The End


warning: in the second half

“Is this really necessary?” Mark asked as Jackson braided flowers together. “Where did you even learn how to do that?”

“I was friends with the palace gardener, it’s not hard,” Jackson finished the last bit and held it up, examining his handiwork. “Perfect.”

Jackson pulled Mark down by the shoulders and placed the flower crown atop his head.

“Oh, that’s cute.” Jackson smiled at the accessory, trying to convince Mark it completed his look and matched with the scenery.

They were in a forest a way’s away from the town they were currently staying in. It was beautiful, not like the forests back home that just had heavy brush. There were all sorts of flowers and plants growing here. As soon as Jinyoung saw it he fell in love.

The reason he was here was still unclear to him. Jinyoung just mentioned this place would be perfect for ‘something’ but didn’t mention what the something was. Everyone was in on it but him, it was supposed to be some sort of surprise. Jackson seemed excited about it and Mark wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad sign.

“I made one for Jinyoung too, I’m going to give it to him, don’t move! Stay right here until I call you!” Jackson instructed, pointing a finger at him.

“Alright, but I still don’t trust any of this.”

“Don’t worry, this was all Jinyoung approved. I’m sure you’ll love it.” Jackson assured before he disappeared into the trees, leaving Mark waiting.

It had been a year since the seven of them started their travels together. They had sailed across seas for what seemed like a huge distance. No matter how far they went the ocean never seemed to end. He wasn’t exactly sure where they were right now, but the people of this island were incredibly nice and the scenery was beautiful.

Mark had no regrets in leaving. He and Jinyoung only fell more in love each day they were together, which he thought was impossible since he was so in love with him from the beginning.

The group he travelled with were now extremely tight knit as well, all of them now closer than just simple friends. They felt like family.

Today had been the strangest day, Jackson telling Mark to put on his nicest clothes and then dragging him into the forest. He felt like if he had to stay in one place for the rest of his life he wouldn’t mind staying somewhere as beautiful as this.

“Mark, you can come now!” Jackson called, and Mark had no idea what to expect when he walked through the trees before him.

He was greeted by a path of flowers, leading towards all their friends standing at the end. Jaebum and Youngjae to the left, Yugyeom and Bambam to the right. Jackson stood in front of him with Jinyoung who was staring directly at him and smiling. He looked so adorable with flowers in his hair and a makeshift blazer Mark had to pause to catch his breath. How could he still catch him off guard like this?

“Mark! You there? Walk forward!” Jackson broke his trance with his loud voice. Mark still had no idea what was going on but he was happy to stand next to Jinyoung.

“Hey.” Jinyoung said softly when he stood next to him.

“Hey,” Mark smiled shyly, both of them more embarrassed than usual. “What’s going on?”

Jackson cleared his throat loudly and started announcing in his booming voice. “We are gathered here today… to have a wedding. Kind of, not an official one because that can’t really happen but Jinyoung asked so adorably for something like this so of course, I said I could figure out something unofficial so that you two could-”

Mark’s heart dropped into his stomach when he finally realized what Jinyoung was planning.

Jackson.” Jinyoung said, eyeing Jackson with an annoyed look on his face.

“Was I rambling?” Jackson wasn’t flustered often, but he looked like he was embarrassed.

“Jinyoung, is this what you wanted all this time, a wedding?” Jinyoung had always loved sappy things like this.

“I know you said we don’t need anything official showing our dedication to each other but… I don’t know. It’s just something that means a lot to me. I’ve been to a lot of amazing weddings and I know I’ll never be able to have a royal wedding, or even any sort of official wedding but…”

“You still wanted to have a wedding.” Mark was smiling now, he couldn’t hold back. Jinyoung was too cute. “I didn’t mean I didn’t want to have a wedding when I said that you know, I just wanted to make sure you knew we didn’t need to be officially married for me to dedicate my life to you.”

