Chapter 03

The Unattainable

Chapter 3

When Yuri arrived at the hospital’s operation sector, she could see Jessica’s parents, sister, and cousin, Jasmine. And they, too, noticed her as she approached them.

“How is she?” She asked Jasmine, seeing that her parents were too worried to be bothered. 

Knowing Jessica for almost six years now, Yuri was familiar with her family members since she visited the house frequently. Although Jasmine was only their niece and cousin, she had lived with Jessica’s family since little ever since her own parents passed away. She was Jessica’s confidant just as Hara was to Yuri, they were even closer than Jessica and her little sister. 

Instead of answering Yuri’s question Jasmine pulled her to the side, away from the rest of the family members. She looked at her with hatred. 

“You are not welcome here. Leave.” She stated coldly.

Yuri didn’t know what has happened or why she was being treated like that by Jasmine, but she ignored. 

“I need to know how she is doing.” She stated, almost in a begging tone. Yuri was scared. She was worried. And that was the only thing on her mind. She needed to know how Jessica was doing. 

Jasmine rolled her eyes. “Why are you so worried about her now? Were you this worried when you were sleeping with another girl? It’s all your fault! She was angry that you cheated on her and drove recklessly on the streets. It’s all your fault!” She yelled at Yuri though not in her loudest tone to prevent Jessica’s family from overhearing their conversation. Her index finger attacked the worried girl in front of her with every word spoken from putting all the blame on Yuri. “If anything happens to my cousin, I will not let you live another happy day in your life.” She warned.

“I. Need. To. Know.” Yuri stated clearly and directly as her teary but sharp eyes stared into Jasmine’s, giving her chills down her spine. Since the begging did not result in a desirable answer, being firm was her one other choice left. 

“They’re still attending her.” Jasmine retreated. 

“Thank you.” Yuri softened again and turned her attention to the closed room Jessica’s family was standing in front of. 

You’ll be okay, right? Jessica, please

For the next few hours or so, they all stood there waiting, waiting for anything or anyone from the sealed room. And when someone did, all rushed to the man in blue scrubs to seek information regarding Jessica’s condition.

“How is she, doctor?” The cousin asked, her hands held onto his arm. 

The doctor looked at the worried eyes of those who stood in front of him. He took off his mask and spoke, “There was a high impact against her head,” he paused then noticed how the people surrounding him were on their toes, about to break down from what they thought he would say next. “But she is lucky that it did not cause any severe bleeding in the brain. We’ve done everything we could to keep her conditions stable.” He said. 

“Thank you, doctor!” Everyone said in union. What’s happier than hearing from a surgeon that someone you love was going to live? They all rejoiced momentarily. 

“However,” He continued just when the family and Yuri were about to celebrate. “There are a few broken rib bones which one of them has pierced through her lungs so she will have trouble breathing until they heal. Her legs are also broken but they will heal with time and rehab. Other than that, her life should not be in danger.”

“Thank you, doctor once again.” Her parents thanked the doctor. Although Jessica will not be completely fine, they were satisfied knowing that her life would be spared. 

The doctor nodded lightly then began to walk away, perhaps he needed to attend another patient. Soon a few nurses came out from the operation room with the bed that Jessica’s body was rested on. When the family and Yuri made their approach towards the bed, the nurses held them off. 

“She will be taken to her room now. She needs a lot of time to rest so there will be no visiting allowed until the earliest of tomorrow morning. Please go home and rest.” The nurse instructed and together with the others, they left the scene to another sector of the hospital building. 

“Let us go home now.” Jasmine said to Jessica’s family. “I want to see Jessica too but like they said, we’re not allowed to visit. We should go home to rest then come back tomorrow morning.” She continued. 

Jessica’s mother looked at her husband and though they were reluctant to leave the hospital without being able to see their daughter, they nodded to Jasmine’s suggestions. She figured that her younger daughter could also take a break from being at the hospital for so many hours. 

“Yuri-yah,” The mother called. “You should go home too. I know you’re worried as the rest of us but there’s nothing we can do here right now.” 

“Yes, omoni.” Yuri responded, not intending to agree to her statement but only to not worry her girlfriend’s family. Her plan was to stay there at the hospital until tomorrow morning.
*omoni – means “mother” but could be used to address older women/mothers of your friends as well.

