
Letting you go

"Sunbae... Keep him with you. You know. i know, where he should belong." MyungJoo called up SiJin. He kept quiet and let her finish her talk. The little sister he had known for seven years is making a dent in her heart. He knows where she is coming from. "All along, he was the one who suffered silently. I chased him wherever he goes to eventhough when i know i was infact hindering him in all ways. As long as General Yoon is in control, i am a obstacle stone in his life. My selfish love blinded my eyes. i only cared for my own happiness.",MyungJoo continued on.

"Now you know how much he loves you huh kid.",SiJin tried to make things lighter but even himself could not stand the heart wrenching sight of the strong-headed girl he comes to cherish as a sister. "He loves me. Very much. He avoided me, not giving me a closure because he couldnt do it. He gave kindness to his ex girlfirend when she got married. He didnt give me that because his eyes will betray his words. I know him too well. So, help me out sunbae. Please be there for him no matter what. Yoon MyungJoo will not be the same again after tomorrow. She will live her life for him, suffer all those he had suffered in the past. HIs happiness is my happiness." With that said, she left.

DaeYoung felt uneasy when MyungJoo had not called him for days. He was so used to her calling him and so, he called her instead. No one picked the call. He tried again and again hourly. 'So this is how you feel when i did not pick up your call in the past. It felt equally terrible as how i forced myslf to keep you out of my sight.' This thought ligered on and he fell asleep with it. He let out an air when he say her in the canteen for lunch. They made eye contact. Thoughout the meal, she uttered no words. Even when he asked if she's alright. MyungJoo stared blanky at him.

"It seems like no matter how we try, its not working. I should be very happy that Gernal Yoon gave us his permission to date. But i am not anymore. You wont be happy with the switch. It wont give us happiness. So, dont do it. Thank you for loving me. This will be the last time we'll talk without the ranks. Be Seo DaeYoung. Yoon MyungJoo will become Seo DaeYoung too. I have a change of heart and i cant explain it. So, move on. Let's break up. We can be good colleagues." MyungJoo mastered up her courage and completed her dialoge. What she hated was the flowing tears down her cheeks. But she will not back down.

 "What are you talking about? Are you on a revenge? To make me feel what i have made you feel? Its no use. I will not let go of the hand which i was given a second chance to hold onto." DaeYoung knows what she was trying to do. Her tears were flowing off her puffy eyes. She had been crying for awhile. Had he know she was so determined to leave him, he would not be shocked when she said words she dont mean,"Dont touch me. You cant take resposibility of this body. You are just a Master Sergeant, Sangsa Seo." She turned her back to him and walked away.

"Report. Sansa Seo DaeYoung and me have gone seperate way. You can now retract his resignation letter from the army. From now on, we have nothing between us. And, i will find my own future with whoever i want, as long he is not in the army force." MyungJoo went to his father's office. Its been weeks since he last saw his daughter. Her eyes were not looking at him throughout. All he could do was silently agreeing on her decision. What he didnt realise was his daughter was turning rebellious towards him.

DaeYoung stayed behind in Alpha Team. His usual stotic face hid his real emotions to many around him. News spead like fire over the past months where he and MyungJoo had finally made a official breakup. SiJin told him what she wanted for him. Like a reverse, now he is the one calling to a non answered phone. She was no longer in his sight no matter how he tried to get a glimpse of her. Her father came up to him but all he can say is "First Lieutenant Yoon is no longer my concern, Sir. You have nothing to worry about between us anymore." ​General Yoon's crest fallen face brought to light the current situation of MyungJoo when he heard him say,"I am losing my daughter. And its all because of my pride."

Bodyguards have been assigned to MyungJoo eversince her first reckless behaviour. Apart from being the serious and responsible army surgeon on shift, she let loose after working hours. Nights after nights, she went drinking alone at bars. Worse, she picks up man and initiate talks between. Her father wont not have known if she did not send him those pictures of them with a caption "What bout this man? Looks kinda handsome right, General Yoon? Is he up to your standards?". DaeYoung could not believe his ears. His purest girlfriend was taken advantage by men during her drunkard state. Albiet its only taking pictures on a friendly basis. Even if her father not request, he was going to get that woman back on track.

With his own eyes, he saw how she drinks alone and fiddle her phone. During that period, any men who approached her was rejected away by her stern stare. It was when she got tipsy enough did she allow guys to go near her. He wanted to punch those who touched her arms and face. The usual photo taking started. This guy was so close to kissing her lips but was stopped by DaeYoung's hand. "Keep your hands to yourself if you still want to walk out of here in one piece." His tone and expression to kill scared the sh*it out of man who took off immediately.

"Thats right Yoon MyungJoo. Drown your sorrows. Forget about him. Stop looking at his pictures!" MyungJoo had made a habit to drink so she could sleep better at night. Everyday she received his calls. Everyday she looks his his pictures in her phone. Everyday was a torture for her, without him in her life. She is angry with her father. She began to look intimate with man who match his father's standard as a son-in-law. Whenever her father would want to talk to her, she slammed her room door in his face.

Its obvious. Yoon MyungJoo is broken.

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