The Prison


“So, what’s it like being a prison guard?” Jackson asked, gesturing dramatically and making sure he had the guard’s full attention as he spoke.

It had been a long night. They kept trying to think of different plans to get into the prison but the more they examined the situation at hand the more they realized it was a nearly impossible task. 

The night had consisted of Jackson pitching some sort of farfetched idea, Bambam telling him it was ridiculous, them arguing about the fact, Youngjae looking lost, and Mark being exhausted by the whole situation.

They had fallen asleep at some point, ruining the idea to do anything at dawn.  It was already ten in the morning when they realized they had fallen asleep.  Mark woke up in a panic, not believing he’d allowed himself to fall asleep at such a critical time.

They decided they couldn’t waste any more time so they went with something Jackson suggested, knowing it wasn’t planned well.  There wasn’t much they could do and they knew if they waited too long it could be too late.

Mark, Bambam, and Youngjae had been put into guard uniforms that consisted of helmets and armor so that they would be able to blend in. Mark had no idea why Jackson had access to these kinds of things, in the time he was gone he seemed to have befriended almost all the workers in the castle.  Unfortunately, Jackson hadn’t met with any prison guards, but he was confident he would be able to get them on his side.

“Who are you?”  One of the two guards standing at the entrance sneered.

“I’m one the workers here and I was just making rounds around the castle when I realized, I’ve never been to the dungeon before!  What a shame, do you guys do tours or something?”  Jackson asked, a huge smile on his face, trying to soften them up.

“Get lost, nobody is allowed inside, especially today.” 

“Oh, is there something special happening today?”  Jackson bravely locked an arm around the one guard who was giving him a hard time and spun him around.  “I feel like we servants don’t know about any sort of events going on!  Is it anything fun?”

That was what they were waiting for, as soon as they weren’t paying attention Mark, Youngjae, and Bambam snuck past them quickly.  They were almost in when one of the guards turned around and saw them and Mark thought they were good as dead, but luckily, he seemed to notice them but not say anything.  Mark took at as some sort of sign from above and decided to make his way in further and hoped nothing would go wrong.

They hadn’t planned past this point and Mark felt his confidence sinking as they went deeper into the darkness of the dungeons, down a staircase into a dimly lit hallway.  The pungent smell was harsh against his nostrils even through the helmet, he felt sick just thinking about all the things that happened down there through the years.  It was even worse when he thought about Jinyoung being kept down there.

They had hoped the disguises would be enough for them to be able to get by any other guards lurking around but strangely, the place seemed empty.  Mark was sure there would be a lot of guards scattered around the cells but there didn’t seem to be a single soul in sight.

Youngjae’s hand reached out to him from in front, and Mark got the message.  He held his hand tightly, trying to stop him from shaking, but he knew this place was frightening even for him.

They passed cell after cell but they all seemed to be empty.  It made sense; prisoners weren’t usually kept for long. They were kept until they were processed and sentenced, most being set to be executed in only a few days time.  The rest were sentenced to things like general labour for a minor infraction.  If you were being kept in a cell you were either put there recently or being kept there for an important reason.

Over half way down the hall and still not a single person in sight.  All three of them were too scared to speak still, but if it were really empty that would explain the lack of guards.  That was impossible, though, Jinyoung had to be there.  He didn’t want to imagine any other possibility.

They had finally reached the back wall, not a guard in sight.  Bambam finally decided it was safe to speak.  “This place is awful,” He pulled his helmet off and immediately regretted it.  “It smells disgusting in here.”

“There has to be someone here, Jinyoung…” 

“Tuan?”  All three of them were startled when they heard a voice coming from the very last cell, so dark they could barely see inside.  “Prince…”  The person took a trembling breath, as though even speaking was hard.  “Prince Tuan…”

Youngjae was the first to react, pulling his helmet off and rushing up to look through the bars.  A figure was barely visible shrouded in shadows against the back of the cell.  He strained his eyes to try to see until he was able to recognize him.  “J-Jaebum?”  Youngjae’s voice cracked as he spoke.

Bambam and Mark were at Youngjae side soon after.  Mark saw Youngjae tearing up and pulled him into his arms.

“Youngjae?”  Jaebum took another straining breath and coughed.  “No… don’t look at me.”

Bambam noticed the keys to the cell were sitting right on the wall.  “No guards, keys to the cell right here, something is wrong.  Shouldn’t there be guards?  Can’t he just escape?”

“It’s hard to escape when you can’t walk.”  Jaebum’s voice was husky and weak, but still held a note of cold humour.  “My leg might be broken, maybe they’re both broken.  I’m not really sure.  I don’t even notice the pain anymore.  I feel numb.”

