Chapter 1

I Like Girls With Short Hair

First chapter! I'm sorry if you find it too short. I absolutely at estimating the length of fics ): Enjoy! :D



It was a bright sunny day and only a number of students from Neul Paran High were making their way through the front gate into school. That was because there was still more than half an hour till the bell would ring. Just then, a Canadian boy with small eyes and chubby cheeks came skateboarding into the campus.

"Hey Henry!" A voice called out his name. The Canadian boy turned to the direction of the voice and was about to wave back, but he bumped into a large tree instead.

"Ugh," Henry got up and rubbed his head, grabbing his skateboard before it could roll away on its own. Henry looked up to find a fish face laughing hysterically with a blond monkey next to him, giggling with his pink gums exposed.

"It's not funny, hyung!" Henry pouted. "You guys are so mean."

"Well who told you not to watch where you're going?" The fish said in between fits of his laughter.

"Well you called me!" Henry shouted.

"Who told you to respond?" The fish boy responded before laughing again. Henry was about to protest but the blond monkey interrupted their childish behaviour.

"Hae, stop teasing him. He's upset." The monkey reasoned out.

"Arasso arasso," The fish stopped laughing and slung both his arms over his two friends. "Sorry Henry."

"It's fine." Henry rolled his eyes. He then thought of something and made a deep sigh, catching his friends' attention.

"Why the long face?" Eunhyuk, the monkey, asked.

"Omo, are you still mad at me?" Donghae, the fish, cried. "I'm sorry Henry!"

"It's not that." Henry told them that he was just fine before saying goodbye to them and making his way to the library. Eunhyuk and Donghae looked at each other, worried about their friend. They thought about the Canadian boy in silence.

"You should go talk to him, Hae." Eunhyuk suggested, breaking the ice. "You're closer to him than I am."

"Arasso." Donghae placed a peck on Eunhyuk's lips, thankful that he had such an understanding boyfriend. "Wait for me in class okay?"

Eunhyuk smiled and nodded in response before pulling Donghae for another kiss. They pulled away after a few seconds and went their separate ways. Donghae followed Henry to the library and sat down in front of him at the table.

"Eh?" Henry looked at him, confused. "Why are you here? Where's Eunhyuk hyung?"

"What's wrong?" Donghae asked, changing the subject. Henry shaked his head, telling him that he was just fine.

"Don't lie to me." Donghae looked at Henry in the eyes. "Come on Henry, tell me. I'm your best friend!"

Henry sighed in defeat, sitting up straight to share his problem. "It's just that, I feel so lonely nowadays."

"Lonely? Why are you lonely? You have me! And Eunhyuk and Eeteuk hyung and Ryeowook and ..."

"That's not what I meant, hyung." Henry cut him off. Donghae looked at him blankly, processing in his mind what Henry had meant before replying.

"You need a partner don't you?" Henry bit his lower lip and nodded shyly in response. "Why so sudden?"

"I guess when I see you and Eunhyuk together," Henry began. "I felt a little jealous and lonely. Even the other guys have partners, I'm the only one who doesn't."

Donghae was about to speak but Henry interrupted him, "And I'm not gay, I'm straight."

Upon hearing that, Donghae shut his mouth and started to think who would make the right match with Henry...

Meanwhile, on the other side of the campus, stood a girl named Amber watching her friends come into the school with their boyfriends. She sighed and tugged her short blonde hair. "I will never get a boyfriend with this stupid short hair."

Just then, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Amber turned around and came face to face with her best friend, Krystal.

"Hey what's wrong?" Krystal asked. "I've been calling your name a million times but you barely looked up."

"Huh? Oh it's nothing... I guess." Amber replied.

"Ayye, come on Amber tell me!"

"Alright alright!" Amber began. "It's just that, I need a boyfriend. I kinda felt a little lonely after you guys found your partner."

Krystal thought long and hard before snapping her fingers, giving her best friend a shock. "How about Key? He's a nice guy."

Amber gave her a look before replying," No way! He's not my type, and he's gay. Look."

Amber pointed to a space opposite them. Krystal diverted her attention to where Amber was pointing and saw that Key guy making out with some guy that looks like a dinosaur. Krystal quickly turned back and smiled sheepishly at Amber.

"Oops? Hehehe." Krystal thought again for a little while before asking Amber a question. "Is there anyone in your mind that you like?"

"Well, there is this guy but..."


"I doubt he would like me," Krystal gave Amber a questioning look. Amber sighed before continuing. "Look at me, I dress like a guy and I don't even have nice s! Besides, which guy would look at a girl with such short hair?! I should just wear a wig to school and change my style."

"Amber," Krystal grabbed her best friend by her shoulders and tried reasoning out. "You shouldn't change yourself for the sake of pleasing others. It's dumb. The right guy will accept and love you for who you are and what you look like. So tell me, who's this guy that you like."

Amber began fidgeting before replying. "Erm Henry..." Amber blushed at the sound of his name.


"Yeah, why? What's wrong?" Amber asked.