Jinyoung looked over at the scenery, a wistful look on his face. “Those flowers grow here, the same ones that grow behind the castle back home. I had never seen them anywhere else before. As soon as I saw them in this forest I knew this place had special meaning, like we were meant to come here someday.” Jinyoung looked down at his feet, unable to meet Mark’s eyes he was so embarrassed.

Mark tilted Jinyoung’s head up. “I think this place is perfect, and I’d be honoured to be yours forever-”

“Wait, we’re not at that part yet!” Jackson piped in. “I don’t really remember exactly what they say, but there are usually vows… do you guys have any vows?” Mark could at least give Jackson an ‘A’ for effort.

Mark, having been notified of this whole situation only moments before had nothing prepared. He wished Jinyoung had told him earlier for that reason, but he knew he wanted to surprise him.

“I have something I’d like to say,” Jinyoung laughed shyly, still trying to get over how cheesy the moment was.

Mark took Jinyoung’s hand tightly in his as Jinyoung started to speak.

“I know there’s not much I haven’t said to you over all the time we’ve been together, but if there’s one thing I’ve never properly said, it’s thank you.” Jinyoung looked around at all the people standing around them. “I know if it weren’t for all of you I wouldn’t even be alive right now, but it’s more than that.”

Mark’s heart skipped a beat just from looking at Jinyoung so genuinely speaking his mind. He always loved Jinyoung’s way with words that sounded like he was quoting things straight from a book. He would never be able to relate.

“If I had never met you, I would’ve never survived in a metaphorical sense. I was unhappy for so long, I didn’t understand my feelings at all. I let life pass me by for so many years, thinking there would be some sort of light at the end of the tunnel when really I was just spiraling deeper into a reality that I didn’t want or deserve.” The stillness of the forest was really calming; Mark noticed when Jinyoung took a brief pause. “I was so scared when I realized just how much I liked you; I was ready to give up everything. Nothing I felt made sense in my mind, but you shattered my entire idea of thinking. I thought I was a horrible person because of the way I felt and the things I wanted, but the moment you accepted my feelings I felt like there was finally an answer for me, a fork in the road I hadn’t noticed before. There was never anything wrong with me. The only thing that was wrong was the doubts in my mind that told me I was a lost cause. You made me see the light.”

Mark liked to choose his words carefully, thinking them over for long beyond what was the social standard of time to which you were to reply. Right now Mark’s mind was a mess, the way Jinyoung looked combined with the setting, the mood, the atmosphere, couldn’t be processed. He knew he was just kind of staring at Jinyoung, but there were no words. There would never be the right words to perfectly describe how much Jinyoung meant to him, and it frustrated him all the time.

“Mark…” Jinyoung wiped away the tears that he didn’t even realize were falling off his face with his fingers. “Don’t cry, you’re going to make me cry too.”

Mark couldn’t help it. All the emotions and memories rushed through his mind at once. Everything they had gone through to finally be here together was so worth it. The moment was too perfect. Mark just cried harder, because he realized he would never have to be alone or unhappy for the rest of his life. He didn’t only save Jinyoung, but he saved himself. “Sorry,” He sniffed. “I…” Mark was too choked up to say anything and opted for burying himself in Jinyoung’s shoulder as he comforted him instead.

“You don’t need to say anything, I understand your feelings.” Jinyoung whispered in his ear.

“No,” Mark leaned up and wiped away at his eyes. “I need to say ‘thank you’ too, for existing, for making your way into my life, for everything. You mean the world to me and,” Mark was still crying too hard and his thoughts were scattered. “I just really really love you.”

Jinyoung smiled so hard his eyes crinkled up and tears started falling, unable to hold them back anymore. “I love you too.”

Neither of them noticed Jackson was basically a sobbing mess beside them too until he finally spoke, “Can you guys just kiss and be married already? This is too touching and if this goes on any longer I’m going to start bawling.”

Neither of them could speak any longer either, so they took that as a cue to seal their love with a kiss.

