EXT : A Trip

A Wallflower
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"Wait !!!" 

"What is it now ?" Jinhwan looked over to his left side , to where Junhoe was sitting and suddenly yelling . 

"I forgot my blanket !" Junhoe rumbled through his bag beneath his leg and couldn't find that special blanket . 

"Ughhhhhhhhh.. We'll just find another one there" Jinhwan rolled his eyes and rested his forehead on his palm , frustrated with the younger . 

"Yeah , just buy another one there" Bobby looked over from Jinhwan's other side . 

Junhoe stared at his hyungs and couldn't believed what they had just said . It was his special blanket ! He got it when he was ten and still using it now even though he grew up into a giant . But of course he wants to bring it . Their trip was supposed to be a four day holiday and bearing himself not being with the blanket urge his heart to cry and have a mental breakdown . He looked behind him and saw Yunhyeong sleeping tightly already with his blanket up to his waist . I wanna sleep like that , Junhoe thought and pouted . Donghyuk sat in the middle and Mino to his left . Apparently they got closer to Mino after what had happened , and finding out the boy was hilarious and goofy which made Jinhwan's mom to let us bring him along . "It's not fair , I can't sleep like this without my blanket" Junhoe looked at Jinhwan with his fake teared-eyes . "Then cry yourself to sleep until we get to Australia . It's a long journey anyway" Jinhwan said as he took his book from his bag and started reading it . "Hyung !" Junhoe whined and Bobby chuckled beside Jinhwan but the small boy just ignored the younger . The plane started to move towards the departure track as the belt sign above their heads beep in unison . Junhoe suddenly wrapped his arms around Jinhwan's and interlocked them with a tight grip . "Something wrong ?" Jinhwan put down his book and looked towards Junhoe . "Yeah....just that , never took a flight before" Jinhwan was shocked to hear the statement the younger just made and soon a smile formed on his face .

"You must be joking right ? You're this rich but still-" 

"Being rich doesn't mean you can travel as much as you want . The money my parents made are all invested in their business to ensure that more incomes will produce from the original salary" 

"Zzzz....okay boring . Just sleep if you can . My shoulder always welcome you" Jinhwan patted his own shoulder and Junhoe planted a kiss instead on his cheek before snuggling on Jinhwan's neck . "Aish this kid" And so the plane took off moments later , with a bit of turbulence on the start but it became smoother through the clouds as they gain altitude . Jinhwan looked outside the window beside Junhoe and saw the city of Seoul from above . How he missed soaring up high on the clouds while traveling to another place . The city then became distant before only clouds shrouded the sky with the sun beaming rays of light . The small boy looked over Junhoe who was already sleeping on his shoulder, hands still holding each other . Once Jinhwan would let go , just because his palms got sweaty and then held back the younger's hand . Bobby was also dozzing beside him and Donghyuk was having a time-of-his-life chit chat with Mino . Too bad Yunhyeong was knocked out from the beginning if not , the air of jealousy would consume all of them . Jinhwan was feeling sleepy himself and decided to take a nap . Their flight to Australia would probably take around 7 hours so he might as well just sleep . He caressed Junhoe's cheek before resting his head on Junhoe's and slowly , mind wandering off as they venture through the clouds . 


                                            * A FEW DAYS AGO *


"Junne-ah !" Jinhwan rolled up his sleeves while putting on his cute green apron . He heard the younger coming down the stairs as fast as he can . "What is it ? " Junhoe finally appeared and hugged his small hyung from behind . "Can you help me with the dishes ? There's too many and I need to make dinner" Jinhwan pointed at the pilling spoons and plates on the sink . The younger only sighed before giving an "okay" and kissed Jinhwan's cheek from behind , leaving him blushing . It was times like this that they would always spend some time together ( as in washing the dishes and the toilet , oh and don't forget cleaning Junhoe's backyard ) but Jinhwan doesn't mind doing all the hard work as long as his beloved boyfriend is there to help him . Boyfriend ?The thought still swirled inside Jinhwan's head the moment Junhoe confessed and propose to be his one and only . That day made the small boy's heart jumped and beat furiously inside his heart , the desire to just have Junhoe all to himself had finally been fulfilled . And as for Junhoe of course , he always wanted the little midget to be there for him , regardless of the situation and now he has . 

"Hyung" The younger asked while he arranged the plates on the cabinet . Jinhwan hum in replied before the younger turned towards him , leaning back against the sink . "What are you making ?" He tried not to be nervous , and of course he wasn't at all . But with Jinhwan all of that seems to vanish and now he's standing there like a fragile child not wanting to be pick on . "Kimbap , like bobby . Jajangmyeon and some leftover kimchi soup mom gave to me days ago" The older cuts the kimbap and put them on a plate . He glanced and Junhoe who was watching his every movement . Junhoe only gave an "oh " before he causally taps his finger on the sink , avoiding the awkward silence . Something's wrong here , Jinhwan was being sceptical . "What's the matter ?" The older blurted out quickly because he hated when Junhoe would act that way and it always him who would ask the tall boy first about his problem .