"He's in that Kingka group but all of them are gays and he's the only one left. Many girls are after him! Are you mad?!"

Amber sighed (again). "Which is exactly why I doubt he would like me."

"You should just tell him how you feel. Maybe he likes you back." Another random voice said from next to Amber. Amber turned and came face to face with a blond haired guy who looked like a monkey.

"E-Eunhyuk sshi." Both Amber and Krystal said at the same time.

"Annyeong." Eunhyuk smiled cutely.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Krystal asked.

"He's having a heart to heart talk with Henry." Eunhyuk replied. "Speaking of Henry, just tell him your feelings. You'll never know. I can sense that he wants a girlfriend too."

"But what if he rejects me? He has so many girls around him." Amber said sadly.

"I'm sure he won't. Even if he does, he won't reject you to the extent that you will go and commit suicide. Anyways I gotta go. Good luck Amber sshi." Eunhyuk gave Amber an encouraging pat on her back before running away.

"Amber?" Krystal looked at her best friend.

"Okay fine I'll give it a shot."

"GREAT!" Krystal exclaimed excitedly. "I heard he's in the library, let's go!"

Meanwhile in the library...

"Is there anyone that you like?" Donghae asked as he scooted next to Henry.

"Erm yeah, sort of." Donghae's face lit up at Henry's answer. "But I doubt she'll like me. I have such small eyes and even if she does like me, all she wants is probably popularity and money."

"Yah," Donghae whacked Henry's head. "How can you say such things about her when you like her? If you like her, it means you trust her."

"Hyung you're so cheesy."

Donghae rolled his eyes and asked his best friend. "So who is this girl?"

"Erm, A-Amber." Henry blushed and looked away. The minute he turned around, he regretted it. Donghae had that teasing smile on his face.

"Yah, you like girls with short hair huh? Nice pick." Donghae nudged Henry's shoulder with his own.

"Hehe yeah." Henry scratched the back of his head. "It's nice, I think she looks really pretty in that hair."

"Aww Henry's in love." Donghae cooed.

"Ahh hyung!" Henry whacked Donghae's arm. Just then, his phone rang and he hastily picked it up, not wanting to get scolded for making a loud noise in the library.

"Hello? ... Oh hi Hannah... Okay why? ... Why do you want to cut your hair? ... But you look nicer in long hair. Girls should have long hair. They look better... Mhmm okay bye."

"Who was that?" Donghae asked.

"My sister. She told me to pick her up after school to go cut her hair, but I told her she looked better in long hair."

"Oh, but I thought you said girls with short hair look nice?" Donghae squinted his eyes at Henry.

Henry was about to reply but the bell rang. He stood up and slung his arm over his best friend's shoulder. "It only works on Amber."


"Girls should have long hair. They look better..." 

Amber turned away from behind the bookshelves and ran out of the library, tears threatening to fall. Krystal sighed and chased after her best friend, feeling sorry for her. 

"Amber wait!" Krystal said, catching up with her best friend as they stopped in the bathroom. "Amber!" 

"I knew it," Amber said sadly and looked down. "He'll never like me." 

"Amber I'm sorry. I shouldn't have... I didn't-" 

"It's alright," Amber cut her off. " I knew this would happen, that's why I never tried." 

"Amber... I'm really sorry." Krystal moved closer towards her best friend and wrapped her arms around her. "I'm so sorry." 

Amber rested her head on Krystal's shoulder and cried her eyes out, tears streaming down her face endlessly. It was the first time she ever cried in front of her friend, and her reason for it was ridiculous. Amber was always known to be a strong person no matter what obstacles she has to face, and she swore to herself that she would never cry over any guy but she didn't know why her heart gave in this time. Krystal felt her shirt getting wet because of Amber's tears but she didn't care. All that mattered to her was her best friend and she felt guilty that it was partly her fault for making her cry. She regretted forcing her to confess to Henry. 

Krystal rubbed Amber's back soothingly before saying, "Don't cry anymore. It's not worth it. That Henry's a jerk." 

Amber lifted her head from Krystal's shoulder and pulled away from the hug, wiping her tears in the process. "Don't blame him, Krys. It's not his fault he prefers long-haired girls. He didn't do anything." 

"Alright... Go wash your face, we're late for class." Krystal patted Amber on the back before helping her to wash up before leaving for class.



Done! Sorry if it's short and y. I told you, my writing skills are not that good ;; Anyways, thanks for reading this crappy chapter. I appreciate it. Do subscribe and comment! Thank you :)


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Chapter 2: Ahh <3
liked it alot (x
Chapter 2: aw I love the angst to fluff scenes
love it
bluesky2275 #3
this fiction is short but me love reading it
me agreee we need more henber fictions
I want more Henber fics!! ><
StringsandHoneys9 #5
I love it!!!! I ship Henber forevea!!!!! <3
I Love it! asdfghjk! I love HenBer!<3
Thank you!!
chocoteddy #7
Plz update soon!! Aww their so cute
Awww it's so cute update soon please
Penguin_Panda16 #9
I have to tell you something.. Your chapters are true short =P
Hehe update soon