The Letter

The golden bird of blackbird Kingdom

Yifan's horse gallons quickly as it passes by Luhan. Then it quickly raced past Xiumin.

And for a peek he saw Yixing standing there, waving the red flag. 

And for a peek he saw Yixing standing there, waving the red flag.

A small smirk appeared on Yifan's  face as I grabbed the flag and ran past Yixing.

"Yea, I won!" He shouted as Xiumin and Luhan's finally arrived. "Now give me my reward." 

Luhan sighed, pulling out two gold coins from his sack. Yifan smiled, hugging the younger.

" Did you see me Yixing, I was great !" Yixing smiled brightly.

"Yea, good job."

Luhan Sat down out of breathe, " Well, I've go to get home." Xiumin waved, getting on his horse.

"See you next time, the bets on me." Yifan laughs as he smacks the back of the Gege's  horse. 

Yixing took a seat pulling out a sheet of paper.

"What is that?" Luhan looks curiously as the younger jolts down some words.

"It's Yifan's winning paper, he told me to write down every time, he trumps of you." Luhan rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"You really do like bragging don't you, Prince Yifan" Yifan nods, smiling.

"What have I told you about calling me Prince, we're friends, no need for all the royalty towards me."

Luhan nods, rubbing the back of his head.

Luhan's family worked in the castle. His mother was a friend of the queen and his father was a nobleman. So he became friends with the youngest.

"I guess must also head home, I was supposed to fixing up some dinner,my father has guests coming tonight. "He chuckled, riding his horse.

Yifan waved and got in his carriage with Yixing beside him.

"Alright, let's head home."

Upon coming from the bathe, a maid fumbled inside he room.

"Prince Yifan, his majesty would like for your presence in the hall right away!"

Yifan and Yixing shared a look as he followed the maid Down the hall.

Yixing stood confused in the long papers halls of the castle, as he stared as Yifan disappeared down the halls.

Why did father want Yifan so urgently?

He fixed his purple robe and sighed.

Yifan and he never kept secrets from each other and when they were younger they always listened to each other's private conversation. This is how Yixing found out what puberty was before his time.

So down the hall he went, standing outside the door.

"Father you wanted to see me?" The emperor pinched the bride of his nose.

" Sit."

He demanded. Yifan looked at all the fussing noblemen.

What were they worried about.

"As you know, the northern empire has always fought against us." He began.

"Yesterday, I received a letter from their emperor, stating that he declared war on us." Yifan gulped, staring at his father.

"They want the is golden empire!" The emperor shouted, slamming his fist down on his throne. "You are my firstborn child and son, you know that right?" Yifan nods, lowering his head.

Yixing gasped.


He thought.

"Yixing what are you doing?" His mother stood there with all her maids, she was very cross.

"What are you doing here?" Yixing stuttered.

" This is adult issues, you must no be here." She snatched the youngest arm.

" You think that I'm not an adult? He scoffed, pulling his arm back.

" I'm going to ask father if I can join as well." The Empress furrowed her eyebrows.

"No, you mustn't !" She demanded.

"Now you are old enough, you can take responsibility for this empire when I pass." Yifan raised his head as the nobleman began to fuss again.

"Father I can-" Be quiet!" The emperor glared.

"You must from now must learn train to fight, so that you may lead this army after I pass." Yifan's eyes began filling with tears.

"You will take this empire into your hands when I die, and you will be crowned emperor after me." He continued.

The door slammed open and everyone gets quiet.

Yixing Rushes beside his older brother. " Father, I want to fight as well!"

The emperor looks at the empress with a confused stare. "I tried to stop him" she sighed.

"Please father, I want to learn and protect this empire and all its provinces with Yifan!"

The emperor groans."I'm sorry Yixing, but you cannot"

Yixing looks up at his father with pleading eyes.


" No buts, I have already my decision, you are too precious for me to lose." Yixing bit his lip, clenching his fists.

" I will speak to-" Yixing stood quickly back up.

"It's not fair!" He shouted, storming out of the room.

Yifan sighed, getting up after the younger.

"Yixing !" He shouted.

It was dark outside, the stars began to shine in the black galaxy sky.

But Yixing was nowhere to be found.

All the maids and slaves had gone out looking for the younger, but he could not be found.

Yifan flashed around his lantern,looking under the bushes and in nooks and crannies.

"Yixing, it's me Gege, come out please."

Yixing didn't respond.

Yifan quietly walked to the golden pond. A place they used to go when they were younger. 

There on the bench Sat Yixing. 

"Yixing, what are you doing."  Yixing shrugged.

" I wanted a quiet place to think for a minute." He sighed.

Yifan Sat himself beside the younger. "

Yifan, how come no one lets me do anything?"

Yifan sighed, the younger's hair.

"I'm not a delicate piece of glass." He groaned.

"No one said you were." Yixing stared at the older.

" Then why won't anyone let me go?" Yifan bit his lip.

"You are a delicate piece of glass to me."

Yixing bit his lip.

"And I love you." 

Yifan kissed the younger on his forehead.

"I love you too."

He mumbled, hugging Yifan.

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Chapter 2: Plz update!! <3
yixingmaid #2
Chapter 2: So...fanxing are sibling ??? Right ???