Yuri walked with Jasmine and Jessica’s family members out of the hospital where they parted to leave on their own methods of transportation. She waited until everyone left before returning to the hospital. And since she was not allowed to visit Jessica, Yuri stayed seated on a bench in the hallway where the room was located. She stayed there the entire night, falling asleep only when she couldn’t take it anymore. 

“Hello. Hello.” 

A voice rang in her eyes as she began to regain her conscious again. She felt a tap on her shoulder, then another after another. She struggled to open her eyes and when she was able to open them momentarily, she found a nurse directly in front of her. She immediately sat straight up and opened her eyes widely. 

“Oh, I’m sorry. Do you need something?” Yuri asked.

“I just wanted to inform you that your friend, Jessica Jung, has been cleared by the doctor for visiting.” The nurse said kindly with a pitiful smile staring at Yuri’s fatigued face. 

“Oh! Thank you. Thank you.” Yuri responded excitedly and stood up from the bench, ready to march to Jessica room. But before she dashed off, she made sure to bow at the nurse. 

“But…” The nurse warned making Yuri stopped and turned around. Her head tilted a few degrees to the left, showing her confusion.


“Prepare yourself.” She said, bowed, and then walked away quietly. 

Yuri entered the room with the nurse’s words in her mind. She wondered what the nurse meant by “Prepare yourself.’” As soon as she could slip herself into the room, she saw a doctor in white coat standing next to the bed that Jessica was seen on. Yuri stepped closer. The doctor, too, noticed her approach and raised his head from the clipboard he was devoting his attention to.

“Are you her family member?” The doctor asked, his right hand adjusted his rimless glasses. He was a tall young man, perhaps only in his early thirties.

“No sir, but I am a very close friend.” Yuri responded as she stood next to him, staring deeply at Jessica’s face. She had always liked Jessica’s sleeping face as it was peaceful, calm, and beautiful. But not that day. She did not like Jessica’s sleeping face that day, because her face was as pale as the clouds in the sky.

“I will let you have a moment with her. Please inform me when their families are here, as I have important information to relay to them.” He said calmly and pitiful at the same time.

“Thank you, doctor. I will inform you.” Yuri bowed to his departure then watched as he left the room, wondering what that important information was. But she decided to push the thought to the side and turned around to face Jessica. She walked even closer and slowly reached for her hand then entangled their fingers together. Her heart ached seeing her there on the bed. Sure, her heart also ached whenever Jessica was with someone else, but it was much less painful than the current situation.

As Yuri poured her heart into the body of her love, she heard the door knob turning. She did not rush to turn her head or remove herself from Jessica’s hand, but eventually she stood up and bowed to the visitors. And they, too, bowed back.

“Good morning omoni, aboji*, Jasmine, and Krystal.” Yuri said as the family of her love approached the bed. She took the courtesy and stepped aside, allowing the family to be nearer to the bed and Jessica.
*aboji – means “father” but could also be used to address fathers of friends

Jasmine took the opportunity and pulled Yuri outside of the room. She waited until the door closed entirely before shoving Yuri against the wall.

“What are you doing here? Can’t you see you’ve caused her enough pain?” The cousin said.

“That is why I’m here, to explain the misunderstanding and to redeem myself.” Yuri fixed her shirt after being shoved against the wall.

“She doesn’t want to forgive you. Leave.” Jasmine demanded.

“I will not leave until she is okay.” Yuri responded firmly and allowed Jasmine no chance of rebutting. “I have to go inform the doctor that you are all here. He has important information to tell us.” She walked off and left the cousin speechless. Yuri was a nice person, yes she was. But she was not someone to be stepped over by just anyone.

The cousin returned to the room with Jessica and her family. She noticed that she was still unconscious and walked quickly to the family’s side. She patted Krystal’s shoulder. Her eyes glared at Jessica’s face.

Momentarily, the door opened again and came Yuri with the doctor behind her.

“Good morning everyone.” The doctor greeted. He tried to look as indifferent as he could, to avoid any misinterpretation of his tone. “I have something to inform you and I will get straight to the point.” He continued and waited for everyone’s attention. “Before taking Miss Jessica Jung back to her room, we performed an MRI scan of her brain and the results have come out. I am sorry to tell you that there is a small area of her brain where blood is clogged up.”