"Okay , i give up . Bobby-hyung called me yesterday and Yunhyeong and Mino and Donghyuk and-"

 "Is it about the trip to Australia?" Jinhwan wiped his hands and looked at Junhoe in the eye . 

"Yeah . So Bobby said that-wait , you knew ?!" The younger's eyes widen in shock , Jinhwan laughed at the priceless sight . 

"Yes I knew , Junne-ah . Jiwon called me days ago about the plan . Apparently I wanted to turn the offer down since I wanted to stay here and enjoy some time with you" He looked away from Junhoe because he could feel the tensed stare of the younger and it's already making his cheeks burning . The tall boy came closer and held Jinhwan's shoulder while looking down on him . "It'll be a great trip . As long as you're there with me" He said and Jinhwan looked up at him , eyes so beautiful he wanted to stay in that stance forever but dinner must be serve before one of them dies in starvation . "Okay" The older smiled sheepishly and got a kiss on the forehead from the tall boy ."I'm gonna go pack our stuff , besides it's tomorrow night so things should be done earlier on" Junhoe rubbed his hyung's back neck and his lips , a hard temptation for Jinhwan not to tackle them furiously . He swallowed down and held his hands on the younger's waist . "Okay , I'll call you down when dinner is ready" Junhoe nodded before he walked towards the stairs . "Just hope I won't lose control of myself when Im with you there" The small boy whispered and shook his head in disbelief of what he had just thought about before handling back the meals . 




"Here we are !!" Bobby opened up his arms towards the outside of Sydney airport and all the others could do was hanging their mouths open . Obviously this was their first time being there and suddenly arriving on a stranger's country could spark countless of curiosity within them . Especially Mino who was looking at pedestrians up and down . "You'll get beat up if you do that often here" Bobby caught the younger's eyes . "Really ?!" Mino jumped and moved closer to Junhoe with his luggage  . "Of course not . The people here are super nice and dope !" Bobby smiled but the four of them felt like it was just an act of assurance . But Junhoe wasn't worried at all , because it was the perfect trip to spend some quality time with his friends . "Speaking of which , we're supposed to check in our hotel in an hour . And I'll take you guys there with the double d's" Donghyuk's eyes widen when Bobby said the last word . "Double what ?" Yunhyeong asked confusingly . "The double deckers ? The bus with a second floor on it where you can sit ?" The oldest among them said . "Oh , for a second there I thought it was...." Donghyuk blurt out . All eyes was on Donghyuk and he felt his cheeks flaming up to the point of combusting himself but then looked away as if he never said anything . Of course in his school those slangs ( double d's ) were often used to describe about a girl . And having to explain that to them was a bit off the topic and not appropriate though . "Alright , let's go . I wanna ride one of this double d's" Jinhwan jumped excitedly and Donghyuk could only face palm himself . Yunhyeong was watching him in concern , and then shrugged it off and he took his hand and walked towards the bus stop outside the airport with the others . 

"WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE !" Junhoe yelled as he continuously turned back and forth from his seat at the back of the upper level of the bus . He was snapping pictures non stop , from people who were watching him weirdly to buildings and cars and trashbins . He definitely never saw big trashbins before in Korea so it might be a reason for him to snap those pictures . All Jinhwan could think was , what a weird guy I'm dating . Mino was enjoying every moment of it , mouth still hanging wide open . The youngsters were having a total culture shock except for Bobby and Jinhwan who were busy pointing directions on their map . "Bobby-Hyung ! Where's the opera house ?" Junhoe stepped interrupted Bobby and Jinhwan's converstaion before the older turned around . "It's here" He showed on the map . But Junhoe only looked at him with a weird face . "That's just a white blob on the map hyung" the tall boy said before Bobby checked his finger . "No it's not ! Its bird poo !" Jinhwan yelled and laughed alongside with Junhoe who was holding his stomach like he was about to explode . "Funny . Here you go" Bobby wiped the white thing on Jinhwan's coat and the younger immediately scooch backwards only to find and invisible seat and hitting his on the roof floor . That made Junhoe burst into tears even more and the others laughing behind Jinhwan . He rubbed his and bowed to the residents there who were watching them with the commotion . "Okay , we'll arrive in a minute" Bobby folded the map and put on his sunglass . 

