
Between the lips

"I'll take good care of Jeongsan, don't worry about it", his mom says with a smile. She's not looking at him but the toddler in her arms, Jimin's son. Jeongsan is a very energetic little man, he always brightens up his day. People tell Jimin's all the time how Jeongsan got his sunny personality from him but Jimin think it's just Jeongsan himself. Jimin's always a little tired these days since taking care of a 5-year-old alone is so exhausting.

"I'm not worried, just remember that he's allergic to apples so don't feed him with anything including them. Also remember to give him a bottle of warm milk just before putting him to bed because he won't fall asleep otherwise. Here's his favorite toy, he can't sleep without it. Jeongsan usually brings it everywhere with him so make sure he doesn't lose it and that he doesn't take it to shower with him because that happened once and he wouldn't sleep for two days straight because it was still drying up and-"

"I got this, Jimin, go and have fun. You've earned it", his mom smiles warmly, cutting him off. Okay, maybe Jimin's a little worried but can you blame him? Jeongsan is only 5 after all and he's got this whole other world of his that he lives in so he doesn't really pay attention to what's going on around him. All of Jimin's time is taken by work and taking care of Jeongsan so he rarely have time to go out to have fun. Today is one of those rare days when he actually gets to have a moment for himself and be something else than a dad for just one night. 



The music is so loud Jimin can feel the beat in his whole body and the lights are everywhere, lighting up that corner where a couple is having such a passionate makeout session that they should get a room but nobody seems to care and then that corner where a group of guys are shouting and laughing so loudly that Jimin can hear them even over the music. There's so many people dancing with their bodies pressed closely against others' bodies and it seems like nobody cares who they're dancing with as long as they can just dance. He doesn't want to dance now, to go out there on the floor and rub his body against someone else's he needs a few drinks first. So Jimin makes his way through the crowd slowly, he's not in any rush.

"What can I get you?" a guy behind the counter asks once Jimin gets to the bar and leans against it coolly. At least Jimin likes to think he looks cool like that.

"Surprise me", he answers and can't not notice the fact that the bartender is really cute. Like really cute. He just hums and starts making a drink. Damn, is the guy hot mixing a drink like that with exaggerated gestures, totally showing off. 

"Are you visiting in Busan?" the guy asks Jimin while he's making the drink and doesn't make eye contact. 

"No, I actually live here. I just don't go to clubs often", Jimin answers. Between working and taking care of his son Jimin can only dream of going out clubbing or having any "adult fun". 

"Hmm", is the reply he gets. Jimin can't stop looking at the man working. His jawline is sharp, he's got kind of a dangerous look in his dark eyes and he looks like there's a lot of muscle under that black t-shirt he's wearing. His black hair is messy in a cool way and he's just hot. 

"See something you like?" the guy asks with a smirk, never looking away from the drink he's still making. He must've felt Jimin staring at him.

"Maybe", Jimin says, "or maybe I'm just thirsty and want a drink."

"Well, in that case", the guy finally looks up and Jimin's heart starts to pound hard against his chest when they make eyecontact, "this is on the house. So stranger, what's your name?"

"Jimin", Jimin says and takes the drink. It's one he's never tasted before and doesn't know its name but it tastes good.

"You sure know how to make a mean drink..." Jimin starts before he realizes he doesn't know the guy's name.

"Jeongguk", the guy grins.

"You sure know how to make a mean drink, Jeongguk", Jimin says. It's a ty attempt at flirting and Jimin knows it but the other one's grin widens a bit. You could hardly call it a smile since he doesn't look like he's up to any good. This one here is a bad boy and Jimin curses at himself for finding Jeongguk attractive because damn. 

"So, what brings you here?" Jeongguk asks.

"A night off and a need to let loose", Jimin says and takes another sip of the drink. It's sweet but still a little bitter at the same time. Just like Jimin likes his drinks and his relationships. Just sweet enough with a little bit of bitterness. 

"If you need any help with that, let me know", Jeongguk grins and winks. He actually winked at Jimin. A totally hot guy just winked at Jimin.

"You could make me another one of these and just keep them coming", he says and points at the empty glass. Jeongguk smiles and without a word gets to work. His neck is so y, Jimin thinks and immediately mentally slaps himself because what the ? Even if it is true this is a guy bartender he's talking about.

"Rough week?" Jeongguk asks. So the stereotype about bartenders being kind of like psychiatrists who just offer you alcohol seems to be true when it comes to this guy.