“What the hell happened?”  Mark finally broke.

“It’s funny you of all people don’t know.” Jaebum said harshly. 

“I know how you ended up here, but how did you end up….”

“Tortured?  Beaten daily?  Had hot irons put against me?  Chained up and left hanging for hours?  It’s because the guards here are persistent.  They believed I had information.  They believed I knew where you and Jinyoung were no matter how much I denied it.  I should be thankful, it’s the only reason they kept me alive this whole time.”  Jaebum’s voice struggled to keep up with all the things he wanted to say. 

Mark felt nauseous again.  Another person made to suffer for his rash decisions.  This time he knew there wasn’t anything he could say to make the situation better, so he just stood there in stunned silence as Youngjae sobbed against him.

Bambam was the only one able to keep his wits about him, and he was able to open the cell door. 

Jaebum didn’t move and Youngjae decided to be the first to walk in, still crying.  Mark followed behind.  He was even more shocked when he saw Jaebum up close, covered in bruises and ultimately looking like he was only hanging onto life by a fine thread.

“Youngjae, why are you here?  I told you not to look.”  Jaebum tilted his head, unable to stare directly at Youngjae.

“I’m so sorry, this whole time you were alive.  This whole time I thought you were dead but you were alive this whole time and I didn’t do anything.” 

“Youngjae please don’t cry, this isn’t your fault,” Jaebum was cut-off when Youngjae sat down and put his arms around him, softly so he wouldn’t hurt him further.  “Youngjae don’t, you’re going to get blood on you.”

“I’m so happy.”  Youngjae whispered through tears.

“What was that?”  Jaebum finally looked at him, his gaze soft.

“I’m so happy you’re alive.  We can point fingers all day but all that matters is that you’re alive. I don’t know how to express it, but you’re going to be alright.  I’m going to make sure nothing bad happens to you from now on.”  Youngjae’s tipped his head up and stared Jaebum right in the eyes.

“What do you mean?” 

“I’m not weak.  I may get sick a lot, and I’m clumsy, and I still have a lot to learn but you’ve protected me since the day we met.  You always put my needs before yours.  I was always thankful but you need to realize my needs aren’t everything, you’re as important to me and I am to you.  I want to protect you for once in my life.  It’s the least I can do.”


“Don’t say anything stupid like ‘I don’t need your help’ or “I’ll be fine’ because you’re not okay.  Stop being so stubborn for once and admit you need help; everyone needs to depend on someone at some point in their life.  Nobody can do everything alone.”

Mark witnessed Jaebum breaking down right before him.  His eyes blinked rapidly as tears started flowing down his face.  “I never gave up my will to live.  I kept thinking that I’d make it through this,” Youngjae held him tighter in his arms.  “What kept me alive was hope that I’d get to see you again.”  Jaebum weakly put one of his arms around Youngjae, the other too damaged the move properly.

“Don’t worry, I’m here to stay.  I’ll take care of you from now on.” 

Mark felt himself a bit teary eyed as well, not only because of the scene before him but also because despite Jaebum being here, there was no sign of Jinyoung.

“It looks like Jinyoung isn’t here.”  Bambam spoke realistically.

“Jinyoung was here.”  Jaebum suddenly said, cutting the sad mood and igniting Mark’s spirit.  “He was being held here up until this morning in the cell right across from me when suddenly they took him away.  They requested every single guard in here go with him.”

That explained why it was so empty.  Mark was so excited to finally hear something about Jinyoung, but then the realization started to sink in.  “They took him away… for sentencing?”

“I don’t know where they took him, it was so sudden.”

“We need to leave now, Jinyoung is somewhere out there.”  Mark put the helmet back on his head.

“We can’t leave Jaebum here,” Youngjae spoke up.  “We came all this way…”

“Youngjae, I’m useless, I can barely move.  You should just leave me here. “

“No way.”  Youngjae was set in his decision.  He leaned down and grabbed Jaebum’s legs from behind him.  “I’ll carry you.”

“Youngjae, you can’t-“

“I’m not as frail as I look, just get on my back.”  Youngjae practically pulled him up onto him and carried him with ease.

“Do you really think they’re not going to see us carrying a prisoner out of a prison?”  Bambam asked.

“Let’s just go, if anything Jackson should be able to cover for us.  He’s been talking to the guards for a while now; if I know Jackson there isn’t anyone who can resist his charm.”

“So, you said you were just put on the job today, Namjoonie?”  Jackson had his body attached to the guard’s left side as Mark peeked out from behind a wall to observe the situation.

