Freezing Season

Freezing Season

They were fighting again for the nth time this month. The snow had fallen and it was getting colder by the time the night approached. Kyungsoo sent a cold glare when Baekhyun, in his sweet sugary voice, called him with a smile pasted on his face.

“ look even cuter now, do you know that?” Baekhyun grinned, the glint in his eyes was mischievous but nothing could change the expression on Kyungsoo’s face. He rolled his eyes and hummed a response only. Baekhyun’s grin got wiped off and he pouted instead.

“You know, I can see you’re tired and all but still, today is supposed to be your turn to get the grocery. I can’t stand to walk out there with this freezing temperature. I have to do our laundry too...”, Baekhyun whinned and all he got was a sharp, quick ‘I don’t care!’.

Baekhyun suddenly got up from his spot in front of the television that was showing a music show and speeded up to their bedroom. Kyungsoo saw this from his position in the kitchen, sitting on the dining chair, and sighed. They were fighting over ridiculous stuffs and this one was so stupid.

Kyungsoo had just arrived from campus with a dozen of homeworks and some thick books to read before the winter holiday ended. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was almost in the same situation. Busy with college as well and his job as a photographer. They both were tired, Kyungsoo knew. But he had homeworks, his papers pilled up on his desk like a mountain and Baekhyun only brought home some photos to got edited. Baekhyun was not busy, he was just a lazy handsome, Kyungsoo thought to himself and pursed his heart-shapped lips.

Baekhyun didn’t go out from their room for the next five minutes and Kyungsoo assumed that the older was annoyed with him, but so was Kyungsoo.

“The laundry is not even that much, you crazy!” Kyungsoo finally lost it, his temper was on the edge and Baekhyun was being a jerk, Kyungsoo said in his mind as he kicked the bedroom’s door as he was on his way to grabbed his coat on the couch and stormed out of the door then made his way to the grocery store a few blocks away.

He didn’t bring an umbrella with him, the snow fell like rain on him but Kyungsoo was too busy to care about it as his head only filled with his plan to kill Baekhyun later.


Kyungsoo was confused, contemplating which cereal to buy. He crounched down, trying to figure out the best buy and sighed. He hates grocery shopping sometimes. He stood up and made his way to the next aisle when a hand stopped him.

Kyungsoo turned around and Baekhyun looked at anything but him, his bottom lip in between his teeth. Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows and proceed to yank his arm off but Baekhyun tightened his hold.

“What?”, Kyungsoo asked with an annoyed sigh.

“...You forgot your wallet,” Baekhyun shrugged and Kyungsoo stared at him and tried to go away from the older. He pulled his arm and took his wallet when the Baekhyun handed it to him.

“Thanks...” Kyungsoo mumbled and walked away. Baekhyun smiled a bit and followed behind him. He whistled while looked around the store and accidentally bumped on Kyungsoo when the younger stopped to look at the fruit. Kyungsoo glared again over his shoulder.

“Go away, I’m tired seeing your face. You’re ugly,” Kyungsoo said onto Baekhyun’s face and Baekhyun faked a hurt expression while he placed a hand over his chest.

“You’re uglier,” Baekhyun chuckled, watching as Kyungsoo continued to wander around the store. Kyungsoo was angry and Baekhyun knew that this small boyfriend of his was just acting tough.

He jogged a bit to catch up and took a hold of Kyungsoo’s hand and interwined their fingers. Kyungsoo’s palm was cold, Baekhyun thought to himself. Kyungsoo didn’t look at him but he let Baekhyun rubbed his thumb on his palm.

“Are you done yet? I’m so tired, Soo. Let’s go home fast,” Baekhyun pouted and Kyungsoo looked down on his purchase. It was cold and Kyungsoo was also sleepy so he just nodded. They made their way towards the cashier and Baekhyun let go of his hand and waited outside the store.

“Let’s go,” Kyungsoo told him as he walked out of the store. Baekhyun smiled and walked behind him only to wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo’s waist. Kyungsoo struggled in his embrace but eventually gave up. Baekhyun was a stubborn handsome.

“You know, hot chocolate in this moment would be nice, with your lips on mine and a blanket wrapped around us,” Baekhyun whispered and he can felt his boyfriend’s blushing face. Baekhyun chuckled as he pecked Kyungsoo’s cheek and continued to walk down the street back to their apartment, him hugged his smaller boyfriend’s frame and even if they were walking a bit awkwardly, Baekhyun knew Kyungsoo was melting under his touch, just like the snow under their shoes. 


“You looked hot when you were angry,” Baekhyun wiggled his eyebrow and got a slap on his mouth from Kyungsoo. 

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Chapter 1: Hahaha beakkieee xD
nuraininabilla11 #2
Chapter 1: This is soooo cutee >< my baeksoo heart is melting with flufyness <3