"Rough year", Jimin laughs. It's now been two years since Jeongsan's mother had enough of being a young mom and just took off, leaving Jimin alone to take care of the kid. Jimin loves his son but sometimes it's just a lot of work and a little lonely to not have anyone share the important moments with. Like the kid's first day in kindergarden, the day he started drawing, every little achievement he's made, like winning the mathematics award in his kindergarden. It's lonely and Jimin wants so bad to have someone to share all this with.

"Here", Jeongguk places the new drink in front of Jimin who immediately takes a long sip.

"It's good", he says.

"Well I did make it, of course it's good." Jeongguk smiles smugly and turns a little to put everything to where they belong. He seems to appreciate it when things are in order. Jimin's used to the mess. He even feels quite comfortable in a messy house, not like he'd need to clean it up immediately. He'd go crazy like that, living with a little kid.

"You're a little full of yourself, aren't you?" Jimin laughs and even though he means it, he doesn't mean it in a bad way. The confidence is just making this guy even hotter.

"No, but I'd like to be full of you", Jeongguk says. Jimin blushes and hopes that the other one doesn't notice because for real, it's not the first time he's been hit on.

"I didn't think of you as a bottom", he tries to stay cool.  

"Oh, I'm not. But if you're a top I can totally make an exception", the grin doesn't leave Jeongguk's lips and after taking a sip of the drink Jimin finally looks away for a second.  

"Aren't you just so nice?" he smiles sarcastically.

"I know right. So, are you a top?" Jeongguk asks finally getting serious and rid of that sinful grin.

"I'd love to say yes but I don't think I am", Jimin admits. He's had enough experience to know what he likes and what he doesn't and let's just say that being a top is way too uncomfortable for him. 

"I knew it. So we fit together just right."

"Who said I wanna you?"

"Well, you did say you have a need to let loose which in my world means getting drunk and getting laid. Also you've been checking me out from the first second you saw me. You're not that sneaky with it", Jeongguk says simply, now smiling. The smile is even more captivating than the grin. He looks a lot younger and innocent when smiling like that.  

"Well, can you blame me? I mean, you are hot. Like really, really hot", Jimin says and notices how his words are starting to come out not so clearly. 

"And you're starting to be drunk."

"Give me another one", Jimin asks and points at his empty glass. It's too good to be over yet. Jeongguk shakes his head with and starts to work again. This time it doesn't take more than like thirty seconds for him to make it.

"Here you go", the guy slides the glass to Jimin who again almost empties it with one gulp. He looks up at Jeongguk and just can't handle the other's hotness anymore. 

"I wanna kiss you. Like really bad", Jimin blurts out.

"Just wait half an hour and my shift is over", Jeongguk grins. 

"Okay, I'll wait. As long as you keep on bringing me this heavenly drink made by gods." After that Jimin drinks a lot, he's not even sure how much but enough to make his thoughts a blur just nicely enough so he can't remember anything ty in his life. All he can think about are the minutes until he can finally have Jeongguk's lips pressed against his own and Jeongguk's body against his. All Jimin can think about is the moment when he finally gets to take Jeongguk's clothes off and explore what the guy is hiding underneath. So he just drinks and drinks and drinks some more and the time seems to go a little faster.

"I'm free now", Jeongguk finally comes to whisper in Jimin's ear with an incredibly low, y voice. By now Jimin's so drunk that he doesn't think about anything anymore. He just knows that Jeongguk is finally free to make his night and so Jimin crashes his lips on the taller's. Jeongguk laughs and kisses him back and that's where Jimin's memories of that night end.


Jimin's never getting drunk again. His head is pounding, it hurts so much and the sunlight coming from the open window makes him want to throw up. Why in the God's name would he leave the curtains open? He feels like he's been run over by a truck. Jimin groans and turns to lie on his stomach so that he can bury his face on his pillow. A pillow that somehow smells different. It smells good but it doesn't smell like anything Jimin owns. So Jimin raises his head to look around and his heart drops at the sight of an unfamiliar room. Where the hell is he? What happened last night? Then Jimin spots two pairs of jeans on the floor and recognizes the other ones as his. The other ones don't seem like girls' jeans at all. Oh dear lord. What happened? Jimin quickly gets up from the empty bed and starts to explore the apartment. It's huge but somehow seems empty. There's no sign of any personal things like photographs or anything. Jimin reaches the kitchen and stops on his tracks when he sees somebody making breakfast, their back turned to him. Someone shirtless, someone who's male. His back is muscular and Jimin can see the lines of a few tattoos on the guy's sides. Who is he? Then a memory of dark eyes and a y smirk come to Jimin's mind. 

