first day

Idol life

Zelo P.O.V

I woke up early to shower and grab breakfast. When I got downstairs Sang Yi was there with music sheets surrounding her. "Already writing?" She jumped a little and laughed dryly. "Gosh you scared me.." She put her pencil down and took a bite out of her toast. "You know I like to stock pile our songs. Decide which one will fit the album.." I sat across from her. "You nervous for today?" She asked. I shook my head. She raised her eyebrows. "Ok a little bit. But we'll get through this." She layed her hand on top of mine. "Its all for show, remember that?." I smiled at her. "GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!!!!!" She quickly took her hand back while the others piled down the stairs. "Already writing Sang Yi? We haven't started school yet." Youngjae said. "Just a way to keep me busy." 
"So whats this one about?" Yongguk asked and looked over her shoulder. She quickly turned it around and put her elbows on top of it. "Nothing.." She said quietly. "Since when were you embarrassed about your songs?" I teased. "I'm not.." She slipped the papers into her bag.

After we all finished breakfast and getting ready we went to school. In the car we were all comparing schedules. "Hey we have honors English, lunch and P.E together." Sang Yi said happily. "Thank god I have someone in most of my classes." 
We arrived to school and went straight to class. Sang Yi, Eun Byeol and I were in honors English together. "Hi you guys must be our new students from Korea. Nice to meet you, I'm Mr. Warden." 
"I'm Sang Yi nice to meet you sir." 
"I'm Eun Byeol."
"I'm Junhong but you can call me Zelo." I said . "Alright guys, so Sang Yi, you can sit next to Adam."

Sang Yi P.O.V

"Adam please raise your hand." A cute blonde hair boy with a varsity raised his hand and smiled at me. I walked over to him and sat next to him. "Hey, I'm Adam." He said and flashed his smile again. "I'm Sang Yi.." I greeted. Zelo was put next to a pretty brunette girl and Eun Byeol was next to a cheerleader.  Here goes nothing. 

Ahri P.O.V

Daehyun, Yongguk, Soyeon and I were going to math. "Hello! You guys are our new Korean students right?" A young slim women approached us with a smile. "Yes we are. I'm Ahri." I greeted her. "Ahri nice to meet you."
"I'm Daehyun."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Yongguk."
"Alright nice to meet you all. I hope you enjoy your time here. Please take a seat. Anywhere is fine." 

Youngjae P.O.V

Jongup, Himchan and I had biology. A older male approached us. "Hello, I'm Mr. Johansen. I will be your teacher for this term. I hope you enjoy going to school here. Please take a seat wherever you like." He smiled warmly at us and we went to find spots where the 3 of us can be next to each other. "Excuse me? Are you guys from B.A.P?" A cute little brunette girl asked. "Ah yes we are. Whats your name?" I asked. "Ella. Nice to meet you. Are the others here too? How about girls era?" She asked curiously. "Yeah, we're all here." Himchan said. "Well it was nice meeting you guys. I hope you guys enjoy it here." She smiled at the 3 of us and walked away to her friends. 

Sang Yi P.O.V

It was time for lunch. Luckily we all had it at the same time. The cafeteria was pretty big. We all waited for each other outside of the cafeteria and went to get our lunch. "So how has your guys first day been going?" I asked. "A fan approached us." Jongup said. "Was she all screaming and fan girling?" Soyeon asked. He shook his head. "We could tell she was happy but she was very respectful and calm." 
"Well thats good. Last thing we need is to draw attention to ourselves." Yongguk said. "Excuse me?" All of our eyes shot up and we saw a man dressed in a suit. "I'm Principal Carlson. I'd like to welcome you all to xxx senior high. So I was aware that you guys are singers. Well we have a pepfest coming up and we were wondering if you guys would like to perform? Perform anything you want. Could be one of your songs. You can just dance if you want." He explained. We all looked at each other. "I can give you guys time to talk it over."
"Thank you sir." Yongguk said. He walked away and we leaned our heads in. "Should we do it?" Daehyun asked. "It might be a good idea. We can make friends this way and it might spice up our little show." I said. Then our principal came back."If you guys would like to please talk to our student body president Molly Jones. She will discuss it with you." He handed me a card with her contact information.   

My last hour was P.E with Zelo. We went to the locker rooms and changed. "Alright class! Today we will be starting our football unit. Also please welcome our new students from Korea." 
We were playing in small groups. Zelo and I were on the same team. Adam was also in this gym but he was on the other team. He winked at me across the field. I turned away with a red face. "You good?" Zelo asked. I nodded and we started playing. Our teacher made a rule that if a girl catches it in the end zone its 3 points but if a boy catches it, its just 2. Zelo threw the ball to me and I caught it. I ran as fast as I could to the end zone but Adam was running towards me to tag me but he tripped on his shoelace and ended up falling on me. "AHH!" I cried and grabbed my ankle. "Oh my god!! Are you alright???" Adam asked worriedly. "Sang Yi!!" Zelo ran towards me. "What the hell was that for ?!!" Zelo grabbed Adam's collar. "Zelo!! I yelled. "Tackling a girl?! Really?" 
"Chill it was an accident!" Adam said. I struggled to get up and pushed Zelo off of Adam. "Stop it ! It was an accident! Ok? Just take me to the nurse." I said in Korean. I threw my arm over Zelo's shoulder, which was kind of hard because he was so tall. "You shouldn't have done that." I said in a low tone. "I'm sorry, I just thought-" I cut him off. "I know, I rest easier knowing you have my back." I said. "Even when hits." We both smiled at each other. 

"Good thing is nothing is broken. Just a little bit bruised up. Should be healed in no time." The nurse said. "Thank you." I said. There was only 5 minutes left until the bell was going to ring so Zelo and I just went to our lockers and waited. "You feeling ok?" Zelo asked. I laughed. "You asked me that like 10 times. I'm fine Zelo. Really." The nurse wrapped my ankle. "Omo! What happened??" The others came and looked really worried. "Its nothing! I just got in a little accident during gym." I explained. "Who did it ?!" Ahri asked. "Um Sang Yi?" We all shot our eyes at the person who was speaking. "Are you ok? I'm really sorry about what happened." Adam said and looked really guilty. "Oh don't worry about it. I'm ok." I reassured him. "Thats good. Well see you around." He walked away. "He's cute." Soyeon said. "What? No he's not." Himchan said. "Whatever.." Yongguk said and lightly hit Himchan's arm. 

When we got home we did our homework first. "This is so easy." Jongup said. "In Korea we had to do a lot more than this." Daehyun said. We all finished in an hour. This was nothing. I put my homework away and tried making my way up the stairs. "Here let me help you." Zelo said. "I'm okay." I said tiredly. "No you arent." I picked me up bridal style. "Ah! WHat are you doing?!" 
"Helping you up duh." He said in a matter of fact tone. I decided to let him because ther was no way I would be able to make it up the stairs. Zelo gently put me in my bed. "Maybe you shouldn't perform for the pep fest." Zelo said. "Why? I'll heal by then." I said. "Just to play it safe. We don't want you to get hurt even more." 
"Junhong, I'll be okay. Trust me." He still looked unsure but he agreed. 














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Vwansha #1
Chapter 3: :) Doing great so far! Honestly, I do think in Asia they do more harder and advanced work than in America. No offense, I don't mean it in a bad or mean way though. Sorry.
Vwansha #2
Chapter 1: I like it so far. I always kind of imaged what it would be like to balance school aboard and the life of an idol together. I am eager to find out the adventure of ups and downs they will encounter. Good luck!