They could hear cheering around them as their lips touched. They separated only to press their foreheads together and smile.

“Enough crying!” Jackson wiped away his own tears and fully composed himself again. “We need to celebrate! Is there a bar in town or something?”

Jackson successfully lightened the mood, but Mark couldn’t take his eyes off Jinyoung.

“Forever.” Jinyoung whispered through his tears.

“Forever.” Mark agreed.

Mark never thought he was destined to love, but to even think he was ready to settle for a life any different from this was frightening. He realized now giving up was silly. Just because you haven’t found the right person for you is no reason to settle for a life of unhappiness. Even if it takes a lifetime to find the person that’s right for you, you should never lose faith that the universe will bring that person to you. If just a single factor had been different, he would’ve never found his happiness.

Royal or not, standing there knowing that he and Jinyoung would be together for the rest of their lives was the best fairy tale ending he could possibly ask for.

Mark was eyeing Jinyoung as if the clothes on his body had no right to still be on him.

Jinyoung could read Mark like a book, he knew what he was feeling from the way Mark’s gaze drifted down his body and snapped back up when he realized he had lingered for too long. Jinyoung knew it was time to tell their friends they wanted to have some alone time, for Mark’s sanity at least.

They stayed in some sort of hostel. They were lucky when the places they visited had places to lodge since most were remote. It wasn’t anything special, a chair a table and a bed barely big enough to fit both of them lying down together.

Once Jinyoung’s hands were on him the location hardly mattered.

Jinyoung was passionate when it came to making love. The first time they were both so scared to touch each other but now it was second nature, the way Jinyoung’s hands pulled his shirt up and removed it with their lips parting for only a split second.

It was like an addiction, from the first time he touched Jinyoung he was hooked for life.

Often when they made love is was slow and sensual, kissing and rubbing their bodies together until they crept over the edge.

It wasn’t that kind of night tonight.

Mark’s hands pulled open the buttons on Jinyoung’s shirt, too frustrated to take his time. He heard the thread snap and the buttons fly off, ricocheting off the walls and falling to the floor. “Sorry,” He mumbled against Jinyoung’s lips, interrupting their kiss for a brief moment.

“It’s fine,” Jinyoung pressed soft kisses to his cheek and trailed his lips down to his neck, too blissed out to care. “Don’t stop.”

Jinyoung adapted to whatever situation Mark put him in, always eager to please. When Mark guided Jinyoung’s hands to his waist he didn’t hesitate to tug the waistband of his pants and underwear down as he pushed him to lie flat on the bed. Mark lifted his hips off and let him pull them off all the way and toss them aside. Jinyoung’s eyes raked over his body, as if he were trying to decide where to put his mouth first. Jinyoung hadn’t done anything but his careful inspection already left Mark on pins and needles, wondering what he was going to do next.

He was already painfully hard, so when Jinyoung’s hand wrapped around him he couldn’t stop the sigh that escaped his mouth. Jinyoung settled his mouth on his chest, marks into his skin as his hand worked against him. He was enjoying it so he almost regretted it when he moved out to stop Jinyoung’s arm from moving. “Don’t do it so fast, I don’t want this to be over too quickly.”

Jinyoung smirked; he took his hand off of him and ran it through his hair instead, gripping it tightly as he kissed him again. “We can’t do this all night; we’re leaving in the morning.”

“Don’t care,” Mark moaned unintentionally as Jinyoung tugged on his hair again. “Sleep is for the weak.”

That caused Jinyoung to laugh, burying his face in the crook of Mark’s neck. Mark wasn’t joking, though; he really wanted Jinyoung to him until his knees went weak. He craved the soreness he would feel in the morning if it were a reminder of the night before.

Jinyoung listened and slowed it down, ravishing him with his lips and hands but avoiding anywhere that would push him over the edge. Jinyoung’s lips grazed over Mark’s entire body leaving faint red marks as he nibbled and kissed along the way. He asked Mark to turn on his back and he started from where he left off, his hands gripping at his arms or hair as he kissed him all over.