"Jeongguk?" Jimin almost jumps at the sound of his own voice. It's so raspy and it sounds like he's been smoking for years and years. Wait, he didn't smoke last night, right? Jeongguk turns around, making Jimin gulp at the sight of his muscular chest and those abs. He has a few tattoos on his sides and arms. Some are just patterns and a few texts Jimin can't make out from the distance but there's a dragon too, starting at his lower back and then going up to his chest and an eagle on his right arm. 

"You're awake, huh?" Jeongguk smirks and turns around to take two plates and bring them to a table next to a big window. He apparently made toast and bacon.

"Barely", Jimin utters a laugh and immediately regrets it when his head starts aching more, "But um, where am I?" There's really no respectful way to ask something like that.  

"In my apartment. The club is downstairs", Jeongguk says and sits down. Jimin follows his example and sits down, trying to not stare at the other's body. His whole life he hasn't been attracted to men and now this Jeongguk just comes and makes him a drink and now he's the hottest person in Jimin's world? Okay that's not entirely true, he's been attracted to men before but never this badly.

"So, last night was pretty crazy", Jimin starts.

"You were pretty needy. How long has it been since the last time you got laid?" Jeongguk asks with an amused expression. Oh. So they did sleep together in that sense of the word. 

"Oh, it's been a while", Jimin mumbles looking down with a blush on his cheeks.

"You should find someone who you can do it with", Jeongguk says. That really doesn't help the situation. Jimin's embarrassed as it is and now even feels himself small (not in that way small) and unexperienced.

"Someone like you?" he asks and Jeongguk raises his eyebrows. 

"Why me?"

"Or are you more of the one night stand type and now I'm no good for you anymore because you've already gotten what you want?" Jimin suddenly feels annoyed instead of embarrassed. 

"Jimin... What are you talking about?" Jeongguk again seems to be confused.

"We ed last night, didn't we? And now you've already had enough of me and are ready to move on to the next guy who throws themselves at you."

"Jimin, how drunk were you? We didn't hook up. You were pretty much all over me and we made out, that's true but when we got here you just passed out before anything happened", Jeongguk assures Jimin with a laugh, all the confusion disappeared from his pretty face. And because of that laugh probably Jimin asks the question he never thought he would: 

"But uhm... about finding someone to hook up with... Would you be interested?"

"Me?" Jeongguk asks. His expression is serious, he's not grinning or smirking like Jimin thought he'd be. The tiniest glimpse of surprise on the taller's face makes Jimin a little uneasy. Did he read everything wrong? 

"I mean yeah, you're hot. I've never been attracted to men before but you're hot and yeah... You're hot", Jimin just says and shrugs. 

"Yeah, you said that like a hundred times already", now Jeongguk's laughing. Jimin likes the sound of it a lot, it's just bubbly and bright and nothing like Jimin imagined it to be. Jeongguk's face lights up. 


"Sure", the taller then says suddenly, and his smug face is back. 

"What?" Jimin asks.

"We can have now if you want to."

"Okay." Jimin can't believe he's actually about to go have with this perfect person. He's not really experienced with hooking up with a guy so besides the excitement there's a little of nervousness too.  

"Oh hey, how old are you? Just because I'm 23 and I just wanna make sure that you're legal", Jeongguk asks suddenly serious. This guy can't be serious. Jimin tries to hold back a laugh because there's no way Jeongguk thinks he could be underage.  

"Well, you better start calling me hyung and apologize for that because I'm 25", Jimin pats Jeongguk's head and takes his hand, starting to pull him to the bedroom. Now knowing that he's actually older, there's a new kind of confidence too. 

"That's interesting. You have such a baby face that I thought you're younger", Jeongguk says looking genuinly surprised and has the same face Jeongsan does when he's lost in his own world. Jimin just did not compare this hot stranger to his own son. That's just... Gross. 

"Shut up, you have a baby face", Jimin says and stops when they get to the bedroom.

"No, I don't actually. I look just my age", Jeongguk says.

"I could hit you", Jimin laughs.

"Let's just hook up first, okay?" Jeongguk steps closer and pulls Jimin close to kiss him.   