“Just because I told you my name doesn’t mean you’re allowed to address me like that, and for god’s sake can you get off me?”

“We’re friends, though, right?”  Jackson had somehow gotten him to remove his helmet and talk to him.

“I never said that.”

Jackson feigned hurt, gasping loudly.  “You said you would be friends with me!”

“I said we could be friends if you kindly remove yourself from me.”

“It’s just a hug!  Friends are supposed to hug each other.” 

Namjoon groaned.  “When they assigned me this stand-in position this morning they didn’t tell me I’d had to fend off overbearing servants.” 

“Oh, so you’re a stand-in?  I guess that’s why we’ve never met!”

“Yes, I just arrived here this morning and they assigned me here because I looked suitable enough for the job.  They were wrong; I obviously wasn’t prepared for this.”  Namjoon tried again to pry Jackson off of him and failed.

“What about your partner there?  He’s really quiet.”

“He’s a stand-in like me but he hasn’t spoken to me yet, maybe you can try to befriend him instead?”

“Not until you agree to be my friend,” Jackson spotted Mark out of the corner of his eye and tried his best to distract the guards to the fullest.  “Namjoonie please!”

“For the love of-“Namjoon was just about to remove Jackson with force when he spotted the four of them out of the corner of his eye.  “What the hell?  Trespassers!”  He yelled as he pushed Jackson away and reached for his weapon.

“,” Mark muttered, realizing Youngjae wouldn’t be able to run while carrying Jaebum.  “Jackson…”  Jackson was sitting on the ground, rubbing his back from where he fell.

“I’m sorry; I don’t know how anyone could resist me!” 

Namjoon was about to attack when the other guard suddenly and swiftly punched him in the back of his uncovered head with his armored glove, knocking him out cold.

Everyone looked up at the guard stunned.

“He’s going to be fine, he just passed out and- oh my gosh.  I can’t believe I just did that!  I’m awful.”  The guard spoke and Mark immediately recognized his voice and breathed a sigh of relief.

Bambam rushed over and pulled his helmet off and started smiling brightly when he confirmed who it was.  “Ah, seriously?  I just said bye to you but you’re here again, couldn’t stay away could you?”  Yugyeom hugged Bambam so tightly he lifted him off his feet, pressing kisses on his face.

“It’s not that, as soon as I arrived here for military training they said they needed stand-in guards suddenly.  I told them I wasn’t suitable but they took one look at me and said I’ll do…”

Bambam burst out laughing.  “I’ve never been so thankful you’re a giant.”

“I-wait!  We can’t talk right now, I saw Jinyoung this morning and I’ve been so worried but I didn’t know what to do!  It’s been eating at me for hours!”  Yugyeom was panicked.

“You saw him too?”  Mark asked, as they all waited anxiously for details.

“We were put here as stand-ins because all the guards were to him to town and make sure he didn’t escape.  He’s apparently been giving them a really hard time; they had him secured pretty tightly.”

Mark could only think about how upset Jinyoung must’ve been, probably feeling the same way Mark did this entire time, trying desperately to escape.  “They took him to town?  Why would they…”  Mark’s heart sank for the hundredth time that day.  “Jackson, do you know what time it is?”

“Time?  If I had to guess it’s probably half past eleven, why?”

“Do you know what time they do public executions in town every day?”

“Oh, you mean the daily hangings?  Exactly noon.”  Jackson spoke and soon realized why Mark looked like he had just seen a ghost.  “Oh no.”

Mark shoved his helmet back on, knowing he had to move forward no matter what.  “Where’s the princess?  I need her help again.”

Every minute that passed Mark felt like he was one step closer the end.  Everything was too slow.  Every moment without Jinyoung felt like an eternity already, but now every moment not knowing if he was alive was slowly killing him.

They had managed to track down Sooyoung and she was able to sneak them him out via chariot so they could reach town as quickly as possible, but even if this was the fastest way he couldn’t help the thoughts that were plaguing him constantly, telling him that he was too late.  Even if he were to reach in time, what could he do that wouldn’t end up in both of them getting killed?

He wanted to go alone, but the others wouldn’t allow him.  He wasn’t the only one who cared deeply enough about Jinyoung they would risk their life to help him, so he was together with the five of them.  Even Jaebum ended up coming along, although he couldn’t do much.  He couldn’t be left behind knowing it was Jinyoung who needed help.

It wasn’t a long ride towards town, but it was enough for them to discuss something and pray everything would work out.

Arriving at the middle of town he was met with a huge crowd, larger than crowds present for any regular hanging.

