekhyun winced at every voice of pain he made. Hot blood pumped slowly against his bare arm. He retracted his arms slowly and let the stranger calm down before making him endure more pain to get inside. All Baekhyun could do was drag him. Damp, broken leaves stuck to the man's legs. Baekhyun stumbled over rocks in the darkness. As he stepped onto the entryway to the door his hair was matted down with sweat, his chest rising and falling fast. The light from the house was welcoming, contrasted by the violent night that him and the man were in.

Retracting an arm from under the others, he opened the door with a click, he was soon greeted by the deep barking of the dog. Immediately He felt the man tense in his arms, his ears almost flat against his head now. Baekhyun was quick to react. He shuffled in the door and then closed it, reaching out to pet Bacon. He stopped barking. The bloody man relaxed. The dog, content that everything was alright, clobbered off to his bed, laying down with a final grunt, and shut his eyes. Letting out a deep breath, Baekhyun continued his work, pulling the man across his polished hardwood floor and ignoring the groans of pain from the person in his arms. He then realized just how lucky he was that there was a shower on this floor or things would be far worse. He shuffled through a dark hallway and into the bathroom where he sat the man down on the toilet seat and the lights. Immediately he covered his face and had to look away for a second before turning his gaze back onto him. He was in worse condition than Baekhyun had thought. His hair was flat and matted with blood that then trailed to the sides of his face and down his long thick neck, where bite marks and scratches had almost pierced his jugular. His eyes were almost swollen closed and nose was bleeding, lips cracked and blue. His chest was oozing in puncture wounds, that of which Baekhyun couldn't tell from how covered in thick, brown red blood that had dried over time. His legs were pierced with thorns and, skin scraped and torn. Baekhyun would have been crying if he was in that situation. All the man did was sit with his hands in his lap, eyes shut, and nose flaring as he took in the pain, lips grimacing with every breath in as he had, no doubt a fractured rib at the least. Baekhyun shuffled around him, and turned the water on in the tub, letting it get hot before plugging it, letting the water begin to pool, steaming up the. He stood straight again and motioned the man towards the rising bath.

“Here...get in please.” He said, trying not to keep eye contact for too long. The man's eyes flashed between Baekhyun and the tub. Baekhyun thought he was confused and nodded, motioning to the water yet again. “Uhuh. get in. It's alright, really.” With that, and his help, the man sank into the hot water. His face contorted in pain as the water hit his wounds, the water already becoming a swirl of dark red. With a shaky hand Baek reached above him and grabbed a bar of soap, handing to him. “Here, rub this all over yourself. Scream if you need help I’ll get you some clothes.”

Then he rushed out of there was soon as he could. Leaning against the wall and panting, covering his face. What is happening?! Who is he? WHAT is he? Am I dreaming? The trial of smudged blood on the floor told him it wasn't a dream. He looked down at his arms. Blood. His hands. Blood. His shirt. Blood. He rushed to the bathroom on the other side of the floor and looked at his face in the mirror. Blood. He swiveled around and dry heaved in the toilet seat. This is happening…. Oh my God. He leaned his weight onto the seat and sushed himself up, leaning against the door and leaning over the sink and began to wash off as much as he could. He became entranced with the watery red that flowed down the black hole at the bottom, a picture both ugly and gorgeous all at once. Snapping out of the trance when there was no more blood to go down, he patted his hands dry on the hand towel on his left and walked out the door. Listening for the water splashing as he went upstairs to his father's room to grab a  sweatshirt, sweatpants, and a pair of fresh boxers that his father had forgotten about. With the clothes neatly piled in one of his hands he travelled back downstairs and cracked the bathroom door open to place the clothes. He almost dropped them. Though his cuts and bruises were still there, they had faded. The claw marks were nothing but red marks, his eyes wide open, only a bit puffy. He was bright. His eyes now sparkled as he looked up at Baekhyun shamelessly. His smile showed contentedness. Baekhyun cleared his throat before placing the clothes on the toilet seat. “Here, put these on once you're done. Which should be soon. You'll turn into a raisin if you stay in there for too long, you know” The man slowly nodded, then spoke in a more smooth, soft deep voice.

“Alright. Thank you.” With that, Baekhyun grabbed a towel from a drawer and placed it next to the tub before rushing out yet again. Hearing the water splash and then stop as he go out soothed his nerves, crawling next to Bacon and snuggling into his soft fur, making sure his bloody shirt didn't touch him.

He heard the click of the door and shuffling feet. He stood up as the man entered the room, Baekhyun gasped. He was completely healed now. No scars. No redness. His wet silver hair fell into his large almond, fiery orange eyes. Droplets of water slid down his hair and down onto his soft, yet prominent nose that let his lips be soft and round, and his jawline defined and square, complimenting his long face that came along with his tall height. The sweatshirt hugged his lean, muscular figure. The sweatpants were not a good it, sliding down to show skin as he let his tail drip on the floor. Baekhyun blinked as he tried to take this all in, albeit he was having a difficult time.    

“Are you feeling better?” Was all that Baekhyun could muster up to say. The man nodded quickly with a smile, his eyes closing a bit.

“Yes! Quit so. Thank you for your hospitality.” He bowed. Then he collapsed on the floor with a thud, making both Bacon and Baekhyun jump. Baek rushed to help him onto his feet again, then onto the sofa, trying to be as careful as possible. Once he knew he was situated and comfortable, he folded his hands to his chest and spoke.

“Okay. Rules. One; no killing or hurting anything or anyone” The guy looked rather offended by that. He continued. “Second, Until you have fully healed, I’m not letting you leave. I’m training to be a vet after all to I know what I'm doing. Thirdly…….okay I don't have a third rule but be careful and don't kill me, alright? Alright. I'm going to take a shower. Stay here.” He ran out of the room before the man could even say anything and took  the fastest shower he had ever taken. The most thorough shower he had ever taken. The most stressful shower he had ever taken, knowing that there was a wolf guy -person- sitting in his living room. He jumped out of the room feeling rather refreshed as he did so. He grabbed a stool, and sitting on it  in front of the man with his hands under his thighs, leaned forward, spoke.

“Well. Hello. I’m the guy who saved you, sorta. I’m a college student studying to be a wild animal veterinarian, and my name is Byun Baekhyun.

The man bowed his head at him before sitting up straight. He let out a sigh before he spoke.

“Pleased to meet you, Baekhyun, and thank you. I didn't understand much of what you said but I am a spirit of this forest, Prince Park Chanyeol of the woodland Clan"

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