"Call me", Jimin says when it's time for him to go pick up his son. Jeongguk leans against the wall crossing his arms and smiles. They spent the whole day in bed, first doing the deed and then just lying there, not exactly cuddling but talking quietly like it was the middle of the night and they were scared that their neighbors would hear them. They spent hours with their legs tangled together, sometimes kissing and sometimes just being quiet. It was comfortable and in a way relaxing.

"I will." 

"You better too", Jimin says and Jeongguk pushes himself off the wall to come kiss the older on the lips. Jimin figures that Jeongguk isn't the hugging type and honestly, are you supposed to hug someone you just met the night before and had with? So Jimin just kisses back before pulling away and smiles brightly at the younger.

"Are you sure you have to leave?" Jeongguk asks.

"Yeah. I promised my mom I'd visit her and I have to go early to work tomorrow", Jimin answers with a little pout. God knows he'd love to stay here with Jeongguk. With him Jimin forgot everything that stressed him out or worried him and that's something Jimin hasn't found in a long time. So he's planning on holding on to this dark person in hope to feel like this again. Maybe not date, Jimin's not sure he will ever want to date again (Jeongguk also probably wouldn't want to date someone who has a kid), but spend time like that when they both need an escape. Even though it seems to Jimin as if Jeongguk's not the type to stress about anything, his bad boy character includes the I-don't-give-a--about-anything attitude.

"Too bad", the younger one says, also sounding a little disappointed. Or maybe Jimin's just imagining.

"We'll do this again though", Jimin smiles.


"Well, if you want to, of course."

"Let's see... An older guy who seems to be a little needy and also happens to be really hot and quite something in bed? Hell yeah, we'll do this again", Jeongguk says with the grin Jimin's become so familiar with. Once again it makes Jimin smile. 

"You bet your sweet we will", Jimin says, attempting a y grin too but judging from Jeongguk's uttered laugh it doesn't really suit him as well as it does Jeongguk.

"Oh, my is sweet alright."

"I should know." 

"Yeah, you should", Jeongguk says and for some reason they both start to laugh. It's one of those moments when it's kind of awkward but kind of not awkward and you just start to laugh because there's nothing else to do. So they both just quiet down and Jeongguk clears his throat while Jimin checks the time on his phone even though he knows what it will show since there's a clock on the wall right beside him. 

"So... I better get going", Jimin starts and they both sigh in unison. It's a little weird, like leaving a whole other world behind him and going back to the reality. It's like waking up from a dream, Jimin realizes. He doesn't want this dream to end just yet. 

"Yeah", Jeongguk says and opens the door for him before turning to press one last kiss on Jimin's lips.

"Bye", Jimin says.

"See ya", Jeongguk says. 



A day passes without Jeongguk calling, then three, then ten and after three weeks Jimin just decides to forget about Jeongguk since he seems to be more of the one night stand type after all. Besides Jimin doesn't have time for anyone like Jeongguk. He's got plenty of work and he's spending a lot of time with Jeongsan and a few friends. Jimin doesn't have time for Jeongguk. That's what he keeps telling himself. Why is he so desperate to have the younger call anyways? It's not like they know each other well enough to be interested like that. It's just physical, Jimin decides, Jeongguk made him feel good in a way nobody has for so long and now Jimin wants it again. It's just physical. 

"Jeongsan, daddy needs a cup of coffee so we're gonna stop by a cafe to get daddy some, okay?" Jimin talks to the toddler happily jumping beside him when they're walking down the road. Jimin's once again going to drop Jeongsan off at the kid's grandmother since she's all the time complaining about how she never sees the kid these days. Jimin thinks it's also about wanting to give him a night off from everything. Jimin's car is just down the road, parked in front of a small, cosy-looking cafe, just perfectly there for Jimin to get his needed dose of caffeine. Unlike in most cafes there's no bell on top of the door that informs everyone that a customer entered. The inside is pretty, down-to-earth type of decor like paintings of flowers and wooden little tables. Jimin's engaged in looking around the cafe when he hears someone speak up. 

"Could you stop your ridiculous sulking and call that man of yours already? You're acting like a teenager", a raspy voice says to someone behind the counter. Jimin freezes when he hears the other man's voice.

"I'm not sulking, hyung", Jeongguk says with a voice that sounds 120% like he's sulking. Jimin doesn't turn around to face the two guys. Partly because they haven't noticed Jimin and his son yet, partly because Jimin wants to hear what they're talking about and partly because Jimin never told Jeongguk he has a son.