The family and Yuri’s eyes became widen to the information. They looked to each other and held their hands for comfort. When the surgeon told them that Jessica was supposed to be okay, they were relieved upon the news. But they were worried and scared again as to what could happen to Jessica in the future.

“As of right now, I cannot tell you exactly what effect that may have on her. It could be nothing at all, or she could have amnesia.” He paused momentarily. “Or worst, she could be in a coma for an indeterminable time.” He continued and watched as the faces in front of him began to darken with worries and fears.

“So which one is it, doctor?” Mrs. Jung asked eagerly.

“Until she wakes up we cannot tell you anything further, I’m afraid.” The doctor replied.

“And when will she wake up?” The woman asked again.

“I’m afraid, I cannot determine that either.” The doctor’s indifferent expression began to change into a small panic, at least small enough that it was unnoticeable by Jessica’s mother. “Please allow me to excuse myself for other patients. If you need anything, please let the nurses outside know.” He bid them his farewell then left the room quietly.

“She’ll be okay. Don’t worry.” Yuri comforted Mrs.Jung while holding her hands. “She’s strong.”


For the next couple of days, Jessica remained unconscious. And regardless of Jasmine’s numerous threats to keep her away, Yuri came every single day. She would go to work in the morning and immediately rush to the hospital to spend the night with Jessica. The earliest she would leave would be at 6:00 AM in the morning, only to go home, shower and get ready for work again.

That day was no different. She arrived at the room at approximately 7 o’clock after finishing her quick dinner at the hospital cafeteria. Her face was starting to become as pale as Jessica’s, though the areas under her eyes were dark from lack of sleep. She kissed Jessica’s hand lightly then sat on a chair next to her. 

As she pulled out her laptop to begin working on her current project from work, the corners of her eyes saw movements. She quickly turned her head and stared at Jessica, but she saw nothing. I must be imagining things again, she thought. Then she returned her attention to the laptop screen in front of her and her fingers began to dash around the keyboard, entering words into her word document. 

It happened again. And this time Yuri was certain she saw Jessica’s fingers twitch. She stood up from the chair and watched Jessica’s body again for more signs of movement. She felt a grip on her wrist and stared down at it. One of Jessica’s hands had held on to her own.

“Wait a second. I will get the doctor!” Yuri said and quickly ran towards the door. 


Yuri and Jessica’s family surrounded the bed as the doctor performed a small check up on Jessica. They were anxious to know if there was anything wrong with her and repeatedly wanted to step even closer but the nurse had stopped them. They noticed her face. She was confused and perhaps even scared. After he finished, the doctor stepped back and grabbed the clipboard from a nurse’s hand. He looked up at everyone. 

“She seems to be doing okay, physically.” He spoke then turned his head to Jessica. “What is your name?” He asked.

“…I don’t know.” She responded. Her eyes looked at him blankly, empty without any thoughts. “I don’t know anything.” 

“Is there anyone you can recognize here?” He asked again. 

“Jessica!” Her mom yelled and made a sudden approach to her. 

But Jessica backed away, scared of the person that gave birth to her. She shook her head as she looked around the room, at the people there surrounding her. The family gasped in shock. They looked at each other then back to Jessica, who sat there helplessly. But then she saw her. Her mind snapped and her index finger quickly raised then pointed at the thin girl staring back at her. She pointed at Yuri. 

“Her.” She said. 

“Yuri?” The family including Jasmine asked in unison. They all turned their attention to her. 

“I don’t remember her name.” Jessica disclosed. “I just remember that I hate her.”

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Kkomofam #1
Chapter 15: Gosh just found this story and the plot somehow amaze me
marnehjeahn #2
Chapter 15: please update
bbonz01 #3
Chapter 15: please update soon
forgotme #4
Chapter 15: . .. Kip it up author... Ur story is intersting
Chapter 15: Totally love this story <3
Please updte soon
alfredraphaelle #6
Chapter 15: update please!!!!!
Chapter 15: DAAAMN DANIEL *the rest is up to your imagination* CAN I THINK THEY MADE Y BABIES TOGETHER?
Chapter 15: Yay yulsic slowly becoming sweet towards each other...
Th3Nugg3t #9
Chapter 15: Oh, yes! Finally Jessica is slowly falling for Yuri. I would love to read more YulSic fluffy moments.
beatle87 #10
Chapter 15: yesss..sica already fall yul..