exercising and falling (in love)

someone call the doctor

Seulgi has just submitted her final art piece for the semester and she cheers inwardly as she hurries back to her dorm, wanting nothing more but to sink into the warm comforts of her bed and comforter. But of course, the world hates her and wants to work against her, because the moment her head hits her pillow, the door bursts open and Seungwan rushes in, bright like the sun outside. “Rise and shine lazy bear!”


Seulgi wants to cry, as she turns away from Seungwan and pulls her blanket up higher. “Not today, Seungwan.”


“Come on Kkangsseul, it’s almost 9! Get out of bed!”


“I literally just got in bed Seungwan. I had to pull an all-nighter for my last art submission.” Seulgi explained. Seungwan will definitely feel bad for interrupting her, and the usual Seulgi would have felt bad for doing that, but the sleep-deprived Seulgi now doesn’t care about that except for getting some well-deserved sleep. She turns a little to see Seungwan standing and looking at her sheepishly and she just waves the girl off.


“Close the door as you leave. Let’s just meet tomorrow.”


Seungwan replies with a cheery ‘You promised!’ and with a nod of Seulgi’s head, the girl’s gone and that’s the last thing Seulgi remembers before she blacks out.




When Seulgi wakes up, it’s dark outside already and she fumbles around for her phone. It’s about nine; she’s out for a long time. Sitting up, she rubs her eyes groggily as she flicks the light switch to illuminate the room. She spots a very familiar lunch box on her table and she makes her way over to it. She picks it up and sees a blue post-it on the cover and she smiles as she shakes her head.


Not sure if you will even be awake for dinner, but I prepared something for you just in case you wake up too late and all the shops are closed! (Don’t tell me you can just get ramyun cos that’s not good for you >:( ) Also, don’t pull all-nighters next time; it’s not good for your health!! Rest well and see you tomorrow!! :)))



The only good thing she got out from that injury was probably Seungwan.




When Seungwan said she wanted to meet tomorrow, Seulgi thought it was just breakfast at the café near their dorm, not running rounds around the Han River at 8 in the morning. Seungwan is so far ahead Seulgi can’t even see her anymore and Seulgi struggles to even take another step as she leans against the railing and catch her breath. But wait, she’s the trainer, don’t all trainers just stand there with their whistles and yell out orders? Heck yeah, what is she doing here, running along with Seungwan?


“What are you doing?” Like a ghost, Seungwan appears behind her and Seulgi yelps as she jumps. Did this girl just lap her? Seungwan doesn’t even let Seulgi ask her question as she tugs on her arm, getting her to run on and Seulgi just groans as she tries to keep up with Seungwan’s insane speed. She’s the trainer, but why does it feel like she’s the one being trained instead?


Seungwan finally calls it a day and Seulgi flops down onto a bench, very certain that she’s so close to passing out. Seungwan doesn’t seem to be struggling as much as Seulgi, just doing her warm down stretches as she nags at the comatose girl on the bench. “Seul you have to stretch, if not you are going to ache tomorrow.”


Seulgi groans as she pulls herself up, stretching her arms begrudgingly. “I officially quit as your trainer.”


“Why?!” Seungwan pouts at her and she finds her resolve melting a little.


“You do so well by yourself! You don’t need a trainer.” Seulgi retorts as she lifts a leg to rest on the railings to stretch.


“But you give me motivation!” Seungwan says sincerely and Seulgi gives her best ‘are-you-kidding-me’ look.


“Seungwan we spend more than 90% of the run apart because I can’t keep up with you. If I do this anymore, my bones might break. So, bless your angelic soul and please spare me.” Seulgi mock begs as she places her palms together and rubs them.


“No, the thought of you accompanying me is good enough. Besides it’s good to exercise more and…” Seungwan starts to drone on and Seulgi wants to cry. Why did she even make such a promise in the first place?! She grunts as she nods tiredly. “Okay okay. I will stay as your ‘trainer’ but our next run is next week. This run is going to make me ache for a week, I can feel it already.”


Seungwan just laughs at the audacity of Seulgi’s suggestion, but Seulgi really isn’t joking, because she finds herself as good as bedridden for the whole week. (She can’t even get out of bed without her legs feeling like jelly, and with every step she takes, pain resonates through her entire body, all the muscles in her body screaming in pain.)




