The Girl Who've Just Appeared


"I am not lying.

I am Ha Kyung Ri.

I am a human.

I am not your princess"


A smirk spread across his oh-so-perfect face.

"Of course you are not. But since our precious gave her power to you, you are now"






My peaceful life literally ended when a runaway princess decided to give me her power as her death wish. When I mean ended, it was really the end. That's it if you thought that being forcefully dragged from reality and out of the blue being a princess is so normal. I guess you're one of them. The rude oh-so-royals my .


If you are one of them, I'm sorry - but we're not in the same boat. 





This world is called caelum which means the sky. Oh well, it's so obvious why. It's just so, so, so, so, so blue. I don't hate blue, in fact, I love it. Blue is the ocean of calmness, the ocean of sadness, the sea of emotions. It carried a lot of meaning. Apparently, this kingdom is above the Hominerra where I prefer to call it by the name 'Earth' and the place where I should be right now. Not some magical kingdom above the clouds with the rising sky. People must think I'm crazy. Well, at first, I thought I am too. But know what? Waking up in the same place is enough to bring me to reality.


This magical kingdom is my new reality.


That's not the only weird things. If the world will be that 'different', the school's too, of course, way weirder than my old school. They learn some academic stuff sure, but, that school is for practicing to control your totem. 


You heard me correct. Yup, totem. That spirit of animal or something like that. Wow, very, very amusing. ((sarcastic laugh))


All of these things couldn't beat the fact that I would be living with some rude strangers who think so highly of themselves. Who're they? That damn 9 aristocrats who called themselves exo. What kind of a name is that? Exo? Really, guys? Hah soooooo outerspace. I wish you burn and then get ugly and then lose your power and die s.


I am no your ordinary hominum - I mean, human.






"You have exactly three months to make yourself a worthy princess of caelum" The queen said sternly.

"Or what could exactly happen if-"

"Have you ever seen how a queen's totem eat their prey?"




Zelolo's copyright.

Hope you guys enjoy!! :))



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manlyteabubbles #1
Chapter 1: goddamn exo needs to chill lmao