When he saw Jinyoung get up to slide his pants down he got up on his hands and knees in anticipation, clearly done with being teased, even though he enjoyed it so much.

“Don’t touch yourself,” Jinyoung instructed and he got back onto the bed and Mark felt an oil-slicked finger circle around his entrance. “I don’t want you to just yet.”

Mark could barely ponder the fact that Jinyoung was far from done with him when he felt a finger inside, circling around and coating him so that he could slide another finger in easily. Mark’s hips circled, trying to get as much feeling out of Jinyoung’s fingers as he could but he needed more. He wanted Jinyoung inside of him.

Jinyoung must’ve read his mind, because not a moment later Jinyoung removed his fingers and probed his entrance with his , teasing him as usual, trailing the tip up and down and refusing to enter him fully. Mark wasn’t having any of that, pushing his hips up against him and letting himself be filled up. Jinyoung groaned at the sudden pleasure, letting Mark get off his hands and knees to sit on Jinyoung’s lap instead. Mark was setting the pace anyways, so it wasn’t long before Mark started bouncing up and down on his , out of Jinyoung’s control.

Jinyoung had his hands wrapped around him clawing at his chest trying to get a grip on him. Jinyoung’s mouth was on his shoulder, teeth grazing him until he eventually bit down when Mark let out a particularly sinful moan. Mark didn’t mind Jinyoung’s habit of biting him whenever things got heated; he did it unconsciously and apologized furiously after. Mark thought it was hot. Just thinking about Jinyoung losing control because of him was enough to keep him up long after their lovemaking sessions were over.

Mark was sure Jinyoung was getting close so he reached out to touch himself but was stopped abruptly as Jinyoung pushed him right off, panting heavily.

Mark was about to ask what happened when Jinyoung pulled him in for a searing kiss. “I want you too,” He whispered into his ear. “Please.”

“What?” Mark’s mind was hazy and he could barely comprehend anything but his intense need for release at the moment.

“Are you tired?” Jinyoung managed to ask and Mark shook his head ‘no’, an obvious lie but he didn’t want to ruin the mood.

Jinyoung nudged Mark out of the way and got on his knees, pressed his face into the pillow, and spread his cheeks wide open with his hands. “ me.” He said simply.

Oh. Mark’s eyed widened at the scene that played out before him. Everything about Jinyoung screamed pure before he knew what kind of person he could turn into between the sheets. Jinyoung knew what he wanted at all times, and he would make a point to get what he wanted. He loved ing Mark senseless but he also loved being ed until he screamed. Sometimes he wanted both.

There was no way Mark could say no to that.

Mark reached for the oils and made him slick. Jinyoung made everything as hot as possible, purposefully whenever Mark’s hands were on him. Just one finger and Jinyoung was muffling his whines into the pillow, making Mark leak precum before he was even inside him.

Mark slid in easily and started moving his hips, angling them until he found the spot that made Jinyoung writhe the most, the pillow swallowing up his yells again. Sweat was dripping down his face and he was feeling incredibly hot, both from the temperature in the room and the way Jinyoung played with his feelings.

Jinyoung could probably feel Mark’s legs giving out and he started pushing himself backward into Mark to keep the rhythm. He couldn’t get it quite right so he asked Mark to lie down instead, and Mark was quietly thankful.

Jinyoung got on top of him and slid Mark’s back inside of him, both of them failing to keep a straight face as they settled back into ecstasy. They were always a bit embarrassed staring at each other directly sometimes, trying to not face each other or busy themselves with kissing, but today Mark couldn’t take his eyes off Jinyoung.

The way he ground his hips down on him was ridiculous. Jinyoung was whiny, but his voice never got high pitched. He had these low throaty whines that were so genuinely Jinyoung he wouldn’t mind if they were the only thing he heard for the rest of his life.

