
My First Kiss

      It was first day of our class tour. I was searching for my bestie as we promised we will sit together. I was late as dad had to go to his office at last minute because of some urgent case , mom and me had to  take taxi. I was looking everywhere for my bestie but Baekie was not there. I even tried calling his no. for many times but his no. was out of reach. I got so scared thinking something happen to him. Afterwards I came to know from Mrs. Kwon that Baekie's grandpa passed away and he would be unable to join us. I was frustrated thinking no one will be there to accompany me . Mom was telling me to take the chance and make new friends.  Our bus already start moving , leaving behind our School and parents who came to drop us . I was seating in second last seat alone , feeling very sad and lonely to go without Baekie.

          About already 10 mins to journey, suddenly our bus stop . Everyone was looking at the teachers asking what happened. Then he came up atfer making banging noise with the door. Spotting his usual gangster look with blond hair , black leather jackets , black jeans , black kohl eye  and last studded boots. He looked like he don't care about anyone. Yeah thats our class Gangster, Oh Sehun. I heard some people said he is an orphan brought up in a children home after his parents left him there. And other said that he is a very rich and spoilt brat whose parents don't care about . Either of any two , I feel pity for him to behave like this and rude ways people are talking about him . Teachers were scolding him for coming late but he was acting his normal "I don't care " mode. After knowing he is not going to listen to whatever they are telling , Mrs.Kwon told him to take a seat. Everyone was looking at me as I am the only one who is without seatmate. And I had a bad feeling that something is not going to be good . After his dramatic entrance , our bus continue the journey.

       Some of students were sleeping and some talking to each other. For me i was listening to songs and enjoying the view. And for him, he was texting with someone. After 1 and half hour in the journey , the bus is becoming too quite as everyone was sleeping tired from getting up early for tour. I was feeling very sleepy but trying hard to control as i have a habbit of putting my head on other people while sleeping. 

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