The Escape pt1


“You guys are insane,” Sooyoung spoke up from beside them, “There are guards everywhere, if they catch you, you know what’s going to happen.”  She tried to dissuade them from leaving.

“We need to leave now, we can’t use the front entrance but if we go out the back nobody is going to know.  The guards aren’t out there yet.” Mark said as he scrambled through Jinyoung’s belongings looking for a satchel.

“The back?  We don’t have a back entrance.”  Jinyoung said.

“Technically, you don’t, but, we have no choice.  We can just… climb the fence and get out through there.” Mark said and Jinyoung grabbed his arm to stop him and have him look at him while talking.

“Mark, even if we do that and manage to loop back around to the front the guards are still going to be waiting for us.”  Jinyoung said sternly.

“Who said we would go to the front?  We just have to go backward, they won’t find us then.”

Both of the Park siblings were not staring at him as if he’d lost his marbles.  “Go backward?  Mark, I told you, there’s nothing back there but trees and forest and…”  Jinyoung looked worried.

“That can’t be true… if we go far enough there has to be something.   The northern kingdom stretches out very far, I can’t believe that the forest doesn’t have an end.” Mark spoke confidently.

Jinyoung released his arm and sat back down on his bed. “The forest goes back a very far way, how are we even going to make it that far?  Can we make it that far?  This is so…” 

“Scary?  Stupid?  Impossible?  Maybe, but if we stay here I’m not going to see you again, and I’d rather take this risk than ever let that happen.” 

Jinyoung closed his eyes and took a moment to breathe deeply and think before he opened them again.  “Alright, we're leaving.”

“Are you crying?”  Jinyoung asked, worried about Jackson standing in front of them

“I, no!  I’m just…”  Jackson looked like he had given up on denying it.  “Mark… is this end then?  All these years together, partners in crime, are we finally splitting up?”  Jackson tried to smile but the water welling up in his eyes gave away that he knew he was being serious this time around, despite him asking for further confirmation.

“Jackson… I’m sorry.  I know this is hard, it’s hard for me too.”  Mark’s voice cracked before he had even realized it.

“Don’t apologize; it’s for a good cause.”  Jackson glanced over at Jinyoung and grinned through the tears openly falling down his face.  “I knew from the moment Mark told me he liked you this would happen, really.  The feelings you have for each other are stronger than anything I’ve ever experienced.  I just didn’t think it would be this… dramatic?”  He wiped away the tears on his face but they just kept falling.  “Argh, what’s wrong with me? I should be happy.”

Mark felt his resolve disappear when he saw Jackson crying, rushing to pull him into his arms for a deep hug, his own tears staining the back of Jackson’s shirt.  They were always very tender people deep down.  There was no shame in a moment like this.  “This isn’t the end, okay? “  Mark finally pulled away.  “We’re definitely going to meet again, no matter what the circumstances are, no matter how long it takes, you’re always the greatest friend I’ve ever had.”

“Wow, Markie-pooh… I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me in the past six years,  why did it take us finally splitting up to get a decent compliment out of you?!”  Mark smacked him across the shoulder and Jackson finally let out his signature hyena laugh through the tears.  “That’s the Mark I know!”

“You idiot, I’m going to miss you.”  Mark said, giving Jackson one more quick hug before looking over at Jinyoung.

He knew he had spoken about what they were planning with Jaebum earlier, but it was a little strange to see them show no remorse openly; simply talking about how they were going to make all of this happen without any trouble.

“I think Mark is right, there’s definitely something beyond there, but I really can’t say how long it would take to reach there.  I’m not sure if it’s even possible on foot.”  Jaebum slung a heavy satchel around Jinyoung’s neck.  “There are supplies in here, but it’s not going to last longer than a week, and since you need to travel lightly I can’t give you anything else.  I hope you know how dangerous this is, none of us know what kinds of things lurk far beyond the fence.  I can’t give you much useful advice.”

“Are you really that worried about me, Jaebum?”  Jinyoung tried to poke fun but Jaebum didn’t even flinch.

