「♡」FABLE ; loen's new girl group — apply open!
stage name – character name
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. pellentesque pretium ligula metus, non interdum nulla tincidunt nec. maecenas eget metus magna. in hac habitasse platea dictumst. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. in venenatis luctus metus ac rutrum. pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. suspendisse in tincidunt diam. suspendisse cursus nulla leo, ut sodales est placerat vitae.
· plotline: lorem ipsum
· faceclaim: lorem ipsum
· status: lorem ipsum
chai – chailai phueng
this is -switzerland's, aka scotty, character! in a quick summary, chai is a precious cinnamon roll. she is too pure for this world. think of her as a female exo's lay. she's perfect (not really okay, she has her flaws otl, but you get the point). she is very soft spoken, but is very polite and motherly. even though she's not a strong singer, she's always found singing whenever she can. her power is crystal manipulation. she can form and create crystals from her hands. she likes to give little offerings of crystals to the members whenever they fight, sort of like a peace offering. when she extremely emotional, her tears can crystalize. seriously. she must be protected at all costs. #protectchai2k16
· plotline: cinderella
· faceclaim: secret's hyosung
· status: chosen
this is -excelsis', aka maia, character! in overview, haru is a japanese chaebol, as the second child of a multinational tech company's CEO ( she has a hot older brother sshh ), but she hardly talks about it, not because of family issues, but she wants to be known for her talent and not her riches/connections. has a dignified oujosama stereotype at first, but then she is also quite brave to sometimes the point of utter recklessness, proud, but also a very private person — she doesn't talk much about her life in japan and solely as the second to the line of ownership of the company unless absolutely needed. her power is super strength, which speaks for itself at this point.
· plotline: tiger lily
· faceclaim: twice's momo
· status: chosen
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. pellentesque pretium ligula metus, non interdum nulla tincidunt nec. maecenas eget metus magna. in hac habitasse platea dictumst. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. in venenatis luctus metus ac rutrum. pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. suspendisse in tincidunt diam. suspendisse cursus nulla leo, ut sodales est placerat vitae.
· plotline: lorem ipsum
· faceclaim: lorem ipsum
· status: lorem ipsum
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FABLE ; okay seriously wtf is wrong with people???? stop plagerizing my applyfics!!! omfg


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Chapter 1: eyy, does other idols also have superpowers or not? can they be or not?
Chapter 1: for the dorothy; in case my character is a hong konger, does she have to had family of farmers?
Chapter 1: just pinpointing this out - american isn't an ethnicity.
morninginmarch #4
Chapter 1: i have a question. all the faceclaim suggestions you put up are kpop idols but for certain plotlines, you want their ethnicity to be anything but korean. does that mean that you don't mind if their ethnicity doesn't match that of the face claim's?
Chapter 3: *runs in* would you hate me if I used a youtuber?! *runs out*