He knew when Jinyoung was close because he started muttering hot nonsense. “Good, you feel so good Mark,” He leaned down to tongue his chest, but he ends up biting him again, almost breaking skin. “Sorry- I’m- you’re so hot, Mark.”

Mark didn’t need to reply with words he would just keep going on his own like he wasn’t talking to Mark directly, his thoughts were spilling from his lips and he had no control over it.

Every time Jinyoung said his name he felt himself getting closer to the edge until he was bursting at the seams. “I’m gonna .”

“ inside me.” Jinyoung ordered, pushing Mark right over the edge. He felt trails of fire running down his skin as he dissolved into the pleasure of his , the heat bearable and welcoming as he slowly came down from his high.

Jinyoung had stopped moving, looking entranced staring at Mark lose himself. When Mark finally snapped back to reality he reached out for Jinyoung’s and started him swiftly to push him over the edge.

He came soon after that, spilling onto Mark’s hand and chest groaning Mark’s name. He breathed deeply, calming down and looking down at the mess he made.

“Hmm,” Jinyoung gave him a cat-like smirk before picking up Mark’s hand and bringing it to his mouth, tonguing over his knuckles and the off his hand. “You ready for round two?” He teased, since Mark was so gung ho about going all night before but out of the two of them, he looked more tired now.

Mark was still trying to catch his breath, Jinyoung slipping his finger in his mouth and on it. “Wait- I can’t, not yet,” Mark pulled his finger out and pulled Jinyoung onto him into a hug. “Just give me half an hour.”

“You’re going to fall asleep.” Jinyoung teased, nibbling at his neck. Mark tried to blink rapidly to make himself stay awake.

“I’m fine,” Jinyoung rolled to his side not caring about the mess and snuggled under his arm against his chest. Mark yawned and pulled Jinyoung close. “Maybe just a nap.”

“Mmhmm,” Jinyoung mumbled against his skin, giving him soft kisses. “Love you.”

The last thing Mark remembered before passing out was pulling Jinyoung so his back was pressed into his chest and whispering “Love you too.” into his ear.

a/n: Ahh my laptop is still broken but since i've been looking for little things to write so I decided to write this epilogue. This is the absolute end to this story, I hope you enjoyed it. I know a handful of you requested the so... here. LOL. As usual, all comments and subs and upvotes are appreciated and loved. Feel free to bug me on on twitter or tumblr and I hope you all have/had a fantastic day. <3

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so... who wants an epilogue?


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Chapter 10: Im actually sobbing my eyes out this whole chapter it's making me unbelievably emotional right now ?
Chapter 18: Love this story..
markjin18 #3
Chapter 18: i love this story so much!!<3
Oohmaknae_ #4
Chapter 18: Omg! I'm glad i saw your story!!! This really made me feel so alive like it made me feel so many emotions in just 3 hours of reading this. Thank you for creating this story! You inspire me to do better on writing. Thank you for feeding my markjin heart >^<
Asdjjfkfififikv, this is so good. Royalty markjin is life. Thank you so much. God bless you.
Chapter 18: Aaaaaanw, this storie sz
I read so fast :(, so amazing!
Really, Namjoonie, how you could don't be friend of Jacks? Heartless u.u
Jaebum e Youngjae, i though you never will be togheter u.u, but here we are!
Can't believe my young and rich couple saved lifes so many times! Thank you boys, you can dab everywhere forever, husband and husband.
Sooyoung unnie, thank you fo take care of 'uri' Nyeongie~, Sungjae-ah, take care of her and be happy~
Autor-nim, thank you for more one incredible and great storie! I really loved all of !
Chapter 5: Damnnn :')
Chapter 18: oh this is should be on my fav ff list!!!! I freaking love this!!! omg TTvTT
Igot7-markjin #9
Chapter 17: "This is only the beginning" Oh the feels. LOVE THIS BOOK.
Chapter 18: I can't thank you enough for this, you're the best. Although this is the end, i still love you man :')