“Of course, I’m worried.”  He said seriously.

Mark never understood their relationship that well.  He knew from Jinyoung they had known each other practically their entire lives yet they weren’t as openly affectionate like he was with Jackson. He knew there was so much of their relationship that ran deep beneath the surface he could never begin to comprehend it.

“What, think I won’t be able to handle being without you?  I’m not a child anymore.”

Jaebum bit his lip nervously, like he was trying to find the right words to say.  “No, It’s just going to be… weird… without you.”

Jinyoung looked like he caught what he was trying to say.  “It’s going to be weird without you as well, we were basically attached at the hip for so long, but I think we both have things we need to move on from in order the pursue what we really want in life. Isn’t that right?”

“You were always so refined in the way you talk, like you were quoting a book with every sentence.  I’ve always hated it, but, of course, you’re right.  I’m going to miss you, but I know you’re in good hands.”

Jinyoung’s eyes crinkled up as he smiled genuinely at him, holding out a fist.  “The feeling is mutual.”

Jaebum grinned back, bumping his fist with Jinyoung’s, and then pulling him into a quick hug.

“Where’s Youngjae?”  Mark belatedly asked.

“I didn’t wake him up; I’ll tell him everything later.  I know he’s not going to take it well, so I didn’t want him to become a burden for you.”  Jaebum explained.  “I’ll make sure he’s alright,” Jaebum smiled gently at his own words and Jinyoung exchanged a knowing glance with Mark.   “You guys should get going, there can’t be much time before the guards report for duty.”

“Wait!  J-Jinyoung…”  Sooyoung yelled, immediately becoming shy when he turned to look at her.  “I just wanted to apologize.  I know I haven’t been the best sister for a long time now but I need you to know that I never stopped caring.  I’ll never forget all the things you did for me, and I’m always thankful for how protective you are of me, even though I don’t act like it.  Thank you truly, for everything.”  She bowed at a full ninety degrees to show her gratitude and Jinyoung ran over to her, pulling her up and fitting her in his arms.

“I’m sorry I didn’t respect your decisions, I’m sorry I thought you needed to be protected forever.  We were both wrong but it’s all forgiven.  At the end of the day, you’re my sister, and I’ll always love you.”  Jinyoung held her closer and Sooyoung sniffled into his shirt.

“I love you too.”  She whispered, muffled by the fabric but still audible.

Jaebum cut in, signaling that they had to go now so Jinyoung pulled away and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before turning to Sungjae standing in the back.  “You better take good care of her.  You hurt her and I will find you.  Understand?”

Sungjae nodded and bowed obediently, unable to respond with words.

“Good,” Jinyoung turned around and grabbed Mark’s hand.  “Let's go.”

Jaebum left first, making sure there were no stray servants or guards hanging around the hallways, telling them when they had a clear path.  They snuck through the corridors like the night before, except this time the situation was far more dangerous.

Thankfully, they made it out to the garden with ease and the guards were not on duty yet. 

“I can’t believe this thing might actually come in handy.”  Mark picked the bundle of fabric and sticks Jinyoung left on the ground the night before.  “I just hope you’ll be able to actually put it together this time.”

“Two minds are better than one, how complicated could a tent be?” 

“Too complicated for you, apparently.”

Jinyoung side-eyed him.  “Enough talking, we need to leave.”

As they walked quickly towards the edge of the property they were startled by sudden rustling behind them.  They didn’t even get a chance to turn around fully before they heard Jaebum yelling.


Guards.  There were at least five, angered looks on their faces.

“Prince Park!  Prince Tuan!  What are you doing?!”  One yelled.

Mark immediately took Jinyoung’s hand and started sprinting, pulling him along.  There was no time to think, they just had to go.

Jinyoung stumbled a bit trying to keep up with his pace, and as soon as they reached the fence Mark latched on, climbing it with grace and speed, trying to ignore the sound of Jinyoung’s favourite flowers crushing underneath his feet as he climbed higher. 

