
someone call the doctor

It’s only at the after party that Seulgi finds out who the winners of the competition are. They are ushered up on stage to have another encore and Seulgi gasps as they do back flips, somersaults and break dance. How can they be the best after this? Seulgi cannot believe her eyes as the performance ends and loud cheers erupt, Seulgi joining in with her claps and cheers. She turns over to see Wendy giving out loud whoops of approval and Seulgi thinks that she’s a little too excited, almost behaving like a fan girl.


They bow and leave the stage, walking past their table and giving them nods of acknowledgment as they make their way back to their seats. Surprisingly, one of them stops by their table and starts talking to Wendy. They start speaking in random fire English and Seulgi feels as if she’s watching an American drama or something. But even in a foreign language, she can tell the nervousness emitting from Wendy and the way she stutters over her words. Which is strange, because Seulgi has never seen the confident (sometimes overly) doctor falter when she talks, much less stutter. The guy shoots her a grin and a nod to the rest of them before running up to catch up with his group members.


“You know him?” Seulgi asks and Wendy seems way out of it.


“Huh? Er yeah…” Wendy manages to choke out and Seulgi doesn’t probe further, the things happening on stage drawing her attention from this conversation. She doesn’t think much of it, she barely knows the doctor anyway so it’s perfectly fine for her to have friends Seulgi doesn’t know about.




Seulgi sees Wendy in school a lot for someone from a different faculty. She always seem to be in the arts faculty, having lunch at the arts canteen, studying at the arts library that Seulgi wonders if the medicine faculty doesn’t have such amenities that she has to come over to the arts faculty so often. Like today, she’s just sitting at their table when Wendy comes back with two trays of food for the two of them, settling one down in front of Seulgi and one in front of herself. Seulgi is perfectly capable of getting food by herself, but nooo, Seungwan the most dramatic doctor insists on helping her so that she can stay put at their table and ‘rest her foot’.


“Seungwan,” Seulgi asks as she stuffs a fried dumpling into , “why are you always here in Arts?”


Wendy doesn’t even flinch when Seulgi calls her by her Korean name now, already too used to it due to Seulgi’s insistence on calling her by it.




“Don’t call me that!” Seungwan groans.


“Why not?” Seulgi looks confused and shocked at her sudden outburst that she immediately feels a little guilty for raising her voice, even if it’s only slightly.


“Cos I don’t like it. Would you like it if your name was a boyish name instead of a pretty one like Seulgi?”


Seulgi rolls her eyes. “I’m still calling you Seungwan. Your parents gave that name to you. Be proud of it. And it’s always a good surprise to hear Seungwan and look and be like BAM, woah it’s a pretty girl.”


Seungwan blushes at the subtle compliment and lets Seulgi off this time and every other time the latter calls her by her Korean name.)


“I have to take care of you, duh.” Seungwan says it like it’s obvious but another tray clatters down beside them, Sooyoung chomping down on her chicken chop. She snorts at Wendy’s remark and speaks with bits of chicken flying out of . “’Take care of her’ my , more like ‘using the chance to look at my crush.’”


“Who’s her crush?” Seulgi asks while slurping on her soup, Wendy sending a slap to Sooyoung’s arms for her uncouth behaviors and revealing her secret (but mostly for the latter). She tries to stop Sooyoung from revealing anymore by trying to cover , and it comes out all muffled that Sooyoung just sighs and nods while rolling her eyes as a sign of surrender. Wendy lets her go with a sigh and they settle down to eat their lunch. Wendy is just taking her first spoon of food when Sooyoung takes this chance, leans in to Seulgi and whispers, “It’s Mark.”


Wendy chokes on her food and Sooyoung pats her on the back like she wasn’t the one who just caused her to choke. “There, there.”


Seulgi guffaws until she realizes she doesn’t know who that is. “Who’s that?”


Sooyoung and Seungwan turns to look at her, Sooyoung in disbelief and Seungwan in hurt that she doesn’t know her crush. “Wtf unnie how can you not know who he is? He’s in GOT7, the group that won 1st place during the dance competition!”


Seulgi’s mouth opens in exclamation and she turns over to look at the boisterous group of guys a few tables away, recognizing them as the group Sooyoung is talking about but she still doesn’t know which one of them is the ‘Mark’ they are talking about. “Which one is he?”


Sooyoung groans at how clueless her unnie is. “The blonde quiet one at the corner.”


Seulgi nods in acknowledgment as she continues staring, finally spotting the one Sooyoung is talking about, and she recognizes him as the one who stopped to talk to Seungwan during the after party. She takes a good look at his face, before turning to scan Wendy’s face carefully. “You guys look good together.”


Wendy turns as red as a tomato as she and Sooyoung shares a hi-five with raucous laughter.