“Come on Seungwan, you can do this!” Seulgi cheers as she regulates her pace with Wendy’s speed and the latter just offers a tightlipped smile. Seulgi grins as she steers her handle, maneuvering the bicycle she’s on with ease. She should have done this earlier; with the bicycle, she can finally keep up with Seungwan, have enough strength to do her part as a trainer to cheer her on and not kill herself at the same time!


The path narrows and it can no longer fit the two of them, so Seungwan mentions for Seulgi to go first. She pedals ahead and looks back to see Seungwan who is about two bicycles away. “Hwaiting!”


Seungwan shows the thumbs up, but her face suddenly contorts into horror. “Seulgi be-“


Seulgi feels the bike being jammed to a stop and she finds herself flying into a bush. The first thing she registers is pain and she groans as she tries to move her limbs. She can still feel them, and she sighs in relief. Seungwan’s worried face peers over the bush and she’s bombarding her with questions as she helps Seulgi out of the bush. “Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Do we need to go to the hospital?”


“I’m fine, don’t worry.” Seulgi brushes the leaves off her body and Seungwan is all over her, checking her for bruises and injuries. So far, all they find is a scrapped knee and elbow, so Seulgi counts herself lucky. She picks the bike up, inspecting it properly and heaves a sigh when she sees that it’s still functioning properly. (She had borrowed it from Sooyoung, and that girl is no Joy when she’s livid.) She turns back to look at Seungwan and the girl is standing there with glassy eyes, guilt written all over her face. Seulgi leans the bike against the lamp post she crashed into (darn you, lamp post) and immediately goes over to Seungwan, cupping her face.


“Yah, look, I’m fine okay? Don’t cry.”


Seungwan bursts into tears at those words and she hides her face as Seulgi walks closer and wraps her arms around the crying girl, patting her reassuringly on the back. “I thought you were going to die because of me!”


“I think I was a lot closer to death last week after that run compared to now.” Seulgi jests but just receives a light hit from Seungwan as she pulls away.


“This is not funny Seulgi, you could have died! You could have hit your head against the lamp post instead and gotten a hemorrhage and died or hit your spine and lose your mobility or…”


Seulgi hushes Wendy and pulls her back into a hug again. “No one’s going to die. Geez, loosen up, Doctor. And besides, I have you, right?


Wendy sniffles, and they stay in the hug until Seulgi pulls away. “So are you ready to go back to the dorm now?”


Wendy nods shakily. “But eyes on the road this time.”


Seulgi mock salutes. “Aye madam!”




Wendy stands at one corner, sulking and Seulgi is oblivious to this as she continues to scroll down her song list, trying to pick a suitable song to play through the speakers. Wendy knows now that it’s a bad idea to have Seulgi accompany her for her workouts so she is willing to let Seulgi quit as her personal trainer, but Seulgi feels bad because she promised, which has led them to this compromise now. Although Wendy had vehemently objected to this idea, she still finds herself standing in a dance studio with Seulgi. Seulgi wants to teach her how to dance, saying she can understand Mark better because he loves dancing too, but Wendy is sure that’s not how things work. Nevertheless, Seulgi is excited and Wendy just can’t bear to take that excitement away from the bear-like girl. So, she just sulks and waits for instructions from her trainer as she picks a song.


A song blasts through the speakers and Seulgi finally puts her phone down, grinning widely at Wendy as she drags the sulking girl to the center of the room. It’s “Pick Me” and Seulgi bursts out the moves, and she looks just as fluid with her dance moves as any of the 101 contestants on that show. Wendy’s jaws just drops as she tries to follow what Seulgi is doing with her limbs, but who is she kidding, she looks like she’s just flailing her arms and legs around. Seulgi, bless her kind soul, doesn’t say anything about the awkward and probably laughable movements of Wendy, but just keeps bursting those moves.


The song ends and Seulgi is panting as she holds the final pose, finally noticing Wendy’s reflection in the mirror. The girl is looking down at her feet, like she’s criticizing herself for not being able to keep up. Seulgi frowns at that and walks closer to the girl, bending her knees a little to take a look at her. She realizes this dance session probably hurt Seungwan’s self-esteem even more, and Seulgi wants to scold herself for not noticing that. The speaker blares out the next song and Seulgi thanks her phone for the good song choice as she holds Wendy’s hand with one of her hands and put her other hand up like what the song says.