He reached the top with relative ease, despite carrying a pile of stuff in one arm; as soon as he got to the top he dumped the supplies over and swung himself over to the other side.  He stopped abruptly when he realized Jinyoung wasn’t beside him. 

He was much lower on the fence, climbing at a steady pace but more slowly than Mark.  He knew they were both fit but he had overestimated Jinyoung’s ability to climb.  “You need to go faster, they’re—“The guards were reaching the fence and Jinyoung was panicking.  He every step up he took he lost his balance, or slipped on flowers.  Mark’s heart was beating a mile a minute.

Mark tossed his body back over the fence and climbed down a bit to take Jinyoung’s arm and pull him up, but suddenly he was yanked down and Mark was barely able to keep him from falling right off.

“Mark, they- ah!”  Mark looked down the see one of the guards trying to climb up the fence as well, one arm grabbed at Jinyoung’s bag, trying to make him fall.  “Mark!  I can’t hold on!”  He tried to flail his leg around but he couldn’t do it properly without losing his grip.

Mark’s grip on Jinyoung was slipping, if he didn’t let go he was going to be overpowered.  He couldn’t let that happen.    “Jinyoung, when I say now kick down with your leg, okay?”

“Yes!”  Jinyoung yelled desperately trying to hold on.

“Let go!  Come down!”  Guards were yelling and more were trying to climb up so Mark acted as quickly as he could.  In one fluid motion, he pulled the bag strap around and off Jinyoung, causing the guard to lose his grip on Jinyoung, the bag hanging limply in his hand.

“Now!”  Jinyoung kicked down, straight where the guard’s face was.  Now that he was no longer holding on properly to Jinyoung, he lost his grip and went flying down off the fence.  Mark didn’t even look down, he just grabbed Jinyoung and practically pushed him up the fence, so he climbed faster and reached the top.  “Just jump down!”

Jinyoung obeyed, jumping down and landing on his feet, and Mark climbed up and followed suit.  The bottoms of his feet hurt as he landed hard, but he tried to ignore the pain as he scrambled to pick up the remnants of the tent and bolted into the trees behind Jinyoung.

They could still hear the guards yelling, neither of them dared to look back.  They just kept running as fast as they could straight back, dodging low hanging branches and overgrown roots.  The tree cover was thick, there was barely any ground to walk properly on, but they kept running.  They kept running until the guards’ voices became faint.  They kept running until they couldn’t hear anything anymore.  They kept running even more after that, just to be sure.  Until finally, neither of them could handle it anymore and they stopped, passing out and falling to the ground, heavily panting and covered in sweat.

“I don’t think…. They’re… following us… anymore.”  Mark said in deep breaths and he rested against a tree trunk.

Jinyoung was just crouched down next to a tree, face in his hands.

“J-Jinyoung?”  He got up on his knees and crawled over to him.  “Are you okay?”  He put a hand on his shoulder.  He was shaking.  “Jinyoung?”

Strangled sobs escaped from his throat.  Soon the tears leaked out from between his fingertips and he couldn’t hold it back any longer.

That was the first time he had ever seen Jinyoung bawl.

They weren’t sure how long they had walked before the tree cover started to thin and they found a clearing.  They still couldn’t see an end in sight, but it was a good sign.

They weren’t certain when it started to rain, but they both continued through it in comfortable silence for most of the walk.  Jinyoung had cried for a while with Mark patting him on the back.  He said he was finished but he still looked out of it, and the rain helped to mask any tears that were still falling.

Hours had passed by, with them just walking.  The rain just wouldn’t let up, drenching them both and chilling them to the core.

The situation was grim.  Jinyoung had lost his bag in the struggled leaving them with nothing but a tent.  Unless they found something to sustain themselves their bodies were going to give out quickly. 

The rain finally stopped and they took advantage of the moment.  They dried the fabric as best they could and assembled the tent so it wouldn’t collapse.  Jinyoung gave out directions and Mark put it together and they managed to get something up and standing.

The sun dipped lower in the sky, the light had almost faded when they finished setting up.

“It’s just as cramped as before, but I think it’s going to stay up this time,” Mark pulled back the fabric and nestled himself inside.  “Unless it starts raining again, then we might have a problem.”

