Kim Freaking Jongin

Don't Cross The Line

Kyungsoo watched as his soft pants turned into wisps of white clouds from the crisp and cold morning, it was one of those days where he wanted to just stay at home, hidden deep under his covers where the word “cold” didn’t exist. Just the thought of his nice, warm and now, sadly, empty bed made him let out an unconscious little whine as he walked into his classroom.
An empty room.
Hands nervously grasping his bag, he glanced around the room. Every desk was neat and untouched, the whole room showing no signs of life as he let a little pout perch on his slightly dry lips that were greeted by the harsh cold morning that day.
“…Where is everyone?” The words came out as a slight mumble before his eyes caught a little note on the door, after reading the first two words, a groan echoed through the quietness. “Moved Rooms-“

As he rushed, his footsteps filling up the once perfectly silent hallway, his eyes scanned every number on each individual door because, despite being there for almost two years already, Kyungsoo had only ever memorised the few rooms he had been in, after all, it seemed unnecessary at the time to learn them all. Well, he can curse his past self later… Soon, he stood at the door, little tuffs of his slightly mild bed hair still present accompanied by the faint crease from his feathery pillow that he hadn’t really thought that people would pay attention to.
“I’m sorry I’m late!” No time was wasted as his body bent into a perfect ninety degree bow, hands still nervously grasping his bag strap. If there was one thing Kyungsoo didn’t like, it was upsetting any kind of teacher whether he liked them or not. See, Kyungsoo had figured out from a young age, way before most children could even count that adults seem nicer to the quiet, well behaved children than those who are the delinquents of their age group, hence when others played and made a mess with paint, He would tidy it up without even batting an eyelash.

A soft sigh left the petite lady in front of him, brushing her chestnut brown locks out of her face, she smiled slightly at the boy. “Kyungsoo, it is fine, please go and sit down so we can continue, ok?” Sweet spots for the nervous young man in front of her were a common sight to everyone. After all, she enjoyed the fact that at least one of her students was polite enough to listen to her in class (even if she did catch him dozing off once or twice.)

After a soft clatter of his chair slightly catching his desk, Kyungsoo finally sat down, already exhausted and missing his soft, comfy bed. Heck, even thinking about it made him fight hard to suppress a yawn but he received aid in doing so when two loud, bickering voices could be heard just outside the door, soon followed by a loud thud as a person, quite angrily, slammed the door open. “Would you just shut up! I know how to make friends at school, Sehun!” The whole class grew quiet as they peered at the stranger stood in the door way, hair as dishevelled as Kyungsoo’s but strangely enough, it suited him. From the way that his eyes shone, even though he was annoyed, to the way the uniform looked like it was practically made for him, it had Kyungsoo staring wide eyed. ‘Who is that?’


Eyes locked onto his own, Kyungsoo struggled to look away from the dark chocolate coloured orbs from the stranger before him, Was it just Kyungsoo or was his breathing getting slightly louder? Unknown to the poor boy, his breathing was normal, unlike now, it was at least a soft, regular breathing speed. Abruptly, he managed to tear his gaze away as the teacher began to speak again.
With a soft smile, she moved closer to the boys at the door, the smile remaining while slowly closing the door behind the tall, model-like boy, leaving the last glimpses of another boy whose mouth was flopping open and shut, clearly surprised that the teacher shut the door on him. “Welcome to my class, Kim Jongin, but you appear to be late. I don’t like late comers in my class but seeing as another person was late…” she paused to glance at the boy who was, by now, feigning his innocence by busying his hands with a load of new textbooks that he suddenly found intriguing from his bag. “You can go and sit next to your fellow late person.” With that, Kyungsoo whipped his head up to stare at them both with the expression of a mindless fish.