"Yes, you are. I don't get it. You usually just drag them to bed and never think about them again. What's up with this one then?" the first guy asks. He doesn't sound all that interested, just annoyed. 

"Because this one is something different. You know me, okay? Could you imagine me in a relationship? It's just that he's too bright for me to hurt him. Which I probably will do even if I try not to", Jeongguk says. So he really is the one night stand type. Jimin's not surprised. 

"You're so childish, you know that, right? If you like him, could you just grow some balls and call him?"

"But Jimin is..." Jeongguk doesn't get a chance to continue what he was about to say because then Jimin's had enough and he walks to the counter, a little too satisfied to see the shock on Jeongguk's face.

"I'm what?" Jimin asks.

"You're... Uh, you're actually here. Okay, this is probably just a dream. Yoongi hyung, tell me this is a dream?" Jeongguk turns to the short guy with grey hair beside him. Yoongi doesn't seem to give a rat's about Jeongguk's embarrasment.

"What can I get you?" he asks Jimin instead while Jeongguk looks fairly uncomfortable. 

"A cafe latte, please", Jimin says and takes his wallet out of his back pocket. Jeongsan is staring at Jeongguk in wonder, lost in his own world again.

"Daddy, who's he?" the kid asks and Jimin bites his lip, feeling a little like he just got caught cheating which is absolutely ridiculous since there's nothing wrong with having a kid. Maybe there is something wrong about intentionally not mentioning it. There's no words for the shock on Jeongguk's face.

"He's just someone daddy knows", Jimin says and smiles to his son.

"Jimin, I think we have a few things to talk about", he says carefully, not taking his eyes off the toddler staring back at him.

"So now you wanna talk?" Jimin asks, not even sure why he's annoyed at the younger. 

"Look, I'm sorry I haven't called. I just didn't know what to say", Jeongguk murmurs and pushes his hands in his pockets, sulking again. He's like a little kid. A disturbingly y little kid who Jimin had with. Okay, that doesn't sound good. It sounds a little bit too disturbing. Jeongguk's a disturbingly y man who acts like a little kid. That's better.

"'Hello'?" Jimin rolls his eyes. 

"Look, our Jeongguk here isn't good with this relationship . He's usually gone before you wake up and if he isn't, he won't cook for you. So there, he's interested in you. Just give the boy a ing break already", Yoongi sighs, looking terribly tired of his whole life and like he's regretting ever becoming friends with Jeongguk. Or however they know each other. Jimin sighs and looks at Jeongguk who's still staring at Jeongsan.

"I need to drop Jeongsan off at my mom's but we can talk afterwards", Jimin says finally and Jeongguk nods. So the older takes his coffee and leaves the store.

"Are we not going to grandma's? Who's your mom?" Jeongsan asks in wonder when they're walking to the car, Jimin holding his hand.

"My mom is your grandma", he explains with a wide smile. Oh, how Jeongsan always knows how to make him smile even without meaning to. 



"So, um... You're a dad", Jeongguk starts once Jimin is back and they're sitting down at the cafe while the younger is on a break. He doesn't sound mad exactly, mostly just surprised and maybe still a little shocked.

"You're a barista", Jimin says like it's anything comparable to being a dad.

"Yeah, drinks are kinda my thing", Jeongguk looks rather satisfied with himself and Jimin can't deny that he's good. The latte was the best one he's ever tasted and the drink at the club too was just heavenly. Jimin's not going to admit that now though. 

"Kids are kinda my thing", Jimin shrugs. It's true, he's loved kids since he was young and always besides having the dream of becoming whatever at what time (like a fireman when he was ten, then a dancer at thirteen and then settling for a lawyer when he turned seventeen) he's always dreamed a little of becoming a dad. 

"He's not your only child?" Jeongguk asks. 

"No, he is my only one", Jimin says and holds back a laugh at the other's relieved face. Jeongguk doesn't seem to be that much of a family man.

"So I take it you're married", Jeongguk raises his eyebrows.

"No, I'm not. I got her pregnant when she was 19 and then she left about two years ago when she had enough", Jimin explains. He's not exactly proud of how that sounds but he's already over people judging him for that. 

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be", Jimin shrugs, "You never called. Wanna tell me more about what you were going to say to your friend about me?" 

"The thing is... I don't wanna hurt you", Jeongguk says with a careful tone. There it is, Jimin thinks, the lamest excuse ever. He'd heard it in movies but never thought anyone would offer this excuse to him. In movies it always seemed sweet but now Jimin is nothing but annoyed.  

