For A While I Loved You..


We only ever exchanged smiles.

We only ever exchanged stares.

One day,

We exchanged something else.

We exchanged files,

We exchanged glares,

We exchanged numbers,

We exchanged talking slowly to each other on the phone,

We exchanged conversations under trees,

We exchanged tears,

We exchanged even more smiles.

We exchanged hearts.

This is the story of the time i had spent with him.

Even if it was short, I will forever remember and cherish this time.

This is the story of you, Kim Taehyung.

My first love.




Oops, here comes the tears, KTHX ENJOYYY!!!! ~Love, Rin~

Hi Guys!! ive been really busy lately due to assignments and homework, but i promise i will actually update my two new stories once i am free. Thank you!!! love


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