He wore his guard uniform to cover his face, but nobody was really paying attention to him anyways.

The sight was so eerily familiar.  He never wanted to witness anyone being executed ever again, yet here he was.

The set-up was much grander in Seoul than back in Jinhae.  Droves of people gathered around the tall ledge where people were hung.

He pushed his way through the crowd, listening to the people speaking.

“Is the king really executing his own son?  That’s cruel.”  

“He has committed unforgivable sins!  He should burn in hell, no matter who he is!”

“Is this right?  Is the king really okay?  I question his morality.”

“Rid our nation of disgusting people!  Let them all be gone!”

“I’m scared, why is this happening?  Are we really going to war?”

Making his way to the front he knew what he would witness but there was nothing that could ever prepare him for finally seeing Jinyoung again only for him to be standing with a noose around his neck, one step away from his death.

“You have violated section 13 of the criminal code by performing acts of gross indecency,” Mark could recognize King Park’s voice from a mile away.  Familiar chills ran down his spine as he listened to him speak.  “Unfortunately, laws are meant to be followed. Even if it’s my own son, as the king of our great kingdom I must abide by these rules.”

“You’re a liar.”  Jinyoung spat.  “You don’t care, you never cared.”

The murmurs amongst the crowd became louder.  People stood in solidarity, while others stood in unease.

Mark saw the others out of the corner of his eye, in guard uniforms blending in with the rest behind where Jinyoung was standing.

“You’re not allowed to speak yet,” The king ordered, to which one of the guards standing next to him hit him with the hilt of his sword as punishment.  Mark winced as Jinyoung bent over in pain, clutching his stomach.  “You will be hung by the neck until dead and thereafter your body buried within the precincts of the prison!”

“No…”  Jinyoung whispered. 

Mark’s heart was beating straight through his chest.  He felt like he was drowning, the air rapidly escaping from his lungs.  It was so hard to breathe.

“Prince Park Jinyoung!  Do you have any reason why the sentence of death should not be pronounced upon you?”  King Park was ruthless in his words.  Not an ounce of sympathy or regret on his face.

“I’m…”  Jinyoung was trying so hard to be strong this whole time but he couldn’t hold it in, tears flowing down his face in defeat.  “Mark, I’m sorry.  I couldn’t escape, I couldn’t do anything.  I wasn’t strong enough, it’s entirely my fault.  I couldn’t ever live the life I wanted to, but I wouldn’t be happy in any life without you.  I accept my death, my only regret being that I couldn’t see you again… wherever you are, can you hear me?”  Jinyoung’s head was down; he was sobbing loudly now, not caring in what he believed were his last moments.  “I’ll never regret loving you.  If this is the way things have to work out then so be it, life’s not worth living without you.”

The crowd was restless, conflicting opinions heavy in Mark’s ears.  Some protesting, some cheering, yells of encouragement, while others were booing.

King Park was still able to smile coldheartedly as he spoke his next words.  “May the lord have mercy on your soul.”

With one hard push, Jinyoung fell.

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so... who wants an epilogue?


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Chapter 10: Im actually sobbing my eyes out this whole chapter it's making me unbelievably emotional right now ?
Chapter 18: Love this story..
markjin18 #3
Chapter 18: i love this story so much!!<3
Oohmaknae_ #4
Chapter 18: Omg! I'm glad i saw your story!!! This really made me feel so alive like it made me feel so many emotions in just 3 hours of reading this. Thank you for creating this story! You inspire me to do better on writing. Thank you for feeding my markjin heart >^<
Asdjjfkfififikv, this is so good. Royalty markjin is life. Thank you so much. God bless you.
Chapter 18: Aaaaaanw, this storie sz
I read so fast :(, so amazing!
Really, Namjoonie, how you could don't be friend of Jacks? Heartless u.u
Jaebum e Youngjae, i though you never will be togheter u.u, but here we are!
Can't believe my young and rich couple saved lifes so many times! Thank you boys, you can dab everywhere forever, husband and husband.
Sooyoung unnie, thank you fo take care of 'uri' Nyeongie~, Sungjae-ah, take care of her and be happy~
Autor-nim, thank you for more one incredible and great storie! I really loved all of !
Chapter 5: Damnnn :')
Chapter 18: oh this is should be on my fav ff list!!!! I freaking love this!!! omg TTvTT
Igot7-markjin #9
Chapter 17: "This is only the beginning" Oh the feels. LOVE THIS BOOK.
Chapter 18: I can't thank you enough for this, you're the best. Although this is the end, i still love you man :')