“Please!  Sky!  No more rain!”  Jinyoung dramatically called out to the sky with his arms up in the air and Mark laughed uncontrollably.

“Good to see you’re feeling better.” 

“I think the lack of food and water is making me delirious.” Jinyoung stated, causing Mark to laugh again.  Maybe he was a bit delirious as well.

They needed supplies but they were both much too tired and wet to even think about it that night, both of them agreeing that they would survive until morning under the current circumstances.

Jinyoung crawled into the tent next to Mark, when the flap closed it was pitch black and they both struggled to find somewhere comfortable to lie.  The hard ground wasn’t the best spot to get a good night’s rest, but they were both tired enough that they were sure they could sleep anywhere.

Their arms were pressed against each other and Mark was a bit flustered and their close proximity, even though he had slept in Jinyoung’s bed on many occasions.  The whole situation felt a little different. There was some sort of tension hanging over them.  He didn’t dare move, as he couldn’t see exactly where Jinyoung was.  He knew he was cold and wet and he didn’t want to touch him unnecessarily.

“Ah-choo!”  Jinyoung suddenly sneezed and Mark flinched.

“Are you okay?”  Mark tried to tilt his head to look over at him but then he realized he couldn’t see anything anyways.

“I’m fine... it was just a singular sneeze.”

“Hm, doesn’t that mean someone’s talking about you?”

Jinyoung let out a throaty chuckle.  “Mark, I’m pretty sure at this point a lot of people are talking about us.”

“I guess you’re right.”  Mark said simply.  Silence falling over them.

After a few moments, Jinyoung spoke.  “I love you.”

Mark smiled to himself in the darkness.  “I love you too.  Don’t worry; everything is going to be fine.”

“I know. It’s not like there’s any turning back now.  We’ll figure out something.  I believe in you.”

“I believe in us.”

Jinyoung didn’t answer but Mark could tell he was grinning.  He reached out a hand as he felt around for Mark’s face; as soon as he felt it he leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

“Good night Mark.” 

“Good night Jinyoung.”

A/N:  Sorry it's been so long since I've updated!  Honestly it didn't seem like such a long time because I've sat down and written and rewritten this chapter about 500 times because it kept turning out wrong!  So sorry about making you guys wait!  Please forgive me!!  Also, this is not the last we're seeing of jackson/jaebum/youngjae, so don't worry about that!  Thank for your subscriptions and upvotes, and I hope you have/had a nice day!!

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so... who wants an epilogue?


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Chapter 10: Im actually sobbing my eyes out this whole chapter it's making me unbelievably emotional right now ?
Chapter 18: Love this story..
markjin18 #3
Chapter 18: i love this story so much!!<3
Oohmaknae_ #4
Chapter 18: Omg! I'm glad i saw your story!!! This really made me feel so alive like it made me feel so many emotions in just 3 hours of reading this. Thank you for creating this story! You inspire me to do better on writing. Thank you for feeding my markjin heart >^<
Asdjjfkfififikv, this is so good. Royalty markjin is life. Thank you so much. God bless you.
Chapter 18: Aaaaaanw, this storie sz
I read so fast :(, so amazing!
Really, Namjoonie, how you could don't be friend of Jacks? Heartless u.u
Jaebum e Youngjae, i though you never will be togheter u.u, but here we are!
Can't believe my young and rich couple saved lifes so many times! Thank you boys, you can dab everywhere forever, husband and husband.
Sooyoung unnie, thank you fo take care of 'uri' Nyeongie~, Sungjae-ah, take care of her and be happy~
Autor-nim, thank you for more one incredible and great storie! I really loved all of !
Chapter 5: Damnnn :')
Chapter 18: oh this is should be on my fav ff list!!!! I freaking love this!!! omg TTvTT
Igot7-markjin #9
Chapter 17: "This is only the beginning" Oh the feels. LOVE THIS BOOK.
Chapter 18: I can't thank you enough for this, you're the best. Although this is the end, i still love you man :')