
My First Kiss

I think after much struggled I felt asleep because someone was shaking me up telling we have to go down for  lunch. For few minutes, i was trying to open my eyes. First thing that i saw was someone face or Sehun face exactly. I got so embarassed for falling asleep on him. He was showing his y face. Then I heard teachers  calling my name to hurry up. I came to realize we are the only one left in the bus . It was a very embarrassing moment . 

   After lunch , our bus started again. Now the students are making lots of noise that even teacher can't control properly. The journey was going so smoothly. I was enjoying my favorite novel that i brought for reading . As I was trying to finish the novel , our bus stops suddenly making me fly forward. Everyone were again in tensed. No one was makng any noise waiting for our driver to explain. Even after 10 mins, driver was not saying anything. Students started complaining. Finally after around 20 mins, I heard someone responding to our complaints but the voice I heard was neither our driver nor teachers . And when I looked up checking who was it , there in middle of our bus was a man standing, half of his face is covered by mask with one gun and telling everyone to give our money. Everyone came to realize the situation we were in that some girls already start crying . I was so scared . Not a single thought is coming to my mind. My surrounding become blurred and last thing i saw was Sehun face before everything become black. 

     For second time that day , i was waken up again . As soon as I remembered the previous event with masked man and his gun , I hugged the person nearest to me without thinking and  started crying and even screaming I don't want to die yet . Around for 1 min, the person I was hugging didn't hug me back. I got more scared and hugged the person more tightly . Later the person was hugging me back that makes me happy thinking i still have someone who cared for me even before my death. I was enjoying the hug ,even telling the person i love you and don't leave me . We stayed like that for some more mins till I heard someone clearing throat very awkwardly. That very moment , I came to know that I am inside a bus and I am hugging... Please not him ..please not him I was telling in my mind... It was him only . Yeah I was hugging Oh Sehun,  Yes !! You heard it right , I was hugging him in middle of a bus filled with my classmates and two teachers who were very surprised by my action. I almost died there at the moments because of embarassment. And Mr. Gangster was trying to control his laughters. I ran out of bus without looking back and was trying to run and hide in someplace unknown. I felt like it would be more nice if earth split up and swallow me . I was running everywhere to hide myself from my classmates and him. I was so embarrassed I can't think anymore that I started crying.  "How can I be so stupid ??"  Was the only thing in my mind . l was so much into myself and my stupidy that I didn't noticed someone  was slowly approaching me . Only when that person back hug me then i realized someone is there. And to make more awkward Sehun was the one hugging me. I was totally alert after then even trying to free myself from him. 

       After lots of struggle and fightings , we went for taking lunch together . Yes , lunch . Sehun explained that around 30 mins after he boarded our bus i felt asleep on him , sometimes even snuggling him but i don't believe about snuggling part even though I used to be very clingy during sleeping how can I be so clingy with him. Yeah whatever, and those things i told you people about hijacking , reading novel etc were only in my dreams . Yeah it didn't happen. And last he said that I am very cute and squisy but why am I telling you all these? So he convinced me by telling its not that embarrassing but rather very cute and even if it was an embarrassing moments for me he said he find it very lovely and cute. Thus he won our fightings and went for lunch together but before that out of nowhere he took my first kiss and i was not prepared for it . Yeah, my first kiss was stolen from me when i was facing my most embarrassing moment so that why I don't want to remember it. 

   And as we continued our tour journey we became very close and now he is my boyfriend. Even today he teased me about that day. Sometimes I laughed with him thinking that we are here as boyfriends only because of  those embarrassing moments. Another time i want to forget it and wish to be more like normal way. But our love  is the one which  matter not our first kiss so i guess it works. 

**A/N: Sorry for my grammar since I didn't edit it there might be lots of typos . But hope you enjoy it . Because I tried my Best level Thanks... Pliz comments *-*

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