Everyone put your hands up, and get your drinks up




Put your hands up, put your hands up


Seulgi jumps around like crazy while singing along to the song and she sees Wendy laughing at her before joining her as they jump around the studio as if it’s a club. Dancing has always been something Seulgi had taken seriously, from ballet to hiphop, but for the first time today she finds herself letting that go. The choreography they are doing doesn’t matter, as long as they are having fun. She prances around like an ostrich to Circle of Life and moves around emotionally with one hand clenched over her heart dramatically as ballads play. Wendy joins in, the two of them laughing and prancing around like idiots.


She’s not sure when or how, but Seulgi finds herself holding Seungwan’s hands as they twirl around in circles to Selfie while letting out weird shouts of “YAYYYYYYYYYYYY”. She looks at Seungwan and it feels weird. Has Seungwan always been this pretty? Has she always smiled like the sun? Has her left eye always closed more than her right as she laughs? It gets to a point where it’s hard to look at her friend without feeling like her insides might contract and shrivel up, so Seulgi pulls her to the ground, the two of them falling onto the floor. She just lies there, listening to both of their pants and she can hear her own heartbeat growing louder. She shakes her head, trying to shake away this feeling as she focuses on the ceiling with its tiled patterns.


“That was fun.” Wendy comments and Seulgi turns to acknowledge her with a light ‘hmm’ and she knows she’s ed. She sees the girl lying by her side, her eyes closed as a serene smile plays on her face, her bangs stuck to her forehead, the sweat running down her face and the light rise and fall of her chest; some things not as glamorous as others, but Seulgi still finds all of them endearing and beautiful. She turns back to the ceiling, a small contended smile playing on her face. Seulgi doesn’t have the best memory, but she wants to commit every single thing today into her memory, wants it burnt into every part of her brain so she doesn’t ever forget it. She doesn’t know why, but she feels that this moment will be a very important memory in her life. Or maybe, she just wants to remember this exact moment where she realizes she has fallen irrevocably in love with her best friend. 



not what you expected? /smirks/ i'm sorry i'm a little high now cos it's almost 230am and all i have been doing is coughing out fluff so i'm sorry if i sound a lil delirious 

pushed my lazy self to finish this chapter because of the blessing that is seuldy/wenseul (like have you seen the seulrene v app, seulgi every other min: wendy are you watching? this song reminds me of wendy LIKE GURL STOP BECAUSE YOU ARE KILLING ME AND IDW TO DIE I'M STILL YOUNG)

so yes thank seuldy/wenseul for this update and pls continue to worship seuldy/wenseul bless your bears and hamsters loving souls

okay crazy ranting aside, does it feel too sudden that seulgi falls in love with wendy? like i know in the previous chapters i didn't really write anything that suggests that wenseul/seuldy like each other romantically, but suddenly BAM this chapter happened so it may seem too sudden that seulgi is just over here, falling face first right into love with her bestu phrand 

tell me what you think!!! 

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Chapter 10: Wow thank you for the lovely story. Might say one of the best wenseul fics I've read so far. ❤️
Chapter 10: Awwwwwe. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this! I loved reading through it! The slow and seemingly insignificant progress of Seungwan and Seulgi's relationship but still with Seulgi's big whoa moment that day she realized and easily admit to herself that she's inlove with her best friend!
Chapter 10: sooo cute (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)
Chapter 10: sooo cute (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)
aglaonema #5
Chapter 10: Great
Limario #6
Chapter 10: This is the cutest :((((
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 10: Man... Mark's so nice, thank goodness! I like seeing some of Seulgi's thoughts in the parenthesis. It's so cute how this chapter's title is 'friends' and then in the front part Seulgi kept emphasising Seungwan's her best friend who'll never love her back, and how Seulgi notices changes in her friend's behaviour, but then we know what happened~ Hehe wonder if Seulgi gave a thank you letter to Ed Sheeran xD Dang, someone's going to get a nagging~ Thank you for this chapter! :D
Chapter 10: adorbs! the wendy mark thing took a lot of ma seuldy moments but frack it, they ended up together anyway! cutiepies!
yeolow #9
Chapter 10: Someone call the doctor nal butjapgo malhae jweo yah kang why you listen to those kids
Chapter 10: I had to reread the story because I couldn’t remember what it was about. Lol! The cuteness just literally made my morning since I’ve been having a hell of a week. Hope to maybe see an epilogue of Wendy taking care of Seulgi and nagging her. Lmao