Now that Seulgi knows, she spots all the longing glances and sparkly eyes Wendy casts towards Mark, everything as obvious as day to even Seulgi, who’s one of the most oblivious person to ever live on this planet. But because she’s not Sooyoung, she lets Wendy off easily with just a small raise of her eyebrows and a knowing smile every time she catches her and Wendy will look down, blush tinting her face. She also observes the way Mark interacts with Wendy; he’s polite and has good manners, but they don’t seem to talk about anything beyond school work (at least, from what Seulgi can make out from their English conversation) so she’s not sure if he likes her the way Wendy likes him, or he’s just being nice.


It’s only when Seulgi and Wendy are working on their music project together in the library and Mark comes over to greet them that Seulgi is tired of the (negligible) progress of their relationship that she finally asks Wendy about it.


“Aren’t you going to do something about it?” Seulgi asks, as Wendy watches Mark disappear behind a book shelf before turning her attention to Seulgi (which the latter rolls her eyes at).


“Huh? About what?” She asks, clueless and absolutely flustered by her interaction with Mark.


“About your crush on Mark, duh.” Seulgi says and Wendy tries to hush her even though Seulgi is already whispering and there’s no one around to listen to their conversation.


“Nothing!” Wendy says furiously, more out of embarrassment than rage.


“Why not? I’m not saying you have to confess or anything, but at least make your affections for him more obvious?”


Wendy sighs. “Seulgi, have you seen this?” She pinches her stomach to show the amount of fats on it. “There’s no way someone so popular like him will like someone as out of shape as me.”


“If he likes you for the way you look then that’s not really liking you at all.” Seulgi says and Wendy shrugs, looking back down at their compositions with a frown on her face.


Wendy stays depressed for the whole time they are at the library, and Seulgi doesn’t like this version of Wendy she’s seeing. She likes the happy and cheerful doctor the most, the annoying and chatty version, instead of this empty shell of a Wendy that’s walking beside her as they make their way back to their dorms. Seulgi doesn’t like the idea of changing for someone you like, but if it can help this little chipmunk get the guy, Seulgi doesn’t mind letting this go once and playing wingman for her.


Wendy presses the lift button and they wait in silence, Seulgi making her decision and clearing . “Wan-ah, if you lose weight, will you do something about your crush?”


“I don’t know. But at least I will be more confident.” Wendy states with a pout as she kicks her feet around.


Come to think of it, Seungwan is indeed very self-conscious about how she looks. She always dresses herself in oversized clothes so it doesn’t reveal her figure, doesn’t eat much during lunch and dinner and hides behind Seulgi whenever they are presenting in front of the class. Seulgi can’t believe she took this long to realize this fact and is even more set on her decision, not just in playing wingman anymore, but also in helping her friend to boost her self-confidence.


“Okay. Come summer break, I will be your personal trainer to help you lose weight. When you come back from summer, I will make sure he won’t even be able to recognize you and all the girls will be so jealous that they would wish they were you.” Seulgi says determinedly and she feels Seungwan turning to look at her from the corner of her eyes. “Although they are probably already jealous because you are already pretty enough.”


Seungwan hits her on the shoulder for the compliment but questions her resolution. “Really?”


Seulgi holds out her pinky and Seungwan smiles and curls hers around Seulgi’s, “Promise,” before their thumbs meet, “and sealed.” 


a/n: sorry this took so long but STREAM RUSSIAN ROULETTE OR ELSE YOU DESERVE TO BE SHOT (just jk OR AM I) 


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Chapter 10: Wow thank you for the lovely story. Might say one of the best wenseul fics I've read so far. ❤️
Chapter 10: Awwwwwe. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this! I loved reading through it! The slow and seemingly insignificant progress of Seungwan and Seulgi's relationship but still with Seulgi's big whoa moment that day she realized and easily admit to herself that she's inlove with her best friend!
Chapter 10: sooo cute (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)
Chapter 10: sooo cute (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)
aglaonema #5
Chapter 10: Great
Limario #6
Chapter 10: This is the cutest :((((
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 10: Man... Mark's so nice, thank goodness! I like seeing some of Seulgi's thoughts in the parenthesis. It's so cute how this chapter's title is 'friends' and then in the front part Seulgi kept emphasising Seungwan's her best friend who'll never love her back, and how Seulgi notices changes in her friend's behaviour, but then we know what happened~ Hehe wonder if Seulgi gave a thank you letter to Ed Sheeran xD Dang, someone's going to get a nagging~ Thank you for this chapter! :D
Chapter 10: adorbs! the wendy mark thing took a lot of ma seuldy moments but frack it, they ended up together anyway! cutiepies!
yeolow #9
Chapter 10: Someone call the doctor nal butjapgo malhae jweo yah kang why you listen to those kids
Chapter 10: I had to reread the story because I couldn’t remember what it was about. Lol! The cuteness just literally made my morning since I’ve been having a hell of a week. Hope to maybe see an epilogue of Wendy taking care of Seulgi and nagging her. Lmao