 "Yo , Bobby !" The man at the counter waved his arm towards Bobby . "My man , Chris ! How've been holdin' up mate ?" Bobby did a secret handshake with his friend while the other four boys were watching him from behind . "You got my reception ?" The older asked his friend and the blond haired guy nodded in response . "Here you go , three rooms for six people" The guy Chris gave Bobby three keys before he gave a salute to the guy . At the same time the others would just bow their heads , thanking the receptionist . "Wow , you surely know people here around here . Never change since high school" Yunhyeong said while dragging his luggage . "Most of the students in college that I went worked part time in many shops , so I guess you can say that I'm well known when it comes to visiting them" The bunny teeth guy smiled before pushing the lift button . "What floor are we in ?" Jinhwan asked . "Not too high pleas-" , too late for Mino . "42th Floor" The oldest among them said before they went in the elevator and pushed the 42 button . "Don't worry , the view is amazing . You'll love it" Bobby patted Mino's back who was looking a bit nauseous . "So Jinhwan and Junhoe will take room 503 , while you" Bobby pointed towards Yunhyeong , "and your boyfriend and the thirdwheeler will take room 505" He handed the keys to the respective person . "What ? Why does Junhoe and Jinhwan-hyung get to be in the same room and not us ?" Donghyuk protested, crossing his arms . "And where would you be staying ?" Junhoe looked at the older . Bobby smiled and rasied one remaining key . "I'll take room 504 , since I like having a room all to myself" . All of them watched him in disbelief, especially Yunhyeong and Donghyuk . "Let Mino stay with you , i bet these two want some time together as well as for Junhoe and I" Jinhwan looked towards the other couple before he tilt his head to see the tall boy .

Bobby sighed and scratched his head before he locked his arm on Mino's , making the younger flinch at the sudden contact . "Alright , alright . Let's go Mino , don't want to watch these lovebirds go all lovey - dovey" He pulled the younger away before giving a concern look at the others . Jinhwan giggled as Yunhyeong waved at him mockingly . "Oh and by the way , we'll go swimming tonight . Meet up at the 50th floor" Bobby said as he open his door before pulling Mino inside with their luggages . "I supposed we go arrange our clothes ?" Junhoe looked down on his hyung . Jinhwan nodded before he wrapped his arm around the latter and went to their room , same as for the other two . "Umm...i can't swim" Junhoe leaned at the front door as the small boy tries to open it . "Really ?" He stopped and stared at the younger's eyes . He nodded . "It's okay , I'm with you if you need any help" The assuring smile plastered on his cute face which always made Junhoe to have control in him from crashing their lips together . But he can't control how his hormones been working these past few days . Of course he wants him , but it'll be too soon and he needs to stop his brain from dirtying his action towards the latter . Junhoe leans closer to Jinhwan , bending slightly . His lips were almost at the latter's ear , but Jinhwan went blazing inside when he felt the hot breath of the younger . "Let's swim together" He whispered softly on Jinhwan's ear and he could already feel the exploding hormone in him to just make out with the tall boy right there . But he didnt , because he can still hold himself down . That if until the day where he surrenders it all . The older swallowed down and felt the lump again on his throat . "Umm....y-yeah..Okay" He glanced at Junhoe nervously and finally got the door opened . Omg finally . Junhoe was enjoying the sight of his hyung getting nervous around him . He sure knows how to these days . I will have you all to myself Kim Jinhwan , Junhoe thought before he carried their luggage inside the room and closed the door behind . 

"Jinan-hyung...does this look good on me ?" Junhoe came out from the bathroom with only shorts on . The older was confused at which part he was referring because hell Jinhwan was drooling over Junhoe's hot body . He certainly been gaining lots of muscle from his basketball training . "Hello ?" The tall boy snapped his finger towards his hyung who was spacing out on the bed . "O-oh ...um , yeah it looks good on you . The shorts i mean" He mentally face palmed himself . Really Jinhwan ? Junhoe took out his toiletries and set it up on the sink before his hyung came in to change into his swimwear . "I need to change so" He looked at Junhoe , but the tall boy just remained rooted to where he was standing . "Just change" And Jinhwan was caught off guard by what the latter had said . "But...but I'm in here and you're in here . We're in here" Jinhwan tried to calm himself . Junhoe was enjoying this , a smile formed at

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junhwandays #1
Chapter 31: Your story is really warm my heart❤Thanks btw
Sorry for commenting late coz I'm just onto iKON these days..
Chapter 19: Sorry to say this but I really laugh off my on the two types of coma. Hahahaha is that even a thing? I'm curious but hey, I'm enjoying your story. It just that I can't imagine about those types of coma.. I'm sorry to sound rude but may I ask if it is real or you just made it up? Lol

Greay story so far, btw.. My fave Junhwan fic so far :)
Chapter 32: I love your story soo much!! Thank you for everthing authornim~ please keep writing.
natsumikan_luv #5
Good story~
Jia_Lie #6
Chapter 30: I'll wait for this wkwk

Thank you
kim_saraaa #7
Chapter 30: hye author nim.. i glad to hear u will update aanother one capter. i like ur story thoo but i hope i will make another junhwan story. i need more junhwan
mxv0109 #8
Chapter 29: Omg I 'm soo dead my poor little hartu is the most dead, thanks for the super cute adorable update author-nim you're the best ♡
Jia_Lie #9
Chapter 29: Thank you for this adorable story :)
kim_saraaa #10
Chapter 29: please keep update authornim