"And I don't wanna be hurt but you're not noticing one thing here", he says calmly. 

"What's that?"

"We've met once, Jeongguk, and even though that was one of the best days of my life and I feel like I know you, I don't. And you don't know me. So I think you're overreacting a little", Jimin says, pushing the annoyed feelings down. Jeongguk isn't experienced in relationships, he has to remind himself, he might not get it yet. The younger stays quiet for a while.  

"You're right", Jeongguk mumbles. 

"So you gonna ask me out so we can actually get to know each other or not?" Jimin asks with a sudden urge to date after all. He barely knows this guy but for some reason Jeongguk just fascinates him so much and just... Makes Jimin interested in him. It's not just physical. It can't be just physical. Jeongguk smiles and looks down for a while, like trying to gather up some courage. Jimin finds himself in awe that Jeongguk has this kind of shy side too and wants to get to know the younger even more now. There's no sign of annoyed in Jimin anymore.

"Jiminnie, do you wanna go out with me?" Jeongguk's confident grin is back but the few seconds of seeing him shy makes Jimin melt. 

"Let's see... A younger guy who seems to be a little needy and also happens to be hot and quite something in bed? Hell yeah, I want to."



// *hides* this is um the longest thing i've ever written here xD so i hope it wasn't too weird or unclearly written or anything. it's actually been ready for a few days now but idk i got a little self-concious and didn't want to publish it lol

but yeah so what did you think? did you like it? did you like dad jimin and bartender jungkook? i tried to make jungkookie as cool as possible but i'm not sure how i did xD also i was wondering if i should make this a two shot sooo if you wanna read more then pls comment and let me know and i'll write more ^^ yeees thank you so much for reading!!

also sorry for any mistakes i'll edit this later

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GiveMeHope #1
Chapter 1: Wooooow... Really , wow. Like, I like it. A lot. I liked the detail you never told who topped and who bottomed xd Even if Jimin thought he wasn't that confortable with topping, you never know, Mr. Jeon Spreading-legs maybe changed his mind, muahahahahahaha (I'm bottom!Jimin trash, tho, but the ambiguity in ual relationships is just something I find really endearing for some odd reason lol).
But there was something that confused me a little. When he met Jeongguk, there was a line that said the he had 'enough experience to know what he liked and didn't like'. I kinda assumed Jimin was biual, but then, when he woke up and saw Jeongguk and goes like 'I think we ed last night but I'm not gay but it seems I totally have the hots for you so it's okay' and I was like wut. Like, 'I know I prefer being bottom but I'm not into dudes (or at least I won't admit it)...'. Oh, maybe Jeongsan's mother was saaaavage (?). Kiddin'! Now that I think about it, maybe it was the alcohol or some . I don't really know, don't mind me.
I'd love to see the second part, but it's your decision: if you feel it's fine like this, then leave it like it. If you have ideas for the continuation and you'd like to write it, well, I wouldn't complain at all xd
Thank you!
P.D. Jeongguk was cool, don't worry. Cool and cute. And Jimin was his usual sunshine-y self, so it was also cool.
P.P.D. Jeonsan's a total cutie pie and I could eat him and omg he's just adorable.
AbsoluteHominy #2
I'm really liking where this is going. I like the cheekiness between them and Yoongi cracked me up too. Can't wait to read more. ^^
faith3_13 #3
Chapter 1: That was really wonderful. Jeongsan asking who is Jimn's mom was so funny. Great story. Can't wait to read more from you.
sailormoon2001 #4
Chapter 1: Awww!!! That's adorable! Please update soon!
1115dope #5
Chapter 1: Hell yeah i like it!! keep up the good work author nim ;)
Chapter 1: Hell yes this was great!
namgyu4ever #7
Chapter 1: Wow... like, I don't have any words. XD
Apples!? Jeongsan is allergic to apples!? XD
Yeah, u succeeeded in making jungkook look as cool as ever xD
But I never got to know who is top and bottome *pouts*
I loved the dialogs like... how do even think of them? *suspicious*
No one wants to hurt jimin yayyyyy except for that girl who left ;-;
Yeah the overall plot was awesome.

Chapter 1: i like it, so, keep it up ♥ :)
namgyu4ever #9
What can I say.... jungkook the bartender just has me squealing.... damn da coolness can be felt from miles away.