Hip Hop Phile

Saranghae, Uri Maknae
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"I’ll be down for your rap, I’ll be down for your rhythm. It still makes my heart pound, It makes me be the real me. Yeah I love this" - BTS : Hip Hop Phile


Namjoon POV

Annoyed. That's what I am feeling right now. I can't seem to get a chance to get close to the maknae. Either I am too nervous, caught up in my own thoughts and end up breaking something, AKA my nickname God of Destruction, or one of the other guys is around. It's easier for them because they don't have a problem showing affection. With me. . .I'm awkward. I mean, my appearance makes me seem kind of tough but in all honesty, I'm super soft. Plus, Jungkook is someone that, even after only a little time, I have really grown to care about. I'm scared that I will say something stupid or something that will scare him away. It would be a nightmare if he didn't want to talk to me. I'd go crazy. Plus, he is so sweet and precious and I want to be the best self I can be for him, because he deserves everything.

Today is a relax day. Tomorrow we record the new version of War of Hormone and today everyone was supposed to rest their voices and, if need be, go over their lines if forgotten. The 95z are watching TV in the living room. Yoongi is sleeping (big shocker). Hoseok is at the dance studio filming a new episode of Hope On The Street. Jin is at the grocery store buying some more food - you'd be surprised how fast we go through food in a week. I was walking to my rom and I passed by the maknae line's room. I looked at the door and sighed. When will I get my chance? I heard a thud from inside the room.

"Ugh, why can't I get this?"

I tilted my head slightly when I heard the voice. Jungkook? 

I softly knocked. "Jungkook can I come in?" There was a moment of silence.

"Ne, Namjoon hyung"

My heart slightly fluttered when he said my name, then I slowly opened the door and peaked my head in. He was sitting on his bed looking down at his lyrics with an angry pout on his face. Still cute af literally how does this kid do it?

"Jungkook are you okay? I heard that you seemed frustrated"

I hesitantly sat down next to him on the bed. He widened his eyes and softly blushed, probably at the fact that he thought no one heard.

"I-it's nothing hyung. I don't want ot burden you with my problems."

A light bulb went off in my head. This is how I can get close to him!  I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Kookie you're family now. We all share the same problems and burdens and we help each other through them. I'd love to help you. Now what seems to be the problem?" Jungkook fiddles with his fingers.

"Well actually hyung you would be very helpful" he shyly smiled. I smiled widely and nodded enthusiastically.

"So what do you need help with?" Jungkook sighed.

"Well, I already memorized my lines for the song"

"That's great!"

"Yeah it is, but when I rap a specific part, I can't seem to bring out the right emotion" I nodded in understanding. It is hard to express certain emotions through your lyrics. I've definitely been through that, especially with lyrics about love. I have never experienced love (until now) so it was hard to bring out that adoration in my voice.

"Well let me see the lyrics and maybe I can help you" He smiled and nodded.

I looked at the lyrics for his rap in War Of Hormone:

My eyes keep rolling, over this girls tummy (yup)
Girls are equations us men are the sum (yup)
I lose sweat, somehow we can’t be equal
Wear it more often, high heel
I’m eighteen, I know what I need to know
That being a woman is the best thing in the world
Yes I’m a bad boy so I like bad girl
Come here baby we will be well

I just blinked. He nervously bit his lip.

"Y-you see, the feel for this rap is kind of cocky, and I-I'm always so shy and quiet. I would never boast like this

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Chapter 11: It is just so sad to see young people die. It really is.
oreodog4308 #2
Chapter 6: I read everyone of the chapters over again it is such an adorable story I just love it good job authornim
Nachtice #3
Chapter 10: HEHE Jungkook met GOT7! And now the BTS hyungs are gonna flip there ish!
It's good to hear from you again authornim! :)
And YES! Sooooooo proud of the boys for being nominated for the 2017 BBMA's! Voting every day!
Chapter 9: omg im glad you are back! please take your time <3
kookiewookie7 #5
Chapter 9: *cries* I'm so happy you're back!
xxpanda23xx #6
Chapter 8: Ahhh yes! A new update! Thank you author-nim! This story is just wow ^^ and I cant wait for another update! And yes good luck with school okay? Do well ^^ Fighting!!
Nachtice #7
Chapter 8: If only you knew Jungkook...
Love this chapter! Really love protective BTS <3
allkpop4ever #8
Chapter 8: :D Yay, an update!!!:D
Chapter 7: new reader here hope you update this as soon as possible <3 i love everyonexkook
zelochingu #10
Chapter 7: I love your story soo much... Please update soon & good luck with school....