“You know, you could stop staring, I’m not that interesting to look at.” Jongin chuckled slightly as he glanced at the smaller boy who was still staring at him like he had his soul taken away which, if Jongin was completely honest, was starting to creep him out a little. I mean, who else just stares so obviously at a person for 45 minutes. That’s right, over half the remaining lesson had been wasted with Kyungsoo’s mouth ajar slightly and his eyes as wide as saucers as he stared at his now new seat mate.
A little bit of normality came back to him as the other chuckled, managing to close his mouth and blink like a normal human being. “Ah-“ He mumbled softly, hand going up to unconsciously fiddle with his slightly tilted tie at the wave of self-consciousness that hit him. “S-Sorry about that…” An awkward but somewhat cute smile sat on his lips, his pearly white teeth on display a little. “My name is Do Kyungsoo… No offence but why would someone like you chose to come here?”
The words came out automatically and the look on the other’s face showed already how much the last bit said had made the other feel, by what it looked like, annoyed. With his eyebrows scrunched down to pair up with the slight pout on his lips, he looked Kyungsoo in his eyes, making the other want to hide at the sudden tense aura surrounding them both. “Well, Do Kyungsoo, I’m Kim Jongin, call me Kai and well,” With a slight smirk he rested his cheek on his prepped up arm. “I think someone like me comes here for something to do…” Jongin let his eyes roam all over the boy in front of him, looking at every curve and bump. “And I believe I just found mine.”
With a slight gulp and a red face, Kyungsoo turned away from the boy named Jongin, hiding his embarrassment as he bit his lip. ‘oh god… Please tell me I’m overthinking…’

Kyungsoo couldn’t believe it, For the next 30 minutes, Kai had done to him exactly as he had done in the 45 minutes prior, except he did it with a different reason and Kyungsoo swears it was to try and make him have a heart attack. After the nth wink from the boy with the teasing smirk, the bell signalled the sweet release from the slightly dragging lesson. ‘Could the bell sound any more heaven like than now?’ A slight sigh of relief left Kyungsoo’s lips as he got up, throwing his stuff into his once neatly packed bag and making a sharp beeline to the door, only to jump a little at the feel of an arm heavily slumping around his shoulders, making him freeze in place as a smirk came dangerously close to his face. “My little Soo, where are you going? You need to take care, bad stuff can happen.” although it came out as a slight, childish whine, Kyungsoo didn’t find the words from Jongin cute at all.
“My Soo?” He raised an eyebrow and bit the inside of his lip to try and not get provoked by anything the other might say but then he realised the word in-between as the other patted his head and walked away. “Little?! I’m not little! I know I’m not exactly big but- THAT’S NOT THE POINT!” as the other walked away, the inevitable frown sat on those precious heart lips of his. He heard it. The end sentence seemed like a threat, a warning? Either way, Kyungsoo didn’t like it and one things for certain. Do Kyungsoo didn’t like Kim Jongin.


“Whoa! Calm down, You look like you’ve just realised you’re on your period.” The idiot, Luhan, also known as Kyungsoo’s best friend, spoke only words that made him angrier. A swift kick to the ankle shut said boy up as Kyungsoo blinked like nothing had happened. “What the hell, Soo-“
“Shut up, Luhan.” Kyungsoo simply huffed and then walked through the halls with his bag bouncing faintly every time it hit his hip, for some reason, it was as comforting as it was distracting, both of which were never a good combination, he’d gotten into a spot of bother because of such distractions before.
Soon, the slight pout that sat on the delicate looking boy behind him soon turned into a devilish smirk as he skipped after his friend. “Soo, want to hear something interesting?” It sure as hell had his attention. For one, He saw the self-claimed ‘manly man’ Luhan, skip like a 6 year old girl, secondly, that smirk didn’t go unmissed, if anything, it was weird (or as Kyungsoo thought, weird to see it in public.)

A slight sigh left his oh so innocent lips, even if there was a smirk earlier, once Luhan began his ‘innocent’ façade, it became almost impossible not to fall for it but hey, Kyungsoo was the exception. “You know how you can’t move up classes, Soo? Well, they say that there’s a first year who managed it because he simply didn’t like his class mates. That and his ‘daddy’ probably has a lot of money.” Eyes falling on the now twitching back of Kyungsoo’s hands, Luhan smirked brightly. “his name, what was it again?” with a faint tap of his lips, he pretended to forget the name he had been hearing for the last two hours from everyone surrounding him “Kim Jongon? Jungin? Kim Jongin? I think that’s it-“
Kyungsoo’s hands went up to ruffle his already slightly wild and messy hair as a soft groan left his parted lips. Of course, it had to be Kim Jongin. Out of the all the people, it had to be Kim Freaking Jongin.
‘That’s it, I’m going back to bed.’ He thought as he scrunched his eyes shut while he rested his forehead against the cold surface of a random locker he was passing.







a/n: So... 1786 words... Was it good or bad? >< should I continue or give up? I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone. Ah, is this chapter too short too? I worried about this after I read it through, let me know if chapters should be longer ^^

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posted my first Chapter!


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Chapter 2: Cuuuute. KaiSoo forever. <333 and update soon author-nim o/
Chapter 2: